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FAQ: Answers To The Most Asked Questions - Start Here dgadmin295013 years 45 weeks ago

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This is Rein Ford Loan Lending Firm,
Are you in desperate need of funds?
Do you desire a house or a car but lack the finances to acquire it?
Are you in need of funds for your real estate business or project establishment?
Have you been turned down by other lenders or banks?
Are you in need of funds to pay all your bills or for your child education?
Are you in need of funds to acquire a property or for Agricultural purpose?
Rein Ford Lending firm is granting you the opportunity to actualize your dream.We offer all type of loans to interested persons for any purpose.Contact us today through the below email address if you are interested in a loan of any type.


I would be interested in getting a loan to get started in real estate.

loan info

Do you loan on purchase/rehab mobile home parks?

the loan programs you offer

i would like a complete list of the loan products you offer include all terms, points, any origination fees, how fast can you fund P.S have alot of deals to do and buyers needing loans please send me your different loan programs for residential and commercial to 20 units.THANK YOU (Tony,FL)

Need more information

DTala's picture

Please e-mail me at DTala43@yahoo com with any and all infromation on the loans you provide. thanks!

Need funding ASAP

lmwinvestments's picture

Hello, My name is Mike and I need a loan or funding partner for $8,000. to finish a rehab. Please let me know if you can help. Thank you and have a great day.

financing a deal

I am looking for financing on a home i just bid on. They accepted a bid of 51,770 the house is valued on zillow for 79,900.Need to close by March 21. want to close quick

Construction loans?

Hello, I would like to know how financing can be structured on buying SFRs in bulk, maybe 4 or 5 at a time, that needs average updating, using a construction loan or an optional type of financing that you would recommend.
Also, with the flood of REO commercial real estate on the market, how can financing be structured for a 5+ multi-unit bldg that needs rehabbing?
Your advice would be most appeciated.

Best Regards,


more information

Hi' my name is Perry and I would like to get some more information on the kinds of loan's you offer, trying to decide to go with lease option's or try buying and holding, but need money to buy properties. thank you. looking forward to hearing from you.