Real E. Investor2010

All About Real E. Investor2010

Real E. Investor2010's picture
About Me: 

My name is Don and I'll be investing in Birmingham, AL area looking for CASH Buyers, Investors, Attorneys, Realtors, etc to expand!!!
If you are a CASH investor and want to invest in great deals, send where you are interesting in buying property and what criteria....

More Family Time, Traveling, Fishing, Snowboarding! Just Want to Live Life

Topics I've Participated In

Ask Dean's Coaches a Question nstreet3748 years 26 weeks ago
assigning a deal D-HI6309 years 49 weeks ago
Help need a form to hold a property..which one to use?? A.Harris514 years 28 weeks ago
Negotiating through realtors instead of seller sabrinamcgowens1614 years 28 weeks ago
What Forms Do I Need? erictumlinson314 years 28 weeks ago

Basic Info

Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



sistreat's picture

I wanted to stop by and welcome you to Deans board. We are all like one big family here on the board. We help each other and ask many questions.
If you will fill out your profile and let everyone know all about you and where you are from...chances are you will find someone living close to you that you can network with and give each other support and knowledge. That is what it is all about in this business.
Dean has provided a great tool here for each of us to become wealthy and several here on the board have became very wealthy...I have watched them go from nothing to where they are today. Personally I have wholesaled 21 cash deals since I started a couple years ago. Get in here and take advantage of all these great resources and new real estate friends and make a drastic change in your life too. I look forward to hearing about your first deal. You can do it! I am cheering for you!

May You have Great Success

JJD's picture

May You have Great Success on your Journey!

Thanks For Coming Aboard!


Thanks and you are doing a

Real E. Investor2010's picture

Thanks and you are doing a great job! Your guidance helps many and positive attitude comforts plenty. keep up the good work.

Just to say hi

I am just starting out in real estate investing. looking for local investors to network with.DO you live in the Birmingham?If so would like to here from you.

i need some help

i have a lead but dont know what to ask or do this is my first one can you help?Im willing to do what ever to get the deal done

Birmingham, AL....Investments

Birmingham, AL...New Investor Program....LLC Blanket Loan!!!! Families Matter, LLC believes in providing quality structurally sound houses for home owners. Our investment approach is to provide our pre-screened tenant buyers a 100% renovated home in a safe neighborhood. Once the tenant buyer is placed in the house, we immediately start qualifying them for a mortgage with a qualified mortgage professional. You, the investor will receive a monthly cash flow along with the back-end cash out whenever the buyer qualifies for a loan.

We currently have a 3 house package that is collectively cash flowing at $2000 per month!!!!These are quality brick homes on quiet streets. You, the investor, can purchase these homes at 75%LTV. There are no repairs and the homes are in pristine condition.

We have partnered with a bank that will package these homes into one loan (blanket) in the name of your LLC. This bank is exclusive to us and for our home purchases only. If you don't have an LLC, we will help you create one. The best part about this loan is it will be in name of the LLC and it won't be on your personal credit!! We are selling these Birmingham packages to investors across the country. Hurry before this one is gone! There are minimal requirements but your rate will range between 6-7%.

Click on the link below below and listen to a testimonial from one of our investors from New Jersey. He recently bought a five house package from us. Also, fill in the information page with your contact information and we will contact you very shortly. More information about the 3 house package is located on the website.

I Need Sound Advice

If I have someone who is just wanting me to help them find a place to rent, what forms will I use and how do I get paid? I am a new student as of last week and have not yet received my books I ordered. Do you have any advice?

Also! what forms do I use when it come to those who are willing to rent to own and how does this process work? I am willing to share some of the profits if you like.


Im not that far away, i am in the Georgia area and looking for partners to do wholesaling with

New To This

jdilley09's picture

I'm a newbie here and I'm treating this site as my new face book lol. Just wanted to say what's up and I hope you make lots of money and have crazy fun. I'm looking to build my buyers list now and get really involved with the DG Fam.

Need help

I recently acquired property in Birmingham, AL, I live in WA State so it is impossible for me to look at the property. I have no contacts there and need help, guidance. advice to find someone to help me. I would like to sell it but with limited information on the condition of the property -- "well let's just say I am lost to know what I should do".
Any help would be appreciated.