Joined: 2009-08-18
Points: 159

Phillip Lully
Title | Poster | Replies | Updated |
Weekly Wisdom #388 -We Can't Un-Do The Past | dgadmin2 | 14 | 8 years 21 weeks ago |
Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #138 - Watch this, win Dean's iPad | dgadmin | 2401 | 8 years 39 weeks ago |
Weekly Wisdom #254 - Leopards Changing Spots | dgadmin | 474 | 9 years 12 weeks ago |
Weekly Wisdom #335 - Do You Want My Personal iPad? | dgadmin2 | 333 | 9 years 19 weeks ago |
Weekly Wisdom #342 - The Challenge Challenge! (WILL YOU ACCEPT?) | dgadmin2 | 17 | 9 years 35 weeks ago |
Thanks Dean for the connection you make
to your students, even I'm sure many of us have not made it yet...yes I know
fake it till we make it...perhaps we could douse ourselves in anti BS powder
so we don't come off sounding like we're only BSing somebody about our intentions !! Being serious about our desires alone is'nt enough to launch us to success...we still need a helping hand, Thanks for your willing
heart and hand. Phil Lully
Yes Dean, you right on with the title;
I laughed, Cried, and felt so glad for
Carol....nobody should have to go through that kind of ordeal...I felt carol's pain as I've been through the fires too! in 2007 I lost my income when I was laid off...lost my bank acct. then lost my my goal is to turn it all around and get myself back into my own home again..each new blog is like a shot in the arm to give renewed vigor and once
again renew my belief in myself that I
will once again get out this pit I'm in
Thanks Dean and please keep the great blogs coming. Phil Lully
The call with Joe Jurek was way beyond
good, it was off the hook ! I don't suppose you'll have another one some time like this call? I feel that it shared some great info with me like no
class room could ever do !!
I found myself glued to the call, hanging on every word...yes I did a ton of writing...two pages...I have my own short hand...get key issues and points down. Thanks both to you and
Joe Jurek. Phil L.
Absolutely Dean,
your so right when you stress that mind set is important.
I have heard this one reacuring theme
of mind set...not just from you but other successsful leaders in business.
I appreciate your weekly wisdom so
much because not only do I hear what you are saying...but I get to look
into your know what is said about the eyes? that they are the window to your soul...I feel that your eyes convey HOPE to people because thats what people are looking for most..HOPE. so keep throwing out those lifelines to people. Thanks a bunch Dean, Phil Lully.
This weekly wisdom blog video is a great tool to keep us connected and inspired.
Thanks so much for your dedication to
helping your participants and members.
when things look bleak...your input is the pick me up we all need.
Thanks for being the lighthouse in a stormy sea of hurdles we must navigate.
Kind Regards, Phil Lully
Thanks Dean and Briana ya know we hear all the time how kids have brilliant incite and wisdom some times... this is one of those times. Your Briana has hit home with
that one thing about how we feel about what other people may say or do that effects how we feel about ourselves...
Great WW Dean Thanks for sharing with me tonight!! Another endeavor of mine is in The Health and Wellness Industry and dealing with people face to face or at long distance via. the internet I now have Fresh perspective from this Weekly Wisdom. Phil
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News Diet Challenge...and mind reshaping
Yes Dean, its most definitely a challenge to purge one's self from the
clutches of Negitive inputs. I know
well as I have in the past gone without
any TV in the news, lost time on shows nada !! Anyway I'm tuned back in to the refreshing of Non negative inputs of any kind. Thanks and
keep the Blog coming. Phil Lully