In this week's Weekly Wisdom I have a challenge challenge for you... Yep, you read that right!!!
So watch my 342nd Weekly Wisdom RIGHT NOW and find out how using challenges as motivation can have you accomplishing things like never before!!
And make sure to comment on the video and let me know what you think!! I love hearing from everyone
- Sincerely, Dean Graziosi -
You have so much Energy!
Hum a challenge wow! I am going to challenge myself.
I want and need two homes and those two homes are going to be in two different cites 10 miles apart from one another and within three years from today. To me that is a challenge along with a goal and that's what my head says to type here.
Thank you! Dean your the bestest and your energy level is wow a tornado.
LL Southern California
Hey Dean
I am challenged already alone and easily overwhelmed with so much to do. What you say makes perfect sense. I watched Brenden's 5 x 50 last evening and took notes. Thanks.
I realize my Egypt is fear of man and fear of success. Will need to come out of this comfort zone and barrel forward with a plan. What I can not figure out I will have to put in God's hands. The positive is that I am growing as a person in this valley and season (years) of famine.
Hey Dean!
Great WW! That's awesome, keep pushing Jeremy and let us know how the rase goes in a couple months. Challenging others is a great way for us to push each other and provide accountability. In doing the time exercise last week i found there's a few places I can get some of my time back, so I'm working on changing a few habits and creating new ones. I listed to Brendon's 5 x 50 yesterday and have challenged myself to do it this week. Thanks for all you do!
Make it a great week!
For me everyday's a challenge in my quest for success..I get distracted, fall off my plan, lose focus, and get in my own way! I know you've heard all this before, Dean, and I know I'm not alone in the struggle. I appreciate your Weekly Wisdom and always look forward to it.
Good ideal just called my sister and son and
challenged them to a 3 month weight loss. I have
been saying I was going to do this for months
and saw this, this morning and listening to you
made me think just do it. Thank You Dean
Maybe a challenge is what I need to finally get off this fence I've been sitting on for too many years! Still have so much anxiety about this as my past investing failures (very expensive failures) keep haunting me. Thanks for not giving up on me, and not letting me give up on myself. And I never would have guessed you're over 40, Dean!
1/2 marathon challenges
Dean boy can I relate to you and running. Been running or power walking since 1988 and I have done numerous 5k's (3.1 miles) half marathons (13.1) and even three full marathons (26.2). A car accident in 2006 ended my running for almost 3 years due to internal injuries. Needless to say last year I gained more weight was up to 220 lbs. this past October my friend challenged me to loose the weight by getting back into half marathon mode. I ran the Ocala half marathon in Fl back on Jan 25, 2015 and another half 2 months later. I lost 30 lbs. now summer is here and the heat will kill you in central fl and I was finding excuses for not power walking so I challenged my friend to do the Capital City River Run half marathon for Sept. 19, 2015. This is my kick in the butt to keep going to loose another 30 lbs. if you don't have your health you have nothing. That is my why and checking in weekly to these blogs keeps my spirits up. Thanks for all the positive blogs.
I love Challenges
Great video Dean. I use this challenge strategy in the gym while I workout with some of my workout partners. Like you said its a friendly challenge and it works for me. I'm going to see how can I apply this in my real estate career.
Great WW Dean. I love fun and inspiring challenges
My 2 Challenges are Golf related: 1. Be long or at least to the hole on 90% of my chips, pitches and putts without going more than 4 feet past the hole, and 2. Make 30% of putts from 10-30 feet in length.
Challenge W of W #342
Thanks a bunch for the challenge Dean. I know what I have to do. It appears I'm not the only one who needed this today. Although it was speaking of pressing forward or getting motivated. I've actually been struggling with trying to get back in shape. Like most , I've been overwhelmed. However, I'm accepting the challenge to get back on track with my real estate and my health. In the words of Deon Sanders " When you look good, you feel good, When you feel good, you perform well." I need to dust off the weighted distractions and get moving. So yes, I accept the challenge. This was no coincidence that this was your topic today.
You're not the only one.
You're not the only one. I've had the same problem. That is why I'm also challenging myself to stay connected with the post and getting back in shape to keep me motivated. Life does have a way of throwing you off track with distractions of personal life. This will be my connection of resetting my mind and emotions when those distractions come along. I will definitely use these Words of wisdom as my cheerleader/motivator. Wishing you much success from this day forward.
While I was gone
Hi Dean,
I know that I have been off the radar for a few months now. I am not going to bore you with a lot of details, but here is what has been going on with me. For a time, I was really pumped listening to tapes, making notes, going to auctions, getting numbers from buyers sellers and everything in between.
Well, when I really talk with them and especially real estate agents, 90% or more acted like I had the plague. Because I did not have a real estate license they could get into a lot of trouble and were very hesitant to work with me. They feared that they would go to jail, lose their job, or receive fines.
Therefore, I took a real estate course. I have taken and passed three of the four exams necessary. The only exam that I have left is one that I will be taking on July 6. I am sold 100% on the business. I will have to do some things differently. I will keep you posted.
Let's do it!
Who here is BRAND new and wants to make it a challenge to wholesale their first deal?
I have my why, I have everything I need, but I'm holding back for no damn reason. Anyone up for the challenge?? It'll be fun! And we all win in taking action!
I've been seeking out ways to connect with members or find a mentor - SOMETHING. Anyone?
challenge on
This is my first time on this site. I really would like to learn RE, but since I am so young I am here to learn what you have to teach on BYE stuff. I am going to take the challenge to do some running. Hope this site will help me to be a better person, more positive and to let things go that I do not have control over. My WHY.
Weekly Wisdom #342 - The Challenge Challenge! (WILL YOU ACCEPT?)
Hi Dean,
I like your challenges.......
.......I accept
Have a Safe and Happy 4th of July......xo
Great challenge Dean
My own challenge is to continue losing weight
which I've been doing over the last year and 7 months. I've have so far dropped 42 lbs. still have more to go! I know what you mean to push beyond the limits of what you may feel is your
max, and soon we begin to see our next level of
what's possible for us all !! Thanks for the cool reminder.
Balanced Life Challenge
Hey All,
We're doing a Balanced Life 4 week challenge on Insider Elite. Stop by and check out the Expert Contributions. Great Stuff is Happening!
Best of Success,