
All About MrKoffee

MrKoffee's picture
S.E. Oklahoma
About Me: 

I'm a Software Engineer by training and I have a J.O.B. But my wife and I sure are tired of being Just Over Broke. My wife received her education in Education. She taught 1st through 6th grades (not all at once Smiling ) for many years and loved doing it. Now she is staying home to raise our (surprise) son. While our situation is not as dire as some on this site, we feel that there is more to life then my two hour round trip commute. We want to find time to play with our son, to not feel stressed about money and to go on vacation sometime. I've always wanted to buy and sell real estate but never had the time, training or confidence to do so. I believe Dean and his Academy will take us to where we want to go.

Topics I've Participated In

The possibilities are endless MrKoffee814 years 4 weeks ago
Are They Making Payments ? raven1234514 years 19 weeks ago
Credit Repair samm5195214 years 19 weeks ago
Challenge for Dean!!! mordokwan3214 years 24 weeks ago

Basic Info

Software Engineer
Have Child(ren)
Completed College

Sites I Visit


Aloha & Mahalo! George

JJD's picture

Hello and Welcome to the DG Community!
May You have Great Success on your Journey! You will find a vast array of information at your disposal on this site. Most of your questions can also be answered by researching in some of the Forums, Posts, and other links available. It would also be to your advantage to complete your profile to it's fullest as well as creating your own personal journal such as my example here:



MrKoffee's picture


Belated thanks for the welcome. I am on the forums constantly but I forget to login and didn't see this until today. I need to remember to login, and I will fill out the profile and start a journal ASAP.

Mr. Koffee

Your Welcome!

JJD's picture

Best Of Success!

Don't forget to download all the great resources I have up for everyone as well as to study the forums and watch ALL the Videos........Reading Dean's Books should be inferred!


Welcome George

sistreat's picture

You are right about there being more to life than a 2 hour round trip commute and not being able to spend much time with your son.
Welcome to Dean's board he has created for all of us to learn and grow in our real estate endeavors. I know Dean can help you out of your current situation. I have wholesaled 21 properties since I started with Dean about 2 years ago..maybe a little longer.
You have to first commit to reading, reading reading and asking lots of questions on the board about things you aren't sure of.
If you can join the Success Academy that would be a huge plus for giving your RE business a big kick start. I never went through it but read everything and asked a ton of questions to those who had went through the academy. It wasn't long at all till I did my first deal.
I want to hear about your first deal so I can celebrate for you and so you can take the first step to spending more time with your son. He needs as much time as he can get with mom and dad. Smiling
All my best to all 3 of you.

Thanks for the encouragement

MrKoffee's picture

I know that real estate will get me where we want to go. It's always nice to have other people break the trail and leave markers behind to show the way to go.

I have Dean's books on audio and listen almost every day both to and from work.

My sister and I sit down and work on the success academy every chance we get.

I was amused to hear someone at the REIA meeting say something similar to what Dean says all the time.

'At some point you have to just take action, you can read all you want about real estate but until you take action you are not in real estate'.

It was nice to actually go to a REIA meeting and SEE people who are doing RE in my 'general' area. Who are succeeding at it but are still learning how to do it. Always nice to hear the stories about how someone got into their first deal, what went wrong and what went right.