Joined: 2010-07-26
Points: 51

S.E. Oklahoma
About Me:
I'm a Software Engineer by training and I have a J.O.B. But my wife and I sure are tired of being Just Over Broke. My wife received her education in Education. She taught 1st through 6th grades (not all at once ) for many years and loved doing it. Now she is staying home to raise our (surprise) son. While our situation is not as dire as some on this site, we feel that there is more to life then my two hour round trip commute. We want to find time to play with our son, to not feel stressed about money and to go on vacation sometime. I've always wanted to buy and sell real estate but never had the time, training or confidence to do so. I believe Dean and his Academy will take us to where we want to go.
Aloha & Mahalo! George
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