It is nice to know that you read each single post that hits your website, so I am honored that you are reading mine.
The level of care and sincerity that you display is heartfelt. The effort that you give and the tools that you provide to ensure each student’s success, is truly amazing. I commend you for your work, everything that you have done, and everything that you continue to do.
I attend college full-time in addition to working full-time at the front desk of a hotel to afford me the flexibility to attend college. On top of all of that, I am a DJ who donates his time to an internet radio station, which at times, feels like another full-time job. So to say I’m busy, is an understatement.
I am trying to get my real estate investing career jump started and the ‘car out of park’, so-to-speak, to start down the road of real estate investing. I figured that if Dean, this kid hailing from a trailer park could do it, then anyone could it…including me! Knowing that I could prevail despite any obstacles, any challenges or economic barriers that I might encounter, was just what ‘the doctor ordered’!
Real estate has secretly been my life’s passion, which until now has eluded me. I not only want it more than anyone else, but I need it to be the ‘vehicle’ that transports me to a better life. A life that you’ve shown us is attainable through hard work, and simply by following in your footsteps. You’ve even provided us countless examples to follow and tons of information which we could utilize on that journey. Even with numerous failures, and weeks of countless hours spent following your examples to no avail, I am not giving up! I cannot afford the university, or the systems that you have offered for sale. I barely make enough money to pay the bills that I do have, much less order your latest system, even on the monthly payments that you so graciously offered.
Therefore, I am publically challenging you! Yes, you and everyone else on have read that correctly: I am challenging you! Challenging you to come to my home town, and spend a few weeks working with me, one-on-one. You’re invited to stay with my fiancé and me, at our home, free of charge! If you don’t feel comfortable with that, I will ensure that you get an insanely and unspeakably low rate at the hotel I work at! And after succeeding in our ventures, I will pay for your stay, including food! Either way, you will be made as comfortable as possible, so that we can fully focus on real estate!
I’m challenging you to work with me, from start to finish, implementing the techniques & examples which you've given us, while documenting everything. And In the end, you can use that documentation on to prove to the world, and all of your students that you can start with nothing; bad credit, no money, no savings, no family, no investments, while living in an economically challenged area and make it happen!
Dean, you are your own boss, and set your own schedule, so I’m hoping that you don’t try to tell me that you’re too busy, or that your schedule is ‘full’. I am reaching out to you, and asking that you take some time and help one of your most sincere and loyal students. This will not only quiet the naysayers & skeptics once and for all, but it will also help change my life, in addition to giving you the ultimate training video for, and firmly cement your position as the world’s authority in real estate, which is what you’re striving for anyway! That is a win/win/win/win situation!!!!
I know that you’re busy, so I will wait until Monday, September the 27th, 2010, 8PM, east coast standard time, for your reply. I am registered through, so you have my contact information.
I look forward to you accepting my challenge, meeting you, working with you, achieving my dreams, and documenting everything so that we can share it with the world to help everyone else as well.
You see, helping others is not only your passion, it is mine as well.
“I’m handing you the keys to my life” Dean…and asking you to unlock it.
Todd D.
Dean created books, training videos,, success academy, blogs etc to reach out to as many people as possible. Everything you need to be successful is already available. What would it prove to bring Dean to your area? There would be no success story because once he did deal after deal with you, everyone would say "of course he can do it with Deans help."
I suggest you get started with what is already available. Have confidence in yourself. Be willing to do the work and you will find success.
You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!
I well understand the frustration you feel knowing that R.E. investing is the ticket to a better life.
I would like to point out that there is a really big problem with public challenges though. Yes, Dean is his own boss, he sets his own schedule, but at which point does Dean say no? If Dean accepts your challenge and goes to your town and does the work for you, what happens when the next person challenges him to do the same? What does he do when he gets three challenges at the same time? You, in an attempt to put him in an untenable position, are setting yourself up for failure. At some point Dean will have to refuse the public challenges in order to manage his own business. When he refuses the challenge do you then complain that he's not in touch, that he doesn't really know how to do this? I believe that Dean has shown that he knows how to do this. Not only that, he has willingly put the process down (step by step) in his books. I also believe that rather then accepting your challenge he will HAVE to refuse or he will never get any rest or relaxation with his family again.
I am not attempting to interfere with your real estate learning, but rather then publicly challenging Dean I would suggest you post your questions on this board. You have been registered since July 27, 2009 but you have only posted a couple of times. There are lots of people on this board that can supply the information you need, and they are very willing to supply it!
All of us would love to have a person come out, hold our hands, and show us personally how to do it. But you have been supplied with all the lessons needed to make this a success.
I wish you lots of success using the tools Dean has supplied.
What distinguishes those who are successful from those who are not is what they know and how they apply that knowledge
L.E. Modesitt, Jr.
So let me get this straight;
You're 'challenging' a self-made millionaire, multi to be exact, to come to your house, on his own dime at a hotel, or to stay at your house with your fiance and help you do a real estate deal???
you're a college student so i'll just assume you have a futon Dean could sleep on, a PS3 that he can play with during the 'down time', and an elaborate bong to use in the living room,......during 'down time', and ramen noodles and mac & cheese to feast on. And Olde English or Boone's Farms to wash it down with
Come to think of it, a training video of Dean spending the weekend with you could actually work if done the right way. It would be hilarious to say the least, but it could work.
However, challenging him might not be the word you meant to say; how about
"I invite you to come to my town........"
Like was said, you got the books, while at work at the front desk read, read, take notes and read some more. You're a college student; all you have is time. I bought my first four homes within my first three years in college. If I can do it and i'm not the sharpest tool in the shed,......BUT!!!!!,......I pay attention and do what I must. You can do it too.
Where do you go to school at and whats your major???
Try to challenge yourself, do not challenge other people for your own benefit. Dean will not spoonfeed you because a lot of people in this forum will all accuse Dean of being unfair. Think about it. Blessings to all. LA
Everytime you repeat the words "I CAN DO IT" with conviction, you cancel or override your fear and increase your confidence. By repeating this affirmation over and over, you can eventually build your courage and confidence to the point where you are unafraid. -Brian Tracy-
You guys are condemning him for something thats really not that serious
The guy needs help and thought of an idea. He actually had the cajones to mention it and you guys are lambasting him. Let him be.
Imagine if Dean actually did do that and filmed the experience and helped him, I bet Todd's butt would be so sore from all the kissing, asking about the experience of meeting Dean;
"What's Dean like???"
"What does he eat for dinner???"
"What type of tootpaste does he use???"
Dean doesn't need anyone defending him, so please stop acting like you're his personal security detail. This kid made a bold declaration. Instead of blasting him for it, lets just try and help him instead making it seem like its sacreligious for him to actually invite Dean to his house for help.
Todd, that type of out the box mentality you've got will get you over. Keep it up and don't let anyone discourage you.
I don't know if Dean is willing to go to your town and READ you his books that you can read yourself. I think he wants the books to be your path to success. Not trying to be Dean's "security guard" either.
"Don't ask God to make life easier, instead ask God to make you a stronger person."
- someone.
Then another elixbrown comes to defend Todd and his "great" idea and bashes everyone else by telling others they're acting like a personal security guard of Deans...
I agree with the others and the FIRST elixbrown.
Todd- Are you challenging Dean to come over your town and READ you his books for you? That's pretty much whats gonna happen cuz everything he would tell you is written in those books.
In my first, I was joking in mentioning his surroundings, but I did say that the idea could actually work. And for the record in college I was a bong smokin, Dreamcast playin, ramen noodle eating, Olde English and Boone's Farms drinkin, finance major, so I can appreciate certain things
DISCLAIMER: If Dean decides to do a video or presentation of this type, I want partial credit for endorsing it.
My reason for defending was that everyone was beating him down for the mere suggestion that Dean would want to come to his house and help him out. Granted the word 'challenge' was not the appropriate word or phrase to use, but the idea, how out the box it is, is the stuff of a very good reality show or webinar.
I was very shocked that Olu, to be specific, was so critical. If my memory suits me, it was only last month when he was asking people for advice and to pray for him because he wanted to quit. Todd didn't want to quit.
I personally think its a good idea, and if it ever were to happen, Todd should be the first person Dean goes to visit and help out.
I completely commend the idea.
on this site who claimed that because Dean didn't personally call him back he quit trying for his RE dreams. HUH? Don't let that happen to you if he doesn't respond to you personally. Dean is 1 person, (well, maybe 2, just saying... but I digress) and has a huge business to run.
But, when he's done with your town, I'd just like to ask him to be a private money lender for a few of my first deals.
"Don't ask God to make life easier, instead ask God to make you a stronger person."
- someone.
What better way for him to show that it works than show up at your front door and speak with you about the book. I doubt Todd expects him to read to him while he's tucked in book, but for all the naysayers who doubt him, why not do and the exposure would be priceless.
Not saying its going to happen, but thats an idea he should consider to do show how good his techniques are.
As far as the security comment goes, unless you know that man personally and know his personal itinerary, how do you know he's too busy to work with someone that has put money in his pocket??? if anything something like this makes him that much more relateable and marketable and would allow him to stand out more in the RE world.
He doesn't people defending him.
Then another elixbrown comes to defend Todd and his "great" idea and bashes everyone else by telling others they're acting like a personal security guard of Deans...
I agree with the others and the FIRST elixbrown.
Todd- Are you challenging Dean to come over your town and READ you his books for you? That's pretty much whats gonna happen cuz everything he would tell you is written in those books.
In my first, I was joking in mentioning his surroundings, but I did say that the idea could actually work. And for the record in college I was a bong smokin, Dreamcast playin, ramen noodle eating, Olde English and Boone's Farms drinkin, finance major, so I can appreciate certain things
DISCLAIMER: If Dean decides to do a video or presentation of this type, I want partial credit for endorsing it.
My reason for defending was that everyone was beating him down for the mere suggestion that Dean would want to come to his house and help him out. Granted the word 'challenge' was not the appropriate word or phrase to use, but the idea, how out the box it is, is the stuff of a very good reality show or webinar.
I was very shocked that Olu, to be specific, was so critical. If my memory suits me, it was only last month when he was asking people for advice and to pray for him because he wanted to quit. Todd didn't want to quit.
I personally think its a good idea, and if it ever were to happen, Todd should be the first person Dean goes to visit and help out.
I completely commend the idea.
I deleted the comment cuz I felt like a jerk after I read it. you know "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." sorry if you were offended. But I still don't agree with Dean Going to his place, although if it was shown on t.v. would seem like a cool thing to watch(not watch Dean reading books but actually doing the deals.) I just think Dean would have us rather read the books.
I love it... eerr, I mean, ahhemm.. (clears throat) no bickering here!!!
PS: I believe Olu wanted to quit his current job to work solely on RE, if I'm incorrect, please correct me!
When push comes to shove though, I see a prelude to disappointment, so if Dean for some reason shouldn't accept the challenge, keep all other avenues open and NEVER give up! Time is my scarce commodity as well, sleep deprivation is my newest friend.
No need to delete anythng as all we do on here is give our opinions and keep it movin
Tammy, you are correct, Olu wanted to quit his job, but no one bashed him for his thoughts
No bickering just good, clean debating where no gets emotional and threatens to sue the other for their comments or questions
glad to hear that. As far as with Olu I think it's just normal human emotions, when someone is down it's normal for more people to help that person up. To where as we have Todd, most people including myself see it as him putting Dean in a tough spot and trying to benefit from it himself, thats where our "yeah-whatever" attitude comes in.
I see so many faces replying to ths post that I have not talked with in a long while. But anyway regarding Todd:
Todd - wll tell you that challanging DEan more than likely dd not offend him - he s a really nice and open guy but also very busy. He wrote these books to give you the handholding youare asking for so read...then when you get tiredread some more....then when you want to throw them across the room and give up....pick them up and start all read read....then TAKE ACTION! Put in offereseven if you dont feel like you knowwhat you are doing then keep doing it and continue to read. is an awesome ste and the answers to all of your questions, I am sure are already here - just check the forums. Keep your head up - push thru and t wll all work out and even if it doesnt ---- start over again and change direction but keep the same ending in view.
Much success to you Todd!
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
Good morning to everyone! LOL, I didn’t challenge anyone except Dean.
However, here all of you are...good with the bad, therefore I will respond to everyone.
To everyone who lashed out (you know who you are): being a part of this website, and/or Dean’s ‘team’, meant that you took on the responsibility to provide guidance & knowledge to others and to be positive and uplifting while doing shame on you if you didn't exemplify that.
I am not offended as much as I am let down and shocked at the negativity and assumptions that were thrown around all day. I ask each of you this: how would you feel if you received the same emails you set down and wrote me? By the way...rhetorical.
A couple of people actually took the time to read & digest what I said, despite the assumptions, so thank you.
The semantics of ‘challenged’ versus ‘invited’ is a trivial debate/argument, and not even a part of the bigger picture, so let’s move on.
I want to equate the President of the United States to Dean, and vice-versa. The president of the United States being s/he who holds the office, past, present, or future…rather than their given birth name. Before anyone gets upset, I am fully aware of the differences in their job requirements, responsibilities, and so forth, so please save that debate for someone else.
Differences aside, the President and Dean each have a responsibility and ‘duty of care’ to the people they represent. When either of them achieved their success, it didn't mean they stopped being accountable! It doesn’t mean they are no longer obligated to uphold their promises!
The fact that Dean is busy...and has become a multi millionaire, is a given...but, they are totally irrelevant and a non-factor to my challenge, therefore they’re moot let's move on.
Again, what matters is their accountability and responsibility to each of us. Just because someone sells a million+ copies of a book, or earns millions of dollars, has numerous commercials or websites, doesn’t mean they’re released from the promises and obligations that they made to each of us. In fact, their responsibilities & duties increase as their success grows. That's simple mathematics.
Just in case anyone doesn’t understand what I’m saying: the President and Dean are accountable for fulfilling their promises to us, that’s the bottom line. Clouding that fact with discussing how much money they make, or discussing how busy they are, doesn’t prove any point, except they’re busy and they’re rich.
Dean standing before us, and promising that our success in real estate is his priority and that he promises to do everything he can to ensure our success, doesn’t release him from keeping that promise!
Each one of you challenged me...right here today...on this very page. You challenged me not to give pick up Dean’s books, to keep forging ahead until I broke through…and so forth. YET, in the same breath, a lot of you told me that I shouldn’t have challenging Dean...or I didn't have the right to challenge Dean! Did I miss something??? Isn’t that an oxymoron...a double-standard...or whatever else you want to label it? I found this... ’interesting’, to say the least.
I am passionate about real estate, so I challenged Dean for a reason, period. I know it might not sit well with some, but my challenge is perfectly legit & valid, and it still stands. I do not offer any apologies, nor do I feel bad for saying ‘challenges’ instead of ‘invites’.
I never said that I don’t have the highest respect for Dean, because I do. Yet that was also twisted and you guys made assumptions and put those words out there, not me.
I also read that I was trying to put Dean in an ‘awkward’ position! Wow...someone will have to explain that one to me, in great detail! How could I possibly put the world’s authority in real estate, the person who has taught millions of people how to become successful in real estate, in an ‘awkward’ position? Accepting my challenge should be a ‘walk in the park’, and an easy task given Dean’s skill sets, not something which is awkward or inconvenient.
I am challenging Dean to take me, someone attending college full-time, working full-time, and show the entire world that he can make his techniques and systems work for anyone, anywhere! The challenge would encompass everything from start to finish, while documenting it in great detail. This would help answer questions for anyone who has them, and provide guidance for anyone who needs it. It would silence the naysayers & critics. And it would cement Dean’s rightful place as the world’s foremost real estate expert. Again, that’s a win/win/win/win situation.
I also pose this: why are there forums on anyway? One side of the coin is to provide support and other words, help for those who need it. On the other side of that coin, is everyone else asking tons of questions...or in other words, asking questions/needing help! If Dean’s books provided every tidbit of knowledge needed and answered every question there was, then there wouldn’t be any forums or questions located anywhere here on, would there? But there are hundreds of questions...why? Sorry...again, rhetorical.
Whether or not I’m rich or poor, old or young, living in a dorm, a house, an apartment, a duplex, or on the street, each of you made assumptions and jumped on the ‘bashing Todd’ bandwagon. And I also read a oomment from someone who wondered why I hadn’t asked any public questions...judging by the nature of today’s responses, thanks, but no thanks…I’ll continue to ‘plug away’ on my own.
Olu’ I read your post awhile back and I actually prayed for you and your success….and although you also came down on me, I wholeheartedly wish you all the best! I am not sure of your situation, but keep your head up.
Let me clarify a few things for everyone: I am not mad or bitter with Dean or anyone else for that matter. I’m an upbeat, positive, giving, and caring person. In fact, I am guilty of caring and doing more for everyone else, instead of myself. I’m a 41 year old, adult male student who has NEVER done any type of drug, been in any kind of trouble, and I donate myself and my time to numerous venues and charities.
A friend of mine was killed on 09/11, so I quit a great job, to honor him, and became a mobile trainer with the DHS. And I did so for 6 years, while sacrificing my time, and my time with my family to prevent such despicable acts. I lived out of two suitcases, in hotels around the nation, while working to secure our borders against terrorism. I had things stolen from me...which was my life. I was across country when my father passed and that literally killed me! It’s something that could have been different, if I had the freedom real estate could have given me, so that I could have been there.
During my time with the DHS, I had the pleasure of working with a wide range of people from the ex-president, to diplomats, famous people around the US to everyday people like myself.
Just because I haven’t posted any questions, doesn’t mean that I haven’t asked any privately. Just because I haven’t posted any frustrations here on, doesn’t mean that I haven’t experienced any. Just because I haven’t said that I’ve read Dean’s books from cover-to-cover, over-and-over, doesn’t mean that I haven’t. Just because I am here on challenging Dean, doesn’t mean that I have laid-down and given up!
I can’t help but laugh how you guys all got to these conclusions without asking me a single question…but I think it goes like this:
Assume which is the base word in assumption, is broken down as follows: ASS/U/ME.
Now that I have picked myself up from being challenge still stands.
I don’t know you Dean, and you don’t know me. Still, out of the blue, I have...”invited” hum, challenged you, to take an ordinary person, regardless of his circumstances, environment, or surroundings, and make him successful. With your credentials, knowledge, skills and abilities, it should be a 'walk in the park' for you and it should take you no time at all to accomplish.
No one on the face of the planet will be able to say that you knew me, and it was a set up. Accepting and dogging the Hades out of the challenge, would only provide more help and guidance for your students. It would cement your position as being the leader in the world of real estate. It would quiet your naysayer and critics, and yes, I am not a foolish or trying to hide the fact that it would also help me.
This is a GOLDEN opportunity to make a difference which creates a win/win/win/win for everyone, not just me. Documenting everything, from start to finish, is an ingenious idea that would only help everyone that EVER had any questions! Forget the conference calls and short videos; this would take things to a whole other level.
Everyone has pointed out that you have done so much, provided so much, given us so much….and I will not disagree with any of them. You yourself have said that you will not stop helping people achieve their dreams or coming up with ways for us to be successful in real estate! Here is your next opportunity!
The “I’m handing you the keys to my life Dean….” was a play on Dean’s video where he offered the keys to his house and cars to one lucky person for a week. It is my challenge to Dean, to come into my life, into my home, and to ride with me in my car, and show someone he doesn’t know from Adam, how to succeed with his techniques, from start to finish, and attain a set of keys to unlock another life, a life that we all deserve....the life (Dean's house & cars) that he was offering to one lucky person.
I made the offer before (and it still stands), you are more than welcome to stay with my fiancé and me, but someone completely twisted that gesture around and left the part out that that I would pay if we were successful.
So let me clarify and restate what I already wrote: I don’t know anyone that would feel comfortable traveling across the country and staying with a stranger...hence my offer to have you stay at the hotel which I work at, where again, I would pay for your entire stay if we are successful. I thought I was clear on that, but I guess not.
Dean, you remind me of me. You have the desire, the passion, the ‘never quit attitude, and I believe that you are the real deal. I believe that you will do everything in your power to ensure each and every student’s success. And this is your chance to prove that. Again, I look forward to hearing from, meeting you, and working with will be an honor!
Todd D.
I want Dean to come out and show me how to do everything too! Like I can't figure some things out on my own, kind of like holding my hand like I'm too weak and can't do it on my own.
.- Just kidding of course.
Join the success academy and ask questions here if you need to.
The origional post here is Very funny.
I think what started out as a bold declaration has spiraled out of control and things need to calm. i'm willing to accept some of the blame if need be because it seemed to me as though others were knocking your idea, and I defending it. Fair enough.
I for one was only joking about who you are and what your living conditions are because I didn't know your age. I thought you were a normal aged college student, especially when you mentioned you were an internet DJ. Again I meant no disrespect to you.
As far as your 'challenge' goes, I still commend the idea, and am rooting for you if it were to happen. However if it doesn't, I am still sure success for you is imminent.
Wow, is this what we are supposed to do on this site? Hey guys, I think we should be positive and not beat people down. Nothing good comes from all this negativity. Let's move on. Success to everyone here.
Even if Dean did come out to see you, you say yourself that you are a full time college student and also work at the hotel.
It sounds like you wouldn't have time to work with Dean on anything if he did show up.
I like the fact that you asked Dean for the challenge. I want to say this, with the books DG site and success academy I think of this old story about a person that wanted more. Here is that story.
Those of you who sat through Protestant Sunday school for the first few years of existence can skip this paragraph. But if you have not heard the story of the man and the flood, here it is: A man is sitting on his porch as flood waters rise. A woman floats by in a boat, asking if the man needs help. "No, thank you," says the man, "I'm trusting in the Lord." The waters rise higher, sending the man upstairs. A raft full of people floats by his second story window. "Get in," they say, "there's plenty of room." "No thanks," says the man, "I'm trusting in the Lord." The flood waters keep rising, pushing the man up to the roof. A helicopter swoops in, lowering its ladder for the man. "Thanks anyway," shouts the man, "I'm trusting in the Lord." Finally, the man is swept away in the torrent and drowns. At the gates of Heaven, the man asks God, "Why didn't you save me?" "What do you mean?'' replies God, "I sent two boats and a helicopter."
I am not saying Dean is even close to God, but he has done a lot for us, you just have to use what he has given.
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
Olu, the great thing about voicing your opinion and having discussions, is that people get to respond, and we get to learn from one another. Discussions are not simply one-sided. Therefore, people naturally respond. What's important, is HOW they respond.
Even when you're on top, life changes...things in life change. For example, let's look at the heavyweight champion of the world, in any sport: once they win, they just don't get to sit on top of the hill and not do anything or defend their title. AND NO, I AM NOT challenging Dean to a fight....before anyone construes that. I am wanting to cement Dean's position on top, not tear it down.
A champion has to train, become even more knowledgeable, and continue to want to be the best. It's easier to ascend to the top (because you're hungry and you want it), than it is to stay on top (because you achieved your goal), because people become complacent. I am not saying that Dean is complacent, because he obviously isn't.
MAE, you joke with me, but your jokes feel a little condescending and cutting in nature...but it's all good, I still love ya', and appreciate the feedback. You're being negative about the challenge, and making excuses for Dean instead of seeing the good that it could provide each and everyone of his students, as well as quieting the naysayers and critics.
The answer to your suggested dilemma is simple: If I won the lottery, I would make the time to collect my winnings, put them to use, and enjoy life! In other words: if Dean came out for a week, I would put everything else on hold, and make the time. It's that simple.
Elixbrown, it's all good fam, I like what you've had to say! We will ALL succeed, "by any means necessary"...if I could be so bold as to borrow that line!
Quotes are uplifting, I love them....I know a ton of them. But at the same time, they are not practical solutions...but nonetheless, I love them, and I use them! Here's one for everyone:
"It is not the critic who counts; nor the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." - Teddy Roosevelt.
All the best to everyone!!! I am still working on getting that first deal done...and on the path to case anyone was wondering!!!
where you from and what school do you attend???
Possible great idea; since you're a DJ, why not from time to time have discussions on real estate??? In between sets, ask for cash buyers, investors, etc??? We enjoy music too
You've got a vehicle that conceivably reach limitless people; use it to the best of your abilities. I'd be more than honored to be a guest on the show(hint, hint)
more importantly, see if you can get Dean to call in and be a guest
Great point on the DJ discussion.
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
Steve, GREAT story, I love this one! If that is ever the case, I will make sure to jump on the first boat that comes along! LOL...I know, there's a deeper meaning to the story...and no, I haven't missed it.
The vessels for my success are out there, there's NO denying that. There are also additional tools and there are countless people, including each of you, to help along the way as well.
However, the challenge was for Dean to come out, for numerous reasons. And, I won't beat those reasons to death any further.
Elix (and everyone else reading), I am attending MSU, a small university here in WV.
Yes, I'm a DJ and I used to live in NYC, Los Angeles, as well as other places. I have been a DJ for numerous years...back when there were actual cassette tapes! And I was even around when there were 8-track tapes as well...I know some of you know what I'm talking about! LOL
The content of my show, Rap & Hip-Hop, is unedited, and would not be the proper forum for real estate discussion. My show is broadcast via internet radio, and is commercial free, except when I interview artists and such...which are relevant to the music industry, when the opportunity arises.
It would not be the format to interview Dean on....HOWEVER, once we have met, the challenge is over, and I have 'changed the weather' in my life, I would be willing to risk my career, my show, and everythig else that I've achieved up to this point, to have Dean call in, and take up to three hours if needed, for an exclusive show! We could interview him, have questions and answers, and the whole nine!
So Elix, this is an excellent suggestion! One we will put to use when the time is right.
Listen to me; I used to work in the music business, for several labels like Def Jam and Atlantic and I used to manage a bunch of music groups, and actually had them tour at WVU and Fairmont State. Not sure how far that is from your school, but you'll be surprised how enlightened your audience is in regards to matters of finance and real estate.
We used to set up seminars for artists for when they get their advances that one of the first things they should do is purchase at the very least a condo because in music alot of your money comes from appearances and most times those are paid in cash and when there is an audit, guess who needs deductions??? yes the artist, so maybe try a little here and there in your shows to incorporate money or RE convo's and the lifestyles artists live to make it more inviting.
You might actually find homeowners or investors who might want to work with you because of your status; take advantage of it if you can. You might be able to squeeze into a deal with no money down...... just because
Also, I can send you a ton of artists that need exposure if you need interviews or product; I haven't been in music in over 6 years and I still get them asking me to manage them or listen to their demos......remember that song???
Hit me up and i'll give you my info.
Hope it helps
... I believe that you will do everything in your power to ensure each and every student’s success. And this is your chance to prove that. Again, I look forward to hearing from, meeting you, and working with will be an honor!
Todd D.
I think if it was in his power and ability to go into every single reader's of his book who has the determination to use the techniques, he would. Just as I have no doubt that you would do all in your power to personally catch every single terrorist in the world. I know he has flown people out to him and went and seen several of his students after they applied the book and knowledge he'd given them. So, there may be a day he does come out to see you! Never give up on your hopes and dreams. If you read 'Think and Grow Rich, you will read about a young man determined to partner with Edison. To most it was a pipe dream , but he NEVER gave up on it, and it happened to him.
While there may be a day he can come out and spend time with you, please don't wait on taking action until such time he accepts your challenge. You CAN do this, EVEN as busy as you are EVEN if Dean doesn't show up and spend a week with you. And, it will take time, especially because you are as busy as you are like me! I'm only wrapping up my first deal and I got the books last November and joined the Success Academy mid February. And there have been, and will be times I feel like giving up and calling it quits because of my crazy busy unrealistic schedule, but I won't act on a feeling when I have all the tools for success already there ready for me to use. There is no reason or excuse or blaming I can do but on myself if I don't succeed. And so, there is NO alternative. It is CERTAIN we will SUCCEED!
PS: I'd LOVE for Dean to spend time with me too! But, I know I am only one in a million (several) of his students who want to put his techniques to work and succeed. But, NEVER give up on your dreams. If he doesn't show up though, it doesn't mean anything negative about him. He doesn't have to prove himself this way as he's already proved himself in so, so, sooooo many other ways!
I do wish you the best in your journey! We'd love to follow you on a journal, so if you make one, let us know!
Hi Todd, My name is Nick. I've been doing this for less than a year. I'm still working on my first deal. It's been quite a challenge, but I believe once it (first deal) is done, it'll make things easier.
If Dean were to take on your challenge and succeed in helping you, that would be a great tool to use to show that it can be done. However, the message would be "This is what can happen to you if Dean G. comes to your house to assist you in your RE career". Also, I and thousands of others would probably feel cheated. It would not be a "Win, Win, Win, Win". If Dean were to spend that time with you, it would be a win for you but a loss for thousands (literally).
Now here is the thing, there is a very powerful story in this.
I don't know Dean from Adam. He seems like a nice guy and seems very passionate about helping people. I'd bet that if you ask for a moment of his time, he'd probably want to speak to you in an effort to help your situation.
You had mention that you like helping people. Imagine what an impact this small episode would have on everyone thats in your current situation.
Napoleon Hill: Every adversity you meet carries with it a seed of equivalent or greater benefit. (something much greater can come out of this debate)
Yes, a couple of deals can be done if Dean were to come to your house. Some (the ones that are not feeling cheated) would walk away from you and Dean's video thinking "If this guy can do it, so can I". I personally think most would think "If Dean were to come to my house, I can be a successful RE investor."
It would 'help' more people to read a story that goes like this;
" I remember back in September of 2010, I sent a challenge to Dean....
But when I realized that I didn't need him to actually come to my house and that I was more than capable of doing this with his team's tools and some inspiration, my situation immediately changed."
Now I must admit of the many times I thought "Tools and Inspiration" does not fully apply when the rubber hits the road. However, I've learned that there are dozens of scenarios when it comes to being a real eastate investor. Those tools and inspiration will apply in many more situations than Dean's personal input from one or two deals.
Todd, it's obvious that you're an intelligent guy from reading your comments. I hope that this is the beginning of an incredible succes story that helps many people...
I wish you well-Nick
Procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday. Napoleon Hill