
All About mebstylin

mebstylin's picture

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Mainly Just This One



Real Estate Master's picture


welcome jason !!

Jay Sthilaire's picture

welcome aboard jason !!

Mixed Emotions

mebstylin's picture

I just wanted to say hello. I'm new to this style of investing. I am one of those that feels like I have litterally tried everything, and doors have been slammed shut at every turn. The information I have read here, gives me the "light bulb just went on" feeling. I am extremely excited, and nervous at the same time. I want so bad for this to work, while fighting with the demons in my head, saying this door is just waiting to be slammed shut! I am ready to learn, take action, and seriously hope to overcome these battles. It's time to succeed!


mebstylin's picture

thanks for the welcome to the website.


mebstylin's picture

I just wanted to thank you for the welcome to the DG family. Hope all is well with you, and your success is flowing!


Indiana-Joe's picture

I hope all is going well and you have had more luck with building your buyer's list. If you follow Dean's principles and stay persistent good things will happen. Good luck on all your deals. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe