
All About MyDestiny

MyDestiny's picture
Monmouth County, New Jersey
About Me: 

I'm best described as Creative, Honest, Motivating, Persistant. I have been in sales for over 30 years. Outside and Inside sales. Spent 5 years selling Major Appliances and Electronics. Mostly High End Appliances. Eight of those years have been in the Home Improvement feild. I specialize in Tile Installation and Flooring, Painting, Drywalls, Carpentry, etc. I spent 10 years selling Real Estate. Sold Life and Health Insurance. I attended school for Photography/ Media Arts. After school I worked doing Studio Portraits. Spent some years in the Advertising, Dye Transfers field. For the past 4 years my main focus has been my health. Learning the ways of natural healing. I've discovered the healing effects of Sunfired foods. Some people call it Raw Foods. Juicing is now my way of life. Juicing gives instant gratification to your mind and body. I believe God's food is healing! Working on my organic garden is my passion. Eating what I can grow in my own backyard! You know,they say you are what you eat.........And I'm eating well!!

(Being the best Mother possible to my 2 Son's), Doll sculpting, Painting, Tile Installer, Photography. Becoming one of the top Dean Graziosi Investor's !!!

Topics I've Participated In

Ask Matt Larson A Question cbrpower4737 years 40 weeks ago
Getting Started Need Some Advice frymissy2167 years 43 weeks ago
Assigning question benbeka4428 years 1 week ago
How to Attract Investors to Assign to Your Deals Madison4098 years 1 week ago
LLC Benefits FDrake4128 years 15 weeks ago

Basic Info

Home Improvement specialist/ Investor
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


New At This!

MyDestiny's picture

I just recentley filed bankrupt, chapter 7. Will I still be able to use this program? If so what shold I be doing now to get started while wainting for the book to arrive? I have watched the videos recommended on the site and registered for things. What do I do next?


SAN79's picture

Im new to the DG community as well. Im sure the majority of the questions you have will be answered from many of the seasoned investors here.Again Welcome

New At This!

MyDestiny's picture

Thanks for the encouragement! Success to you.


if you don't have good credit, then yes, assignments is probably the best way to go...Def read up on that as much as you can...

You can still get private money if you can find somebody who has a lot of money and wants to invest...Even through craigslist, you can find people willing to do that...

You can also bird dog...Basically, you find properties that investors are looking for, and collect a finders fee for that...Different than assignment contract, in the fact you don't lock up a contract and pass it off...


The points under your name basically are points added up for posting...I think you get 5 points for starting a new thread, and 3 points for posting in a forum that is already started...

Once in a while, you get specials that you can buy things using your points...The gain the edge that just passed, you could use the points as money...Each point was a dollar, so could get a discount, or even get tickets for free if you had enough...

Hope that helps...

here are a couple threads that may help
and/or assigns and how to get accepted
how to bird dog and get paid

and here is one more
answers to lots of questions


MyDestiny's picture

Hi Marc,
Thanks for the reply. Just trying to keep moving forward. I keep going over and over chapter 8 in the book. I guess I'm a little nervous but determined to make the change. Much success to you Marc.......


Indiana-Joe's picture

I want to visit your guest page and wish you tremendous success in the REI business. I know you have the passion, determination and desire to succeed. And with Dean's techniques and passion for the DG website you will succeed and be financially free. Good luck on your journey to success! Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


MyDestiny's picture

Just a note to let you know that the support of you and Rina and Angela are amazing. What Dean's offering there are no words. Now it's up to me. How bad do I want it. It's a struggle for me everyday, because I have been my own worse critic for year's. My fear. I spent alot of time this week understanding where the fear comes from within myself. And by keeping myself on a learning curve. Not allowing any negative circumstaces get in my way. Staying focused on my long term goals, and short term ones. Thanks again Joe. Continued success always to you...........Lubertha

RE Club

YURI77's picture

I will be sending an email out to everyone. Seems that things have died down.

Look for my email


Hey! I saw this person with

Real Estate Master's picture

Hey! I saw this person with 60 points and all thses awards and metals how did they do that with 60 points?

real estate master

MyDestiny's picture

I'm not sure how they appoint awards.

rental properties

So do you own any rental properties? If you do i would love your input on how yoou made it happen


MyDestiny's picture

No.Not as of yet. Investing is a new area for me. Altough I have been in the real estate field. This strategy as you will notice among realtors are new. My targets are single family homes. Of course if the opportunity rises, you take advantage of it. Is this the direction your headed? Much success.......Lubertha

Just to say hello

It was nice to have met you at the Real Estate club on Wed 24th.
We will be in touch, take care.
Hernani and Teresa Costa

Hello Hello!

MyDestiny's picture

Same here also. Look forward to speaking with you soon also. Continued success to you.......Lubertha


MyDestiny,Our words make us;apart!
I do not know if...I want to REI or Save the world! After reading some of your comments...I think, I will get my deal and then...Save someone.
"You are great;With your words"

Thanks You So Much!

MyDestiny's picture

I credit my passion to help, from my Mother. I don't remember her not trying to help someone. You recieve in life what you give in life. I try to give and speak from my heart! I have 2 sons that look up to me. I will succeed! Be the best that you can. Many success stories..........Lubertha

Hello Destiny!

John A's picture

Wanted to stop in & say hi! What part of NJ are you located, not familiar with Monmouth County, NJ? I live in S. Jersey in Cumberland County.

John A.

John A

MyDestiny's picture

I live in neptune city. By belmar, wall township, beach area. Lubertha


John A's picture

Hi Lubertha,

I still don't know where that is since I'm bad with directions, only my GPS will point me to the right location. If your ever in the Atlantic City area look me up, if that's not too far from you Smiling

May you get lots of deals this month!
John A.

John A

MyDestiny's picture

I am an hour and 15 minutes north of AC. Look forward to your support as well. Continued Success as well to you and family


John A's picture

That's not bad since your not that far from AC, I was actually there today enjoying the weather & hope you got to enjoy your day as well. Will you be attending the RE investment club meeting on Tuesday in Collingswood, NJ? I could sure use some lenders right now......let me know.

Much success to you also because you deserve it.
John A

John A

MyDestiny's picture

Thank you John for the kind words of encouragement! I don't know how I could ever leave the shore. I love being by the water. It is so peaceful! Don't forget the telephone conference is tuesday with Dean also. Maybe you can log in by phone in time, since you will be away from home. I will make the next group meeting hopefully. I attended the group in Nutley a few weeks back. Met some interesting contacts. Keep me posted. Thanks again. Continued success always.........Lubertha


LBreuer's picture

Ahh,my heart i pounding. I've called on properties to look at, I'm getting call backs. May have a posible buyer also for seller finance. going to look at properties tomorrow, (my day off).

Do I 1) be upfron with the seller, correct? it said owner finance, but I was speaking with a realtor. Still tell him upfront? of course, no lying here.

then?? go to the courthouse and check for liens and such? I have no money, nbo credit, but a potential buyer already who' qualified for the 8k rebate. good buyer?

that' all the ??? for now,

thank you much for any help or advice. My first one, that I'm actually moving on, nervous to get it right!!!


I will keep u posted!

John A's picture

I luv being near the water, I agree it brings me peace of mind also. I would be interested in seeing your work on Home Improvement if your able to show me. Since I'm multitask I will not miss the conference tonight. Enjoy ur day Smiling

John A


I've read a lot of your comments helping out other people and some of the info you gave actually helped me so I would like to thank you....I would also like to let you know I value your opinion and that brings me to the reason why I'm sending you this message....i just finished building my website ( and i would love to hear your opinion on it... should i add anythiing? should i taking anything out? should i switch something around? is it understandable?

i would also like to know how to promote my site... all ideas and suggestions are welcome.

the problem i ran into... when i tried to google the keywords on my site it didnt come up... does anyone know how to get your site at the top 5 website on a google search engine or any engine...

My website is


John A's picture

Lubertha, you look beautiful in your new pic.....keep shining girl Smiling

Your friend,
John A.

Hello Lubertha

GBU Ventures HQ's picture

Hey Just stopping by to say hello

and God Bless

thank you

hello lubertha iam just writting to say thank you for your advice iam still trying to make my first deal my problem is fear can you give me any advice thank you GOD BLESS YOU.


wow, it must have beeen great to meet dean in person. you have done great. i also had a bk about 2 yrs ago.. this, as you know, prevents me from obtainning conventional loans. how did you overcome this obsticle. you can 'pm' me if you would like, or just post to my guestbook. thanks for your ongoing posts.

greetings's picture

hello fellow jersian, i would love the opportunity to network with you...

what did u do to get started

what did u do to get started

Hello Lubertha

barbara2000's picture

I just wanted to stop bye and introduce myself properly.

Your story is one that always sticks in the forefront of my mind. I always look forward to your posts because they reflect a generous soul.

I have no doubt your going to be one of DG's top investors.

I enjoy photography too so we do have something in common besides REI and

Keep knocking those doors down lady.
Best wishes to you in your REI.


Getting started..........

MyDestiny's picture

Hi Vladimir,
I just decided to get out of the way of myself! Contnued success........Lubertha


MyDestiny's picture

Hi Barbara,
Thank you so much for the uplifting comments! The fall is my favorite time of the year to photograph. The beautiful color of the trees are breath taking It is also very inspiring to know there is someone else going thru things and can share their solutions and motivations. Stay positive and together as a team, we can all knock down the doors that have been closed for so long! Continued success..........Lubertha


MyDestiny's picture

Hi Kevin,
Juicing have saved my life!! Instant gratification for the body and mind. Fruit for cleansing and greens for building. I have recently been learning new raw food recipes.
As far as real estate. I am no longer licensed in NJ. Having a great realtor can have a huge impact. I have several that I work with also. Continued suceess to you.........Lubertha


AA213's picture

Its nice to see how everybody here has a sense of caring that does not focus on selfishness as sharing is the norm.Im new with DG and just getting started.Lubertha, I read and loved your profile.I also enjoy fresh organic veggies and juicing.Great!!!


Elena M's picture

I just wanted to say THANK YOU for sharing your personal story with all of us. I just read Dean's book and I had tears in my eyes reading about you and Bernadette. God works in mysterious ways indeed.

You ladies are an inspiration to us ALL!

God bless,

Monmouth County

Hi, I live in Monmouth County too! I have a lot deals going on Monmouth County. I would love to meet for a cup of coffee to discuss ideas. Best to you!

from brick


thank you for sharing your success story!

Hi Lubertha,

I'm new here, and wanted to thank you and Sandra for sharing your success story! It's super-inspiring and gave me hope that with work and determination, it's very possible to succeed and have a better life! Hope you enjoy continued success, and look forward to learning and making succesful deals, too.

Take care, and thanks again! Smiling

May You have Great Success

JJD's picture

May You have Great Success on your Journey!

Thank You for All that You Share.


hey there

Hey Lubertha,

I haven't forgotten you all and just had to take time off and had to go lots of auditory training to help me to hear better. I finally came back home to Pensacola, Fl in May and happy to be back home. I miss our team and I am ready to get back to the REI again. Still hard to find jobs today.

Keep in touch!

Paul Smiling

Owner Financing

Do you know of sellers who offered seller financing and would be interested in selling their notes? I have private investors who aar looking to purchase secured real estate notes. I offer a referal fee for every note that closes. Send me a PM messag. I look forward to working with you and helping you grow your business.


Hi Lubertha

Hi Lubertha, my name is Shawn Roberts, I liked your posted comments and I know what you are going through with fear because I feel the same way at times. But I keep telling myself that this time next year I don't want to be in the same place as I'am at this year and try to keep pressing forward.

You now its funny, because I thought it was mainly me going through this fear thing, but I guess we all go through fear mainly when we face something new, they say we fear the unknown, thats why I love this site that Dean created so investors and other realestate professionals can come and network and share ideas.

I live in South Jersey my self.
Success to you.


NickandGen's picture

Hi Ms. Lubertha!

I am new to this site and I just wanted to say hello! I have seen you on different posts that I have either read/commented on. I noticed that you seem to have been here for a while and you also give positive feedback. So I decided to take a look at your page and just say that I am happy to be apart of this community with all of you! And I look forward to learning alot...I am sure that you have learned so much and I am sure that you have alot of experience on both the REA and REI side of things! With that said, is it ok if I come to you as well for advice in the future?

I pray that you continue on your successful journey and look forward to networking with you as well as the others here! Smiling

Take care and be blessed!

ps: Quick question: what is the true conflict with being a REA that's trying to do REI??????? I'm just curious? Is it just the disclosure part or is there more to it?

???? How do I begin???

What are the initial steps