I'm a stay at home mom of 2 boys. My husband and I are licensed foster parents. Currently we have 3 children in our home. A little crazy at times. During the day I babysit in my home to bring in some additional income. This coming fall I will be homeschooling my oldest son who is 11. Never done it but I'm excited for the challenge. I'm very active in my children's sports.
I'm looking to earn enough money that I don't need to provide child care. My biggest goal is to pay off my house and start a saving account.
I love real estate but I don't have the cash or the credit to invest. So I'm looking for ways to finance the proeprties that I come across.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Greatly I'm overwhelmed but I'm still reading Your Town Your Real Estate Profits! and I'm excited to get started. Or maybe finding a business partner.
newbie here
I'm new to this. What advice can you give me and if anyone knows of private lenders. I've found some great deals in PA but need funding. Plz help me grow my business for my family. Thank you and God bless