Elias Gilchrist

All About Elias Gilchrist

New York

Topics I've Participated In

what i've learned will help you.... Elias Gilchrist510 years 31 weeks ago
Coastal-Funding down? Other transactional funding..?? Mike Hutchins3213 years 22 weeks ago
help Elias Gilchrist314 years 6 weeks ago
Trying to start my Buyers List. Hitmen92614 years 8 weeks ago
List of sites for investors to use lkward133114 years 24 weeks ago

Basic Info

rehabilitational specialist and real estate investor
No Children
In College
In a Relationship

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Hi Elias

John A's picture

Just dropping by to say hello & wishing you all the success that you deserve. I'm never too far away, don't hesitate to ask me anything. Stay in touch Smiling

Your new friend,
John A

thanks again

Thanks for stopping by......and I can actually use you help.... i just finished building my website (teinvestment.weebly.com) and i would love to hear your opinion on it... should i add anythiing? should i taking anything out? should i switch something around? is it understandable?

i would also like to know how to promote my site... all ideas and suggestions are welcome.

the problem i ran into... when i tried to google the keywords on my site it didnt come up... does anyone know how to get your site at the top 5 website on a google search engine or any engine...

My website is Teinvestment.weebly.com

Hello Elias

bryski's picture

Thanks for your ideas and
talking about changing our life styles
It does seam true to me also.
O' Yea, If you want to be up high on google
You need u-tube videos on your site
this will work for you.
also links to your site from other websites.
Hope this helps

REIA Networking Event on March 24th @ 6:30PM

jazzingcoco's picture

Hello DG Family!
I noticed that you also live in NYC area.
I just wanna let you know that there will be REIA New York City / Business and Social Networking Event next week.
March 24th 6:30PM @ Mercury Bar (659 9th Avenue, between 45th & 46th)
Few of us will be there & I would love to meet you!
If you have a time, why don't you stop by, it's FREE event.

There will be other Real Estate buyers & investors, so it's great place to network with other like minded people.
Here is the link!


Miyuki a.k.a. Coco (jazzingcoco)

some please help me...dean team please help me

heres the situation ive found a house in pre foreclores got in contact with the owner in which she agreed to work with me....
now heres my problem,her house go in foreclosure in less then 20 day and i dont know how to slow it down the foreclosure process in order for to give me more time to find investor...

the property is located in new york city... some please help i dont want to lose out on this opportunity...