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bob smith

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success academy

I would just like to say that by joining the success academy was a smart move on my part all though I have yet to do my first deal I know with all the knowledge I have gained and the confidence that is mounting I truly believe that into my second month of training [only my first month]
I will have done at least one deal
so please do your self a favor join now thank you folks at the success academy bob drew and all the rest of you folks oops I almost forgot you dean thank you bob

apartment foreclosures

the other day I watched a webinar and the topic was the up and coming apartment foreclosures that will be hugh because those who are not behind on their payments [not one] will have to foreclose on their property because
of their note will come due and a lot of owners will not have the money to pay off the note could someone please
if they heard this also and if they have more to tell fill me in
also the banks will be more then egar to loan [some banks not all]up to 100% of
financing thank you