Joined: 2010-08-01
Points: 31

Greg Myers
About Me:
Hey all you dgers
Would love to hear from and become friends with everybody in MN and all over this Great country of ours, Tell me all about your deals, lets do some deals together!
Hope to hear from all my new DGER friends real soon.
homesdakotacountymn at g mail dot com ( Please feel free to email me )
Wholesaling,partnering up on some killer deals, new friendships, scuba diving, singing,
Hey Greg!
I wanted to stop by and welcome you to Dean's board he created for all of us.
I know you will find many new real estate friends and enjoy reading all the great informaion on the board. I look forward to hearing about your first deal.
Also if you will fill out your profile and tell everyone what state and town you live in...chances are you may find someone from the board who lives very close to you. Many great investing partnerships have been formed right here on Deans board. Also tell us a little about yourself on your profile. I like reading about how special and unique each person is.