Joined: 2009-04-26
Points: 230

Vincent Noe
Greenville, South Carolina
About Me:
I am a full time, full service real estate investor. I am always looking for a good deal, as long as the numbers work. I am in the process of building my real estate team, so if you have an expertise that you would like to bring to the table and believe in the "golden rule", then I would love to have you on my team. I am working nationwide, in all types of deals. Let's all join together and do good things and make a lot of money.
Welcome and congratulations for being part of the DG website community. The website is packed with great information and inspiration. I just wanted to stop by your guestbook and wish you good luck with real estate investing. Each day continue to increase your knowledge with real estate and before long good things will happen. Go for it, you can do it! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe