I grew up in a midsized city in Central, IL and like most Midwest towns I just did not see any opportunity for traditional work. In my mid-twenties I moved to the DC area looking for something more.
I had a good JOB in Healthcare and met my wife there. My wife never wanted children but I finally sold her on the idea and thought my life was exactly where I wanted it to be. We had a good six figure income between the two of us and now we were starting a family. Well the economy finally caught up with us and I lost my job after giving my employer 10 very dedicated year. Our income was cut by 70% just 6 weeks before my daughter was born. We could not afford to continue to live in the DC area so I moved us back to IL in April of 2010.
While back in IL I found what seemed to be a secure job but I had to sacrifice my family in exchange. Working 60-75 hours a week left me little time and no energy for my family.
I found the Rock Bottom Blue Print and heard Matt Larson's story. Here was another midwesterner that is the same age as me and working the same kind of schedule as me and he made it big. Now I realize that Matt is a real superstar but I knoew I would live a miserable life if I did not do anything.
Stressed out, burnt out and borderline depressed because I was was literally missing out on my daughter's childhood. After speaking to my wife we decided that my job was keeping me from getting anywhere in Real Estate so we decide to do away with the job. I have 2 months to start making money in real estate or I will be forced to enter back into the job market. If Matt, eventhough he is a superstar, could do 12 deals his first year while working a lot of hours I don't see why we can't at least double that. The biggest thing is getting the deals flowing within 2 months. That is the key to our success.
I look forward to growing and becoming an educated investor so that I can share my knowledge with others like me so that they can change their life forever.