
All About DeeDee10

Derita Harrowa

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Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Blog 125

I thank you, Dean for all the wonderful ideas and your help.
I would like to know where I could purchase the magazine that you quoted from in your blog #125.
Also I would like to have the 7 deadly road blocks so that I could post it over my desk.
That way I could keep my self more focused.
I have a lot of negativity around me and it is hard to stay focused.
Negativity I can't dispose of without a divorce.
I am not a quiter and I am going to prove I can do this.
When I get the negativity, that makes me even more determined to move up and over where I am today.
It is an on going fight with-in my self. I am going to win and make it better all around for both of us. I know it because of your help and motivation. Thanks again Dean for everything!