My name is Robert Kantola everyone calls me Butch my wife and I got into Real Estate Investing at the end of March 2012 early April no matter I am here mainly because I was driving my wife crazy I had nothing to do I am on disability have been since 1998 was hurt on the job and since then I went back to school that did not work I've tried to do online marketing with the Medications I was on maid it almost impossible to read what needed to be read and concentrate and along with that there's those who would say just kick back no one will hire you your handicapped that got me a thinken nothing could keep me down when I was not handicapped why let it happen now my body is weak not my mind so the search was on it took a few years seen Deans program on and off over that course of time I was the skeptic finely my wife got some tickets to one of Deans events after getting all the info I was hooked I started to get that can do attitude again that warm feeling but after I started the program I was in an accident broke my leg in ten places after the leg was on the mend my shoulder went out needed surgery total reconstruction rotator cuff a full tear and then the Nay Sayers letting me know these were signs telling me to let it go they almost had me there then I seen a weekly wisdom about mindset and how to change it from not so good to good I was laid up all summer just got done with therapy with all these obstacles and nay sayers all the demons I am here and here I am going to stay I was brought up to never leave anyone behind man woman or child if you can help reach out and help and now with all the determination and strength and ability's I have and after making it through one of the worst years I ever had with all the obstacles trying to stop me LOOK I WIN OOOO RAAAAA!!! NO ONE CAN KEEP A GOOD PERSON DOWN NO ONE & NOTHING AND I DO MEAN NOTHING CAN STAND IN THERE WAY!!! My life is my life I know me better than anyone but sometimes we think it is just easier to just agree than to believe push forward if one thinks about it one will find there letting others (nay sayers) say how they feel, think and how they should do things plus with the obstacles makes for a great foe I was brought up to fight for what YOU believe and when you get knocked down pick your self up stand tall and win the dam battle!! No matter what if you keep your mind open and are willing to learn new things no one or nothing can stand in the way. I ride motor cycle I feel free it gives me total control of ME my thinking, my attitude it lets me know I can still do things and after seeing Deans program and getting it it help me to realize it is OK to seek out help I got my confidence back the courage to keep moving forward I am back to living life like I believe it should be look at it like riding a 1972 Harley hard tail on the roughest road in the world you want to ride but it will hurt this comes down to mindset you ether have to say no for me that is just not an option or just through cation to the wind take the mindset (SCREW IT LETS RIDE)
and so fare I am still riding thanks Dean for all the good insight and knowledge... Bob Segar wrote a song some years ago called Against The Wind and if one looks at it we all run against the wind I found if I take off my running shoes the wind pushes me back put my shoes back on I find all things are possible just keep moving forward it's a battle yes but well worth it I have to look inside myself on a daily bases I must be giving my self good advice because here we are
Area Managers
Hey Dean my name is Sandy my husband has been working to get this and was doing a good job but ended up in the hospital broke his leg in 10 places in may and had to slow down then when he went to try to get started he lost the use of his right arm had to have sugery and we had to put things on hold now he is on the mend and is ready to hit the ground running I was watching your weekly wisdom vidio and seen your area Maneger post I thought it would be good for Butch to hook up with you If posible so here is what I found 1 we live in Fargo North Dakota 2 the unemployment rate is 3.1 down from 3.3 12 months ago 3 the average mean price for a 3 bed room is 130,000 4 the average rent is $1000 and this could very mostly higher 5 the average taxes $2000 6 DOM 30 to 60 days. This is truly a good thing you are doing and Butch as done alot of reasurch on areas around ND and MN ther are so many opertunies around Thank You & God Bless