
All About blackboard

blackboard's picture

Topics I've Participated In

Assigning question benbeka4427 years 40 weeks ago
Ask Dean's Coaches a Question nstreet3748 years 13 weeks ago
How To Make $100,000 Wholesaling Your First Year In Real Estate! cbrpower588 years 15 weeks ago
Contract blackboard28 years 21 weeks ago
Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #138 - Watch this, win Dean's iPad dgadmin24018 years 26 weeks ago

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property wanted

blackboard's picture

I want this nice 3/2 house double garage built in 1979 very nice neighborhood,has all the upgrades you need,their asking 133,000 I know i can get it cheaper,but i dont know how much cheaper,any advice you can give me would be appreciated.


Indiana-Joe's picture

Thanks for the PM email and congratulations for being a part of the DG website family. The DG website is packed with a tremendous amount of informatio nand inspiration. Congratulatiosn for being a part of the Success Academy, it can really help you get on the fast track with real estate investing. The information and system is top notch. Good luck on all your future real estate deals. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe

Prop Stream software

eaglescrestproperties's picture

We purchased the Prop Stream soft ware and are wondering if anyone else is using it? We are somewhat lost in it and looking for some guidance

Rick & Peggy


Indiana-Joe's picture

I am glad to hear you are enjoying my new book, "eBay and Craigslist PROFIT$ FROM HOME". Good luck on all your future deals with real estate, Craigslist and eBay! Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe

Aloha & Mahalo

JJD's picture

Hello and Welcome to the DG Community!
May You have Great Success on your Journey! You will find a vast array of information at your disposal on this site. Most of your questions can also be answered by researching in some of the Forums, Posts, and other links available. It would also be to your advantage to complete your profile to it's fullest as well as creating your own personal journal such as my example here:


All you gotta do is...

thishousebuyer's picture

Ask. You never know unless you don't ask. I would go up to 70% Market value, no more than that (unless you're doing a lease option deal). Get some comps together and go after that house! Smiling


Valuni's picture

When making an offer, I always think of Joe's phrase:
"if you're not embarrassed by your offer, you're probably offering too much!"

live by it, and you will know how cheap yo can go.

Wishing you success,
