Joined: 2008-07-22
Points: 98

Tom Scott
Prescott Valley, AZ
About Me:
Have been an investor for about 15 years. I still have my first investment in the form of a 1031 exchange. I did not sell it in time before I moved from California and it is now worth half of what it was in 2005.
Looking For Good Real Estate Deals
Hi Tom!
Welcome to the DG family we're very happy to have you here! What a great story! I'm so glad you mentioned that you were a Senior citizen, because we've had others on here asking if they were too old to start investing. I think you're NEVER too old to start, look at Moses!
Your posts will be an inspiration to them... Sounds like we could learn a thing or two from you!! Thanks for your contribution, I look forward to hearing more from you.
God bless you,