Everything Else


If you find yourself too busy in your REI business, it may be time for you to start outsourcing some of the work to relieve the burden. If you have enough money coming in to afford it, this may be what you need to free yourself up for more important things. I'm utilizing my resources, my twin teenage daughers, because I have no budget to work with yet... LOL!

But for those of you who do, you might want to check out:


Purpose of Earnest Money / Goodwill

Earnest Money was created to bind a contract. This was the sole purpose of the money.

The parties involved in the sale of real estate have to exchange assets to bind a contract. The seller is exchanging the right to purchase the property. The buyers need to give something to fully bind the contract to purchase real estate. Money is often used to bind the contract.

Best Website to check interest rates

Hello all. I am extremely new to this and I'm stuck on my first part, researching interest rates. What would be the best website for this?

When i go to federalreserve.gov, they list a bunch of different interest rates (commercial paper, cd's etc.) so i assume i am looking for Mortgage or am i wrong in saying this?

Please help.


Top 10 Tax Tips for Homeowners

Some of the best perks of owning a home are the tax breaks. Know what expenses you can deduct, and understand how new laws affect you. If you're currently renting, consider the tax advantages of homeownership. This may be the time to buy a home. Remember to consult your tax advisor.

1. Deduct mortgage interest and real estate taxes.
Interest paid on home loans is deductible up to $1 million for a principal residence plus a second home. Property taxes on all real estate are fully deductible.


I guess after the night I had last night and the day I started out with today I am just being a little pragmatic, but here it is.....

The world doesn't care if you are a millionaire, and certainly money doesn't care. You're the one that cares, and that is as it should be. You should care because its your life. The key to having money is wanting it and knowingWHY you want it. The key to being a millionaire is wanting a LOT of money and doing what it take to get it. The key to being happy with a lot of money is understanding what money can and cann't do for you.

How to Work a Buyer's Market

By Karin Beuerlein

Housing prices across the country continue to slump, and the 'forecast' for the immediate future is gloomy, say the experts. Gloomy for sellers, that is. In many markets, the supply of homes is now greater than the demand to buy them, so sellers can't be terribly choosy. You, the buyer, have greater leverage than usual to name your terms and make them stick. Welcome to the elusive but profitable condition known as a buyer's market.

90 Day Action Plan

Action Plan

How do you develop a winner’s attitude? Here are the basics. Do these things on a consistent basis and you will transform your life:

1. Watch “The Secret” or read "The Law of Attraction" by any author (there's a lot of them out there).

2. Buy everything by Anthony Robbins, Joel Osteen or any other motivational speaker you enjoy.

3. Read Think and Grow Rich and Keys to Success by Napoleon Hill and do the exercise “Definite Major Purpose”. Both good reads!

How To Value A House

Two things to consider in valuing a home are, first, how does it compare to similar homes that have sold recently? Is the asking price fair? And second, what value do you place on the advertised features and amenities? Yes, other people might value them highly, but do you?


when selling (business) property, how does goodwill come about?

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