Everything Else

Tips on Reviewing the Front of Property

When looking at the front of properties you are looking at you want to remember the importance of how the front looks. Prospective buyers will be looking at the front of the house also.

Here are some ideas I use to evaluate and improve the front of properties:

How to Analyze a Good Deal

Does anyone have a list of things to check for when analyzing their properties. I went back to the book and found the list of things to look out for such as curb appeal, cost of fixing, traffic, etc. and I looked on this website but I didn't find anything. I'm looking for a due diligence checklist to go through for each property I analyze to make sure I'm getting a good deal. Like something that suggests to compare monthly mort.

Getting Started

Hello everyone I am brand new to this forum and I have a serious problem that I need help with. I have always known that Real Estate was my passion. I bought my first Real Estate education system when I was 16! I absolutely love it! I can't get enough books, tapes, CDs, open houses driving around neighborhoods and researching the internet just for fun!

NO SUB-Agents

Anyone ever hear of this? I offered a listing agent to also be the buyers agent. In return for that I wanted a percentage back from her at closing.

she said it was illeagl.....I know it is NOT!

when I said I would come in with no agent at all then....she said I had the seller agree to NO Sub-agents. I said ok....

Does anyone know exactly what no sub-agent is all about. I get the gist, but does it mean that the seller only has to pay half of the commish now?

Business Cards

An often asked question is what to put on a business card. Let me touch upon this here.

Business cards are mini advertisements about what you do and should not be about who you are.

Many times people think it very important to put some kind of calling behind their name such as investor, CEO, participating partner and so on. This truly is not important to people looking at your card.

People who look at you card want to know a couple of things:

1) What do you do?
2) How do they get a hold of you?

That's about it.

Partial mortgage payment agreement

Someone asked me how did a partial monthly payment work. This person had made an agreement with the bank to make a partial payment.(not the full monthly mortgage amount) They paid what was discuss by the deadline date the bank gave for that month, with the agreement that the next month their payment would be paid and the balance from the previous month. What the bank didnt tell this person was that the partial payment they made would not be applied to the mortgage but is sitting on hold until the rest of the payment is sent for that month.

Get into a Real Estate Club

In my oppinion Real Estate Clubs can be one of the greatest ways to help people succeed in real estate. At the club you will meet other just like you who are trying to invest, others who are investing, and again others who are doing very very well at investing. You may also find financers, Realtors, mortgage lenders and others who can help you invest and keep you motivated.

Here is a link you can use to find real estate clubs in you state. This has all 50 states.


Set Goals to Gain Success

Study about goals at Harvard MBA program, 1979.

From the book What they don’t teach you at Harvard Business School by Mark McCormack:

In the book What They Don't Teach You in the Harvard Business School, Mark McCormack tells a study conducted on students in the 1979 Harvard MBA program. In that year, the students were asked, "Have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them?" Only three percent of the graduates had written goals and plans; 13 percent had goals, but they were not in writing; and a whopping 84 percent had no specific goals at all.


No right or wrong answers... Just a lot of good general questions and point/counter-point.

I'll start with 2.

1) Buy cash flows or don't buy??

2) What if NOTHING in your area cash flows?

Researching Your Area

Often as people start investing in an area they are not sure what to look for in an area.
Information to look for that will help you in your investing would be:

What is the average cost of a home in your area?
What is the average rental costs in your area?
What is the average time an average property would take to sell in your area?
How much new construction and development has been and is occurring in your area?
You may also want to find some of the demographics of your area.

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