Contracts and Offers

Is this the contract I should use?

When I find a house that I am wanting to lock up and eventualy reassign in a few days to another investor...would this be the contract I sign with the person who has the home for sale?

I filled in the blanks with some fake information and I know I have left out some important info. Maybe someone has can help with the left out information.
I think *10 should contain my bailout clauses?

Purchase and Sale Agreement
This agreement is made this __8th__ day of ______August_______________, 20_08_____
between Seller(s)______Suzi Seller___

Is this the contract I should use?

Oops...I somehow posted the same thread twice and can't seem to remove this one...


using LLC's to around NON ASSIGNMENT CLAUSES: Many banks will NOT allow their contracts to be ASSIGNED. So, what you can do is: use your LLC, where you would sign the purchase agreement with and/or assigns. Write your companys name in the buyer field, then, instead of assigning the contract to another investor, you will SELL the investor your LLC, since the contract is filled out w/ your LLC's name, you will be essentially assigning the contract when you sell your LLC. YOUR HERO, SULLY.

finder's fee

what type of agreement or contract is involved with setting up a finder's fee with an investor thru a Real estate agent...and do i have to sign an agreement to purchase the home from the real estate agent in order to past the purchase of the home over to the investor in order to receive my finder's fee? I hope that makes since....Help please? Shocked)

Finder' Fee Contract

What type of contract do you use for a finder's fee and how do you fill it out ? What do you put in it ?

Leased Land

I don't think this question has been asked in here before. Does anyone have experience with Government/Reservation-leased land?


Last night, I sent over a great deal to a broker/investor who knows of many investors looking to buy. The home is bank owned REO located in a very upscale and rich area. It is listed at $300,000 and it has an estimated market value of $1,159,000 and it is 4,370 sq. ft. I sent over the info to the broker and I purposely left out the address so that he wouldn't be able to go around me. He just sent me an email saying he needs the address.

Calculating 65-70% ARV

When doing assignments, how do you calculate if a property is below 65-70% ARV since that is what most investors want ? Do you use comps and if so, where do you go from there ?


When looking for a property to assign, what should you look for: run down houses (fixer uppers) or ones in decent condition. Also, how should the price fit into your wholesaling strategy ? After you sign the purchase agreement with the seller, how should I go about finding an investor ? Where are the best places for them ? What kind of things are the investors looking for ?

Purchasing on Land Contracts

I have heard alot about buying real estate on/with land contracts, but I don't really know what they are or how they work. Does anyone have any input on the pros and cons of buying real estate using land contracts?

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