.....Are you ready for an adventure of a lifetime? Like any good adventure you have to be willing to explore, willing to learn new things and willing to do whatever it takes to get to where you are going! It takes determination, the right effort, the right tools and a plan. We have everything we need as we explore new lands through the Set for Life System. Come follow me on this journey as I will share my experiences, tips and insight along the way!
I often think about the Gain the EDGE event where Dean introduced the 7 levels deep exercise to determine your "WHY" you are committing to succeed with real estate investing. I also reflect back to the exercise of goal setting. Determining where you are at today, where do you want to be and what to you need to do to get there. I often believe that I am doing all the things that I can but wanted to find better and more efficient ways of doing what I am doing on a regular basis. If you can leverage your time you can become more efficient or even proficient.
Are you ready for your new adventure? I know we are so let's blaze this trail as we continue on this adventurous journey to the lands of financial freedom as we become one step closer to becoming set for life! Believe and Achieve! - Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
....I really believe a little organization can surely go a long way. I really like the on-line calendar with the Set for Life (SFL) system. Once you log onto the SFL system, the calendar can be found on your "Home" page. The Calendar allows you to record new appointments and to reference your calendar on a weekly or monthly basis. Every time I log into the SFL system it notifies me of my upcoming appointments for the week. How cool is that?
You can even set up a reocurring appoinment through whatever time period it may be. If you have an investment club that meets the first Saturday of every month, set it up as "reocurring". The great thing is each time you log into the system it will display your upcoming appoinments to keep you on track.
To complete a new appointment click on the words "new appointment" and a pop-up box will appear with the date, time, subject and location for your appointment. You can even select it to be reocurring depending on the repeat frequency of the appointment through-out the month or year. I believe this tool will keep me organized as my business continues to grow. I hope others are utilizing this tool as we move forward through the SFL system and will have additional tips to share. Good luck with real estate investing. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
I've watched both you and your lovely wife on both Edge Events and you are both very inspirational and another of many cases that proves that this works and is for real. I'm trying my darndest to change my mind set to one of a sucessful investor, but my mind isn't cooperating just yet. My computer skills are woefully inadiquate, as I've just completed only the second of the training webinars. I can type as fast as my sons can, but they can make words come out. Mine looks like a pile of ants. The only progress that I've made so far is to bring up my cash buyers list. No big feat with all that's been handed out so far, but it's "one giant leap for Johnkind". I'm very excited at the prospect of helping my family and friends out, I just hope I can do it before we all retire. Anyway, thanks for the inspiration, and please keep it up. Johnnym66
For starting this post I beleive it will help us all.
Steve and Veronica.
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
...Thanks for the nice comments we are so glad that we can help share what we have learned. Sometimes the mindset can be one of the most important assets you have. The more you make real estate part of your everyday life, the less work it will become. I know we had many naysayers that we did not listen to when we were starting out. It was great to have access to DG.com to surround ourselves with like-minded people.
I always say the key to starting something new is by taking that first step and congratulatiosn for taking that step forward. So many people want to but sometimes fear prevents them from doing it. Each day if you learn a little more you will build on thta knowledge. Go at your own pace and the speed will increase. Believe it or not, I am still a 2 finger typer but I have picked up speed during the past year from my posts. Keep up the good work and know that each day you are learning more to get closer to more deals and reaching your goals. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
...Thanks for stopping by. The great thing is each day we can learn more about the SFL system and share what we learn with others. I believe there is so much great information in this tool that I am anxious to see the many ways people utilize the same type of information for buyers, sellers, marketing, etc.. Good luck and have a great day. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
SFL: Marketing Lead Pipes (Generating a list of Cash Buyers in your area)
You choose the STATE and you choose the 2 COUNTIES you want to focus on!
....I went into the SFL system and explored the Marketing Section at the left hand side of the SFL system. I went under the sub-topic called "lead pipes" and I was able to enter my state of choice with 2 different counties of my choice to find cash buyers within those counties. I entered the information and the SFL system provided more than 900 names of cash buyers in a matter of seconds! (SWEET)!
These cash buyers are potential cash buyers that you can network with and explore the possibility to adding them to your list for future cash buyers for deals you want to assign. I found the more you get to know another cash buyer in your area, the more you begin to learn the types of deals they want and the areas they are focusing on. As you establish rapport with these buyers you may even be able to network and exchange contacts as well.
The SFL system will produce the report and you can sort it anyway you want by name, address, city, etc. Just click on the top of the report by each column and it will allow you to sort in the matter you want. You can then send out letters or postcards to these indivduals and drive them to your website, email or by phone. The choice is up to you!
VIDEO: In the "Classroom" section of SFL, under the SFL Detaield Training Videos, you can view the video entitled "Cash Buyers: Downloading your Cash Buyers List" for additional tips and insight.
More information to follow........ Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
What do other people think about using the Free web site we get from Dean on DG.com as our home core site and using the squeeze web sites to feed into the free web site from DG.com. Or should we use a core web site from SFL to have our squeeze page sites feed into. I know we have to get away from being cheap but every little bit of money we don't need to spend helps.
Steve and Veronica.
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
...This is where the fun begins. You now have a list of cash buyers from your local area in your hands. This is HOT! You can create a postcard or a letter to mail to them. Why you ask?......because these may be Cash Buyers you can add to your list! You just need to send an inquiry to break the ice and find out iof they are an investment buyer.
If you want you can address all the cards or letters by hand or get automated. At the top left corner above your file it reads "leadpipes", Under this it reads "save the selected leads". You will also have an option that reads export the selected leads". If you choose to export the file into a "CSV File," it will create an excel file that you can easily sort and filter at will.
You can target people that purchased homes (with cash) in certain cities or areas of choice. I decided to send a postcard to all 900 cash buyers. I took the process a step further.
I went to an office supply store like Staples, Office Max, Office Depot, etc and I designed and purchased postcards to go out to these potential cash buyers. I also purchased Avery peel and stick mailing labels where I could pint out directly from my computer a mailing label for each new contact that I had. Based on an excel file, you can print lables right from the comfort of your computer. Don't you just love automation!
You do not have to write out these mailers, just peel and stick (those labels)! Add a stamp and your ready to mail these postcards to your future cash buyers! Good luck! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
RE: Benefit of SFL Websites
.....As our real estate business grows, I believe it is most important to be as automated as possible. The more you can leverage automation the better and easier your daily tasks will become. I believe it is crutial to setup your website as part of the SFL system. When you have squeeze pages and people opt in or provide their contact information to you, you will be notified of a new potential lead based on that new person opting in. Thus, when you login to your SFL account you will be automatically notified and/or alerted of any and all new potential leads. I believe this is a great feature to keep up with all your new potential leads. Good luck. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
....The Set for Life automated system is a great tool for your real estate business management. Once you log into the Set for Life System, it will take you to your Home Page. The Home Page displays your "Calendar", "New Stuff", "My Tasks", and "My Business" sections.
The Set for Life icon of gold bars in the upper left hand corner will always take you back to your home screen no matter where you are located at within the software application.
BUTTONS (left side of home page) – with subcategories under each button
New Prospect
New Lead
New Deal
New Buyer
Import Data
Lease Option
Power Linking
Internal Messages
Lead flow Websites
Marketing Library
Lead Pipes
My Account
Data Backup
Email Notifications
VIDEO: In the "Classroom" section of SFL, under the SFL Detailed Training Videos, you can view the video entitled "Watch this First". This video provides a very nice overview of the featrues and buttons/categories found in the SFL System.
Good luck. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
...Today I will be mailing my postcards from the cash buyer's list that I previously generated from the SFL system. Remember you can mail either a postcard or a letter to the potential Buyer's List that you generated from the SFL system for your given state and 2 counties.
The cost of a regular size postcard is only $0.28 per card. This is saving you $0.16 per item when compared to mailing a letter (a savings of $16.00 per 100 postcards over letters that you mail).
However, if you mail a letter you will also have the cost of an envelope, sealing the envelope and the $0.44 US Mail first class stamp. You can usually include a business card with a letter but the choice is up to you based on the reply you might receive from your mailings. If you drive people to your website, email or phone you can keep track of how people might be contacting you.
The US Mail First-Class Mail Prices and guidelines are listed below for your reference:
The least expensive, most immediate option for mailing postcards, letters, and large envelopes 13 ounces or less
• Prices based on shape and weight
Size limits:
• Minimum: 3-1/2 inches high by 5 inches long by 0.007 inch thick
• Maximum: 6 inches long by 4-1/4 inches high
• Additional postage required for larger postcards
Weight Not Over and the Price
1 ounce...................... $0.44
2 ounces.................... $0.61
3 ounces.................... $0.78
3.5 ounces................. $0.95
Printer Friendly - Size limits:
- Rectangular; length is the dimension parallel to the address.
- At least 3-1/2 inches high by 5 inches long by 0.007 inch thick
- No more than 6-1/8 inches high by 11-1/2 inches long by 1/4 inch thick
- Up to 3.5 ounces
- Surcharge will apply for nonmachinable letter
Weight Not Over Price
1 ounce..................... $0.88
2 ounces................... $1.05
3 ounces................... $1.22
4 ounces................... $1.39
5 ounces................... $1.56
6 ounces................... $1.73
7 ounces................... $1.90
8 ounces................... $2.07
9 ounces................... $2.24
10 ounces................. $2.41
11 ounces................. $2.58
12 ounces................. $2.75
13 ounces................. $2.92
Good luck. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
...You can include as much or as little information as you want in a letter or postcard to your potential cash buyers, however the key is to have a really flashy headline to get their attention to want to read more.
Below is just an example of what I might mail, feel free to use it or change it to fit your area, your niche or your local real estate market!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Make more CA$H with Real Estate today! (Use BOLD lettering)
If your looking for some great deals on homes, we have them in all areas!
If you have properties that you want to sell, contact us today!
Visit our website today and sign up for our latest "deal steals"!
We are a group of real estate investors that buy and sell properties for fast cash. If you are looking to find fantastic deals or have excess properties available to sell, please contact us today! Thank you! - Joe
www.yourwebsite.com (Use BOLD lettering)
Phone (555) 555-5555 (Use BOLD lettering)
Email: youremail@internet provider.com (Use BOLD lettering)
I hope this helps. Good luck! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
For all of the good information.
Steve and Veronica.
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
Thanks for all the great information and ideas. I appreciate all your guidance.
All the Best in Life!
for the information on the SFL. I have this system too but was not sure where to start using it. I like the postcard idea and will put that to use soon.
...Steve and Veronica, thanks again for stopping by the forum. I know there are going to be so many great things to share with each other as we all move forward with real estate and the SFL system. Continued success.
- Joe
...Scott, thanks for encouraging me to add my thoughts and insight to the SFL forum. You had a great idea starting the thread and I am sure the more users we get into the forum the more great ideas will continue to flow and be shared. Good luck and keep up the good work.
- Joe
...Mesheltran, good luck with mailing the postcards to prospective cash bueyrs. I believe it can be a numbers game and the more good contact or solid buyers you get the better. Good luck with real estate investing.
- Joe
Great to see so many people taking action! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
....I watched the SFL video in the Classroom Training section under Set For Life Detailed Training Videos called "Importing your Lists." You can import lists by selecting the sub-topic "Import Data" under the start button at the left of your screen. This feature allows you to import current lists of buyers that you have already compiled.
This tool is extremely useful if you already have some bueyrs on a list. You can meet buyers at places such as local real estate club meetings or may have even started a list from potential buyers you called from on-line ads such as Craigslist. You can take an excel file and upload the buyer information right into the SFL system. The video does a great job walking you through how to filter each column so you know you are uploading into the correct area.
This is a great tool to save time on data entry. Also, if you get some lead list from other real estate investors, this can be a great way to organize and upload all the information on each prospective buyer.
Once you begin, the inport wizard screen appears as follows:
Import Wizard Steps
1) Import File
2) Specify Import Type
3) Specify Target Fields
4) Confirm Fields
Import Processing
Import File
Please select a file to upload. It needs to be either a comma delimited file (CSV) or tab delimited file (TXT). The first row of this file will need to contain field names which will be used in the following steps to determine where you will be mapping each of the imported fields.
This file should contain a maximum of 200 columns
Good luck! Keep those buyer's lists growing each day! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
.....Under the Marketing section we have already discussed in the forum above the ways to utilize the "lead pipes" to find cash buyers in your local area. This should give you many cash buyers in your area that you can contact.
If you need or want to locate even more cash buyers, there are various other ways to find cash buyers that have previously been discussed on DG.com.
Listed below are some great links on DG.Com to reference about buildinG a buyer's list:
Dean's Success Academy Coach Jeff Jensen Building Buyer's List Tips:
Video by Dean on Building a Buyer's List:
Conference Call with Dean and Jeff Jensen on Building a Buyer's List:
DG Success Fest link to download (Chapter 1) a FREE Guide to Building a Buyer’s List:
Dean's Success Academy Coach Jeff Jensen's Script for Absentee Owners
The key thought here is to use all resources you have available to you. Once you leverage multiple resources you may begin to put together the puzzle to leverage the SFL system in various new ways. I hope this helps to keep the creative juices flowing! LEARN - GROW - EXPAND (your knowledge)! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
HI Joe,
Thanks for giving the info again. Somehow couldn't find that in the forum's. He has some great scripts to learn from.
Glad you are helping with the SFL System. This system is great.
Have one question, what should I do if I don't have any buyers in my two counties. These counties are the ones we'll be working with the most. Should I just wait until they update for next month and see if any will be added?
Thanks for your help
....I would always be trying to build your Buyer's list. Use some of the great sugestions we have seen on the website. Network at real estate investment clubs, respond to ads, post ads and review auctions in your area to see if you can track down some cash buyers. I believe if you have 5 to 10 really good cash buyers on your list that are serious and want to buy, that may be all you need. Once you start find buyers that you provide good deals to, the buyers will start coming to you. Keep up the good work. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
.....Have you been following your SFL plan to success? To you create yoru plan? Do you know where you want to be? Do you know how you might get there? Of course.....the SFL System! Part of the SFL system is the Gain the EDGE 10 dvds. You want to make sure you wtahc these videos at least twice. Then each few weeks rewatch them because you will begin to "piece together" the bigger puzzle.
Things will make even more sense to you as you got through them, you will get more ideas which may lead to more deals. Just like any good movie, each time you watch it you may see things you may not have seen before. Be sure to get every tip, technique, and tidbit of information from the EDGE videos. I am sharing with you what worked for me and these videos have given me inspiration and information. The EDGE dvds will MOTIVATE as well as EDUCATE!
Joe's Tip: I take a notebook and write out each tip or techiniuque that i like on each dvd. I then write down the time of wehere each area is found on the DVD. This allows me to go back and quickly reference the people or the concepts I want to learn about in the future. Really try to become a studnet ofthe information and learn each area you want to focus on. Not only learn the area, but...."LEARN IT COLD"! Become an expert on the subject by applying what you leanr and by taking action. You learn twice as much by applying and doing! Get in the game! This worked for me and I know it can work for you too!
Keep moving forward! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
Hello Indiana Joe,
I look forward to meeting you someday. You have a great story (like so many others) and like Dean serve as inspiration and great support to us all. I wanted to share two websites I learned about since we're on the topic of automation. The first I found while trying to search out free business cards. You can go to the following site, design your business cards and save it as a PDF to be printed from your home computer! Go to: http://www.businesscardland.com/home/
The second site is one where you can design a postcard to send to your cash buyers (or for whatever purpose). It is likely you will want to filter the list to target certain buyers if your list is long! Once you have saved your lead pipe cash buyers as a CSV or Excel file (you may need to tweak the file for uploading to the site), you will be able to upload it to the site. I have not completed the process yet, but you can get a cost analysis on the site before you purchase. Go to https://click2mail.com/
Hope this helps everyone!
Kevin A Goldman
Kevin A Goldman
Goldman's Gardens Real Estate, LLC
Wholesale Real Estate Investing
Great Success to Us All!
My Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/62066/...
Why do I deserve this? Because everyone should be able to enjoy their life, not struggle through an existence.
Joe,we're so new that we don't even know yet what we don't know! So these posts of yours are EXTREMELY helpful! You're pointing out great lists and features that would probably have gone over our heads, and now we're really sitting up and paying attention to them. It makes the new SFL system WAY less daunting. Bless you.
Hello Joe! Thanks so much for starting this forum. I have a quick question on the address that the lead pipe pulls up with the cash buyers. Is that address the address of the person's personal house, or is it the address of the house that they bought with cash? Your help is greatly appreciated. Also have people been contacting you back yet?
Thanks so much,
Will Clarke
...Thanks for stopping by and adding more tips to the forum. I believe we can continue to share tips, techniques and tidbits on the SFL system and together we can see some great results. I will be at the Gain the EDGE 2011 whenever it is announced. I always find tiume on my calendar for Dean's annual live event!
This is such an awesome event to meet other DGers, network and truly get inspired and educate with the latest and greatest techniques through-out the event. I will look forward to saying hello at the EDGE event or any other Dean type of event we may meet at.
Good luck with rela estate invetsing and please keep sharing those great tips along the way. Have a great evening! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
Hi Joe and Stacey,
We watched you on the Edge 10 the other night. You to make a great team and are an
inspiration. The DVD's are such great motivators. We are doing birddogging studying out Greg Murphy's sandwich option, Rod wants to try the REO's also. Thanks for the tips on buyers lists, you are right you just got to get out there. Oh almost forgot we used your flyer and have received two calls, very open to working with us.
Thanks again. Have a great week.
Hi All - In my area each week, my local newspaper list sellers/buyers who sold and boughter in the last previous month. It also list the amounts. I will add to my excel sheet but can someone explain what it means when the buyer's name is listed and it shows the amount as being ONE DOLLAR??
Also, what do you say to an R.E. Agent who wants you to put down a deposit when making your offer and you do not have a deposit BUT ITS A KILLER DEAL that you do not want to pass on???????
....Thanks for stopping by. The Gain the EDGE 2010 was such a tremendous event. I really enjoyed being able to learn more tips, tehcniques and startegies and sharing with others what we learned as well. Bir-dogging and sandwich lease options are great ways to make cash in real estate. Greg Murphy's strategies are awesome and he has really created a guidemap for success in Chapter # 4 in Dean's new book, Your Town Your Real Estate Proifts. Your Buyer's list is such a valuable tool to build and update continuously. Keep up the good work. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
This was an eventful week. The buyer we have he is so excited about finding a home, he calls us up, and says you know the house on this street I think that one would work or the one on this street would work. Not sure how its all going to turn out yet but it has been fun and scary all at the same time. Will continue the study sessions and DVD playing. We watched your REO on total view yesterday evening. We tried it out with one of the homes we have been looking at for long time on paper that is. The people that are living there haven't made payments for a year now. It is in a nice neighborhood, but does need quite a bit of work. The first bank that had it went under and another bought out cheap. They want 65,000 for it, that is just to much for what needs fixed. We would like to give that embarrassing x2 offer and all the rest, it would be great if it would work in our favor to get us out of some of the unnessesary debt. I'll keep you up to date if anything comes of it. I can't believe I actually got something written out, I hope it made some real estate sense. Thank you and have a great weekend. God bless!!!
Congratulations for taking action, that can be half the battle! The key with banks is make those agressive offers and resubmit the same offer every 3-4 weeks. You might wear them down a litlle and they finally decide to take your offer especially if they are not receiving any other offers. Remember the saying of ..."if your not a little embarrassed by your offer, you are probably offering too much." Good luck on this deal and have a great weekend. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA