Hi, I'm looking for a Real Estate Agent and I've called a few but I feel like I can't be totally honest with them. I say I'm a cash buyer but I don't have cash. I'm trying to build my buyers list but I don't have any yet. Any advise on how to have confidence in dealing with an agent. Thanks
Fake it til you make it!!! You might not have it now but the idea is you will before the closing date. you have to present youself as confident. look them dead in the eye and believe in yourself and your ability. Keep reading and rereading the books the confidence will come...... it works
"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."
Thanks for the awesome advice
No disrespect but thats the worst advice you can give someone who has no idea what they are doing.
They'll hsve to come up with one lie after another and it always leads to misery.
Be honest. Wouldn't you want the same???