If you are new to analyzing properties as potential rental units, you may not be completely aware of the information we need from sellers in order to be able to evaluate them. In order to properly run the numbers to calculate Net Income (Cash Flow), Capitalization Rate (CAP), and Cash on Cash Return on Investment (CoC or ROI), you will need historical performance records on the property, better known as an Income and Expense statement. Minimally, we need that information for the past tax year, and preferably for the past two years. Since this information must be reported in tax returns, it is not uncommon to ask for the Schedule E (Income or Loss from Rental Properties) form for the past two years on the property, or other equivalent tax form.
It is relatively common in the industry for an agent or seller to prepare what is often called a Pro-Forma on the property. It may be well-intentioned, but a Pro-Forma is basically a prediction of how the property will perform under new ownership. Using a Pro-Forma to evaluate a property is problematic at best. First, in order to complete the form, the author must make some assumptions, which may very well NOT be accurate, such as the type of loan, interest rate, etc. that the buyer will choose or qualify for, future vacancy rates, etc. We actually use a term to assess the value of these numbers-- we say that they are PFA, which stands for "Plucked from Air (that's the nice version, you can supply the other term.) In other words, it's worthless information.
Second, and more importantly, we are having "crystal ball" information substituted for hard factual historical information, and that is just intolerable.
As you begin analyzing rental properties, do not let people take advantage of you by providing you with a Pro-Forma. Request, and expect Income and Expense information, preferably for the previous two tax years.
If there is interest in more on analyzing rental properties, I am happy to post more on Cash Flow Analysis, CAP Rates, ROI, and other calculations that can be useful in this process--let me know.
Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts:
The paperwork is often 'fudged' to better the owner at tax time.
Dont overlook the future repairs:
Roof, appliances, flooring,window/doors, kitchen and bath upgrades that WILL cut deep into the numbers
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is a great tool to use when applying for the loan
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Mike, I agree with your statements here. When it comes to the Pro-Forma, I believe that the historical data is the seller's responsibility, the Prop-Forma is mine. If they do their job and provide me with some historical info, then I can more readily do mine.
The tax return information, is, of course, skewed as much as they can legitimately do to reduce taxation, whereas a Pro-forma prepared by a seller is skewed for marketing to show high income. Reality, I would posit, is somewhere in between. Which, again, is my responsibility to determine in my due diligence.
Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts:
I really appreciated your posts of nuggets to us all. Thanks so much! Happy Holidays!
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https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/reigirl/ FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
Not to turn this into the mutual compliment society, but thanks to you for all your comments, you have a tremendous amount of insight that you share, and are very effective in posing incisive questions that everyone benefits from. That's a two-edge sword, and we appreciate all you contribute to this forum. You're one of my idols with the number of posts and my estimate of the cumulative body of knowledge represented there. Happy Holidays to you as well!
Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts: