Hello Everyone...
I am one of the seniors on this site. I will be 62 in July. I was looking on realtor.com today and noticed a duplex that I bought in 1995. I owned the duplex next door and this one was lost due to foreclosure. I made an offer through the realtor that I had bought mine from. They wanted $165,000 and I offered $125,000 and they countered with $150,000 and I came back with $135,000 and it was mine. I sold it for $255,000 five years later. It sold recently for $640,000 and is now for sale again in a bad market for $520,000. You can see it if you go to: www.realtor.com and punch in the zip code: 92672. After that punch in multi family properties and it comes up first as: 2611 S. El Camino Real in San Clemente, California 92672.
Have A Good Day!
Tom Scott
Welcome to the DG family, we're glad to have you here. I for one, love to see seniors on here, because they are such a wealth of knowledge with their life experiences. God bless you for showing us that age doesn't matter, you can do anything you want at any age, it's NEVER too late.
You made a great ROI, but the last guy made out like a bandit! LOL! I bought a duplex for $145k and sold it a year later for $215k and I thought THAT was a good ROI. The guy I bought it from was an investor too that flipped it to me for $25k, so I made out better than he did. You just never know in this business!
Thanks for sharing that with us...
God bless,
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
Thank you Elena M.... for the wonderful comment! I tried sending you an IM but it shows that you do not accept them!
Tom Scott