It is important to figure out how to break the old mindset and get rid of the negative tapes or the thoughts that are are pulling you down.
Make a commitment and give yourself permission to incluce yourself on your daily to-do list, even if for only ten minutes. If possible change how you view things. Include in your schedule a daily form of exercise.Start with baby steps. Find a place where you can relax and let go of your worries and stress
Then realize that you can get out of life what you want
and start reprograming your mind that you are good enough and start removing the layers of onions that you have acquired over the years
Realizing we are all born with "gold nuggets" is a hard concept for many people to believe about themselves. Start using a positive affirmation by thinking in the first person singular and in the presnt tense. For example think and say out loud, "I am beautiful, I am a winner,or I work hard toward my goals every day. Do this exercise every morning for at least twenty- one days ( it takes twenty one days to break your old beliefs and habits) Reflect on your strengths and what value you bring to the table as a human being You ar unique!Learn to recognize and appreciat your own strengths and qualities. Think about your strengths and qualities and put them on a list. Read them every day it will help you change those old tapes of your inner voice that frequently tells you your got good enough
Think positive
Posted on: Thu, 11/17/2011 - 03:07
Think positive
- by scarlson
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I now actually say out loud that "I am a money magnet" when doing something as simple as picking up a penny (or any coin) I happen to find on on the ground/floor. Picked this up from a dear fellow Dger when I was down on myself one day. I'm sure they'll crack a smile when/if reading this! This happens a lot since I am currently a server by trade! You should see/hear some of the looks/comments I get. That just makes the affirmation that much stronger!!! What a confidence booster this has been; it's amazing!
Great post Sherry!
Yes, people; you ARE good enough!!!!
Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!
"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal:
That was a great motivational post SHERRY.It is so imperative that we at all times try to think only positive thoughts, even though it can be a strugle. AFFIRMATIONS are great to start our days with and to continue throughout the day as a means of keeping the negative thoughts from creating doubts in our minds.One that I continually use is TODAY IS A DAY OF COMPLETION IGIVE THANKS FOR THIS PERFECT DAY MIRACLE SHALL FOLLOW MIRACLE AND WONDERS SHALL NEVER CEASE.Our thoughts is a mighty force but yet it is soundless.
Donna SIMON.I am interested in doing all of the strategies, then deciding which will be the one I am most comfortable with, but for now I would love to do wholesaling. This would definitely create fast cash, that I can use for investment in properties that I can eventually buy and hold.DEAN thank you for always creating that time to think of THE DG FAMILY AND WHAT WOULD be best FOR US.