I recently put this ad on Craigslist:
$75000 / 3br - Handy Man Special (Greater Baton Rouge Area)
and got this reponse:
Hi I was inquiring about the 3bdrm house for sale please send pictures and more info.
I am working on several potential properties that could be of interest to the person responding to my Craigslist ad and don't have specific info.
Any suggestions what to do next?
Tips/advice on moving up in Search Engines priority?
David B. Holwell
dbiggs - You have to work on your websites SEO. It is a constant job yet very important. I build websites and do SEO for clients very time consuming. Did you build your website?
Yes we did build our own website here is the address
Hi Tammy,
Could you give an example of your ads you place and what you say when they call?
Tracy Coats
Tracy Coats
Hi Dizzy,
I tried the same thing...went out and found a few properties 3/2, then put my add out. I was wondering how you end up showing the property when they want to see it and how you send photos without relieving the listing price? If you have your realtor take them, do you just sign a non-circumvent agreement with realtor or is this with the potential buyer? So, your realtor knows you are going to sell the property for a higher price to make your profit? Is this correct?
Tracy Coats
Tracy Coats
I would like to see your ghost ad too...please!
a lot of good info in this post. One thing about the ghost ads.
I agree with many, if ghost ads aren't your thing, then it is just not for you. As far as feeling bad about using them. I feel the same way about the word "available". When I get a response from one of my ads, I always be truthful in saying that the property the are calling about is no longer available
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I haven't created any ghost ads yet since it doesn't really sit well with me, but I do need to start building my buyers list. I find your approach much more appealing, but to be honest I am not sure how to get started writing them. Could you provide a sample of the ad or ads that you ran? I appreciate any help. Thanks!
are the real estate version of bait and switch. Yes, they can work, but it shouldn't be used just because they work. Build your business in an ethical manner and you will never have to worry about "what you told who" in the future. Building a quality buyer's list can be a slow process but at least you know your buyers and can build a relationship. I doubt that having quantity over quality helps in the long run. JMHO.
Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors
I'm a new investor and I'm starting up my business. I wonder what my response would be. Great resource.
Thanks Gary
Ghost advs work, they help you build buyer and seller lists a must have in this market. I have had very good luck running ghost advs. Its taking action and moving forward with your business, if you dont feel comfortable doing it then dont. Marketing is key, you must get your name in front of people, and keep it there. Bandit signs, ghost adv, flyers, networking, business cards,yellow letters, post cards, phone calls, knock on doors, are all marketing, if you do these things everyday, you will find the deals and the deals will find you. Action= Marketing
"Action and Mistakes" always-outweigh "Analysis Paralysis"
...Just do It"
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This thread has been very informative. I am a newbie here, and trying to learn the ropes. Don't feel good about deceit and wondering if I should do ghost ads. Seems like it is the way to go if you don't have money or any experience though. I just finished the book and some of the edge program, but wondering if I should get my feet wet; I can't afford any legal troubles, but then who can? Anyone can tell me if there is a thread specifically on birddogging?? Thanks!!
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Have closed more than one deal with the ghost ads they've used???
Thats the real measure of whether or not its effective.
If all you've gotten is a bunch of names, and thats all they are unless they are used, then another, more effective method should be used
Good evening everyone, I am in need of some advice. Unlike what I have read on the site I put up my first ghost ad on craigslist today and got no responses after about 14 hours. Does anyone have any advice on what worked for them in tough areas?
Do you place your ads under the for sale by owner or broker sections? Any advice will be appreciated and helpful.
Thank you everyone,
Do you place your ads under the for sale by owner or broker sections? Any advice will be appreciated and helpful.
Thank you everyone,
Post one each day at different times of the day. Maybe round the time when most people are off from work and maybe a time that you would think they would be on break. Also, make sure you rephrase the words in each post you do. It took mines about 2-3 days to get some leads from the ghost ad.
Hey Travis thank you so much for your response and advice. After watching Carol's videos that is what I started doing as of yesterday. Best of luck to you.
I was posting an ad for an industrial property i'm trying to sell and I noticed an ad for a property in brooklyn
3 family brooklyn brownstone
Needs total renovation
This was posted yesterday
I emailed ad and told them to call me and that I am interested
Got a phone call an hour later. This was the convo
"Hi, im inquiring about the brownstone in bed-stuy"
Are you a buyer??
"I'm an agent who has buyers. How soon can I see it ill bring them with me"
Ummm, i believe its under contract
"Ok, no problem, in the case it falls through, can I see it so I can make an offer???"
I don't think they're showing it
"Ok, so since its under contract can I get the address so I can drive by and are you in control of this property???"
Yeah,.....I am why???
"You said they're showing it not i'm showing it. But anyway can I get the address or can you meet me to see inside???"
What other stuff are you looking for???
"I want that property. I want to see that property. Can you or cant you just give me the address??"
Umm, let me call you back.
I enjoy all forms of advice and I am looking forward to more growth.
Ian Jules
SmartMove Real Estate