Stll having problems finding buyers

Stll having problems finding buyers

I have finally found an REA willing to work with me I am just having problems finding buyers. I have put ads on craigslist and I have some street signs everytime a I think I have a buyer I ask what they are looking for in a property and they ask well what do you have? I tell them Im working on a couple deals im just really interested in finding what kind of properties you want to buy. They usually say ok when you get something call. Now thats a little scary what if I get something under contract and they dont want it? Anyone have any ideas how to really lock up a buyer? Any advice would be great. Especially since I made my first offer today...

Chance Property Investments


Only You stand in your way!!!! Get out of the way!!!!


good luck

Use your agent find out what a good agent to invest in and what type of houses are selling fast then target those house...

Try to find the worst house in the best area...

Do the math on it lock it up the promote it

The lower price the more buyers you will attract

And if your contract expires then try and lock it up again if you cant move one to the next house..


I will never accept defeat there for I will never fail

Have you joined a REI club

Have you joined a REI club in your area? That will be your greatest asset in my opinion. Also, if you are nervous that you won't be able to get rid of the house once it is under contract then just put contingencies in the contract that will allow you to back out of the deal without any consequences. Possibly something like these:

Contingent upon buyer's partner's approval
Contingent upon inspection of buyer

Another thing, if you are worried about the earnest money you may have to put up then put something in the contract about it.

Say something along the lines of "Earnest money to be provided in 14 days, if earnest money is not provided in the stated amount of time then contract becomes null and void."

Remember, as long as they accept the contract it doesn't really matter what you put in there.

Hope this helps!


Success and Nothing Less!

Thanks Guys

I have looked into a REI club They are just so expensive around me and the closest one is about 2 hrs away. I would love to start my own just dont know where to begin. I am putting a call into the club that is 2 hrs away and seeing if they can give me some advice im calling tomorrow. I hope they will be able to help. I just need to get over the first hump and I will be on my way. I found the Ugliest house today.


If you dont like it thats you

If you dont like the program fine leave me alone I have had tremendous success in every aspect of the program. Please do not put your comments in my posts.

If you dont like it thats you

If you dont like the program fine leave me alone I have had tremendous success in every aspect of the program. Please do not put your comments in my posts.