I may have a great lead on a buyers list!

I may have a great lead on a buyers list!

I just got a call on my "looking for investors" craigslist ad. There is a company in my area who helps people find affordable housing(either those have just lost their house to foreclosure or just those who just need help). This organization works directly with investos around the area who hire them to find great deals on apartments and single family homes! Sounds familiar, right? Well, this organization is so busy, they don't have enough resources to cover all of their needs. So they called me!

It gets even better! The lady I spoke with said that the government is going to be funding non-profit organizations who do this type of work because the government wants these distressed properties sold and utilized efficiently. If the properties don't get purchased, they will eventually get demolished by the city. So, there is government money to fund organizations who can connect these types of properties with investors. If the money deosn't get spent, they will lose it. This means that their efforts will be 110% to connecting investors with wholesale properties.

I will keep you all "looped-in" as I learn more,


Cyle Greenwell, President
Max Enterprises, Inc



I wish I had the same success as you do.
I ran an ad and got NOTHING!!! I am ready to submit 20-30 bids on properties but noone to unload them to.





....searching for these types of organizations in your area. The name of the company I spoke to has Property Management in the title. That may give you something to work with. I haven't done this, but maybe the state government website would have this info. Or maybe the agency for housing and human services.


Cyle Greenwell, President
Max Enterprises, Inc



I continue to get emails from realtors wanting to talk with me after they saw my ad on craigslist. I met with a realtor yesterday and he seemed very open to DG's methods of REI. Very exciting! This realtor I met with yesterday is in the process of getting his broker's license and starting his own office that includes realtors, a title company and RE lawyer. What a partner to have!


Cyle Greenwell, President
Max Enterprises, Inc


re: I may have a great lead on a buyers list!

cylegreen wrote:
I just got a call on my "looking for investors" craigslist ad. There is a company in my area who helps people find affordable housing(either those have just lost their house to foreclosure or just those who just need help). This organization works directly with investos around the area who hire them to find great deals on apartments and single family homes! Sounds familiar, right? Well, this organization is so busy, they don't have enough resources to cover all of their needs. So they called me!

It gets even better! The lady I spoke with said that the government is going to be funding non-profit organizations who do this type of work because the government wants these distressed properties sold and utilized efficiently. If the properties don't get purchased, they will eventually get demolished by the city. So, there is government money to fund organizations who can connect these types of properties with investors. If the money deosn't get spent, they will lose it. This means that their efforts will be 110% to connecting investors with wholesale properties.

I will keep you all "looped-in" as I learn more,

This is great. I wonder if California will have anything like this offered?


Congrats on your new connections and thanks for sharing it. Here is some other information. I signed up for a free 4 week course for home buyers. It is two days a week and you receive a certificate.

The course goes over the in and outs of home buying in your area, credit, your local banks, ect. It use to b only offered once a year, but they are now doing contiueous classes.

Contact your local neighborhood association or a mortage broker to see if the home buyers classes are offered in your area. From what I was told if you have the certificate the banks are more willing to work with you.

If nothing else it will give you some contacts of who is looking to buy.


cylegreen wrote:
I just got a call on my "looking for investors" craigslist ad. There is a company in my area who helps people find affordable housing(either those have just lost their house to foreclosure or just those who just need help). This organization works directly with investos around the area who hire them to find great deals on apartments and single family homes! Sounds familiar, right? Well, this organization is so busy, they don't have enough resources to cover all of their needs. So they called me!

It gets even better! The lady I spoke with said that the government is going to be funding non-profit organizations who do this type of work because the government wants these distressed properties sold and utilized efficiently. If the properties don't get purchased, they will eventually get demolished by the city. So, there is government money to fund organizations who can connect these types of properties with investors. If the money deosn't get spent, they will lose it. This means that their efforts will be 110% to connecting investors with wholesale properties.

I will keep you all "looped-in" as I learn more,

Sounds like a great Program.
When you say your area? Do you mean a town, county or state?

your area

I am referring to your city. In my case, the entire metro.


Cyle Greenwell, President
Max Enterprises, Inc


Many Thanks


Thanks so much for this idea! I am a newbie to all of this. I really appreciate you thinking out of the box and forwarding the info on. Looking forward to more!

Home Buyers course

CCC wrote:
Congrats on your new connections and thanks for sharing it. Here is some other information. I signed up for a free 4 week course for home buyers. It is two days a week and you receive a certificate.

The course goes over the in and outs of home buying in your area, credit, your local banks, ect. It use to b only offered once a year, but they are now doing contiueous classes.

Contact your local neighborhood association or a mortage broker to see if the home buyers classes are offered in your area. From what I was told if you have the certificate the banks are more willing to work with you.

If nothing else it will give you some contacts of who is looking to buy.

I have a buyer who has taken the course and is using a CHAMP loan (hadn't heard of that one). These are good buyers to get on your list because, like you said, they may be already approved for a loan and they've got people working with them to get them into a house. Another great source for retail buyers! Thanks!



"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249

Connecting investors and real estate entrepreneurs


This looks pretty interesting. I'm going to start looking on local government web sites to see if I can track this down. I'll keep everyone informed!!

I also found a new group on www.linkedin.com called "The Smaller Independent Investors Group" created to match investing partners with available funds with real estate entrepreneurs to partner in real estate deals. I'll let you know how that develops too.



"A LIKELY impossibility is always preferable to an UNCONVINCING possibility!"

Non-profit organization

Great post Cyle,I do see the obvious as far as the buyer's list.
But what about the Non-profit organization,Helping others to help
ourself! Due to my protection...I can really say no more!
But think about it.


Govt money is available


Thanks for your post and good info - good luck to you on all your deals! Could you/would you please share the CL ad verbiage that you used that seems to have drawn so much feedback for you? thx, d


The info is coming to CA (or is prob already here in some areas) - at least to Modesto - in May. There is a Homebuyer Event scheduled that sounds like a condensed-into-one-day version of what CCC referenced above. First time homebuyers must attend this 4-hours of training to be eligible to sign up for/qualify for possible low/no interest government money for their down payments for their first home purchase.

There will also be meetings for investors in order to get government low interest money to rehab foreclosures to be recycled back into the market to these new buyers.

There will be almost $20 million available in this county alone !

All of this confirms the advise, get out there and do it, make sure everyone you know KNOWS that you are DOING real estate investing!

Happy investing to all !!


In His strength and time -

d Eye-wink

I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers ME [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into ME; I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency]. Phil 4:13 AMP

Hi Cyle

We may be able to help each other in this?

I run a new website in the metro area that was designed to help people buy and sell distressed real estate. Everything from helping struggling home owners find exact resources of local professionals that can help them perform each.
Down to providing short sale assistance and resources to real estate agents.
And of course, investors a way to buy foreclosures. As well as an online short sale auction (Not in full swing yet) That helps investors get the best deals the bank will accept.

Anyway, I haven't had a chance to go over your website yet, but will later.
But I'll bet you might be able to fill a void in my website as a service provider I referr people too that can be mutually benneficial.

When you get a chance, check out my website. Try to find a place for you to fit into it. I'll do the same for yours.

Mr. Kelly
[email protected]
651-230-3825 Cell