I am a Wife and Mom who is determined to be a successful REI so that I can be available to my family and we can enjoy all of the things that we dream about.
I am new to this, I would enjoy showing all of the people who say this won't work that it really does work if you have faith in yourself and you have the drive to get it done!
We will celebrate 30 years of marriage this year. We have 5 beautiful children that we are so proud of! Four are adults - the youngest is still in high school. Our oldest daughter is a great mom to our beautiful granddaughter. I would love to share this business with each of them so they will all be equipped to succeed also. I would like to see them do so earlier in their lives, so they don't have to be held captive by a JOB.
My husband and I have wanted to be real estate investors for quite some time; but the couldn'ts and didn'ts and shouldas, etc. got in the way. Now that I am armed with specific techniques shared by Dean in the Be a Real Estate Millionaire book, as well as all the guidance here, I am determined to be successful in this business.
I was laid off from my management position of 12 years in a call center at the end of 2008. I am confident that when one door closes another door opens. Getting laid off was a blessing, as my JOB had become very stressful and unpleasant for me and left little time for my family. I am passionate about my faith in Christ and I stand on these promises:
Phil 1:6 And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.
Jer 29:11 For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.
Now more than ever I expect good things and I am not afraid to go after them. I look forward to working with all of you. Thanks for your support and for having this forum available for those of us who are interested in learning from each other. When you stop learning you grow stagnant.
Good luck with real estate investing. It sounds like you are determined to succeed and will put in the effort to achieve your goals. We look forward to reading about your future real estate deals! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe