Linda's Journal (Eastern PA)

Linda's Journal (Eastern PA)

Two weeks ago, I found Dean online....ordered his 2 latest books. Started reading one online till i got the hardcover copies. I'm almost through "Your town...." page 291 to be exact. I've stopped reading many times along the way to review suggested web all the documents/contracts, etc. downloaded. Have put out several PM's to seasoned DGers. Hope that someone would consider partnering for assignment & lease options for now.

I am really excited to be doing this. Quite terrified at the same time. I know of a couple of properties that I really, really want to do something with, but am so overwhelmed about the 1st steps to take. I feel I should probably stop looking a properties till I get more educated, have my buyers list built, etc. Oh, I did speak to a real estate agent...he's more than willing to work with me....I am putting together a list of questions for him to help me build my TEAM too.

My goal today is to finsh the book and start the "Profit from RE Right Now" one.

Any, and I mean any further words of wisdom will be greatly accepted. Thanks to all the folks who have written on the sites that I have already read and saved for future resources.

Stay tuned for updates........ to our successful investing Smiling



"; not greedy for money....but eager to serve"
1 Peter 5:2

Linda's Journal (E.PA) Cont'd

Well, it's a few weeks later....i've read 3 books, am scheduled for the Insiders Edge 3 days workshop 9/23-25! Very excited. I have several properties i'm viewing tomorrow, 9/20. Have 2 solid buyers in my bucket. I'm getting excited and very motivated from all that i've been reading on the DG website and the books. My faith is increasing daily. I've met a couple of solid 'mentors' online as well..thanks for the encouragement folks! Truly!

I'm not very good at journaling....but wanted to quickly update it for probably, my sake mostly. So i can actually see the forward steps i've actually taken. Looks good from from here.

Stay tuned....



"; not greedy for money....but eager to serve"
1 Peter 5:2