Never Give Up!

Never Give Up!

It's stories like this that give me inspiration:

=> Case Study: Zappos

Zappos is an online shoe store which offers free returns and free shipping both ways to all customers. It did so well that acquired the company in November 2009 at a final price of 1.2 billion dollars.

What most people don't know is just how close Zappos was to going under in the early days. In fact, they ran out of money so many times that Tony Hseih actually sold his own home to pay for inventory. They looked for outside investment from several different investors who all turned them down for several years.

They also at one point moved all their inventory to an outside fulfillment center that just didn't get their products to customers in time.

Up until Wells Fargo gave the company a $6 million dollar credit line, there wasn't a month where the founders weren't facing potentially having to close down the business.

But they persevered and in doing so made Zappos what it is today.

=> The Power of Never Giving Up

No matter what kind of business you have, from a personal blog to an online store to a brick and mortar, you're going to face setbacks. At times you'll feel like you're failing.

It's times like these that are your opportunity to shine. If you persevere and find creative solutions to whatever problems you face -- no matter how tough it gets -- you will eventually make it through to the other side and experience the success you've always wanted.

Peace and Blessings,


“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us. Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.”

- Nelson Mandela

Simply Amazing


Thank you so much for sharing this story! Too many times, people give up too soon. Oftentimes they give up right before seeing success. Anytime you are starting or building a business it takes hard work and perseverance. Stick with it, work hard, overcome the obstacles, be a problem-solver and NEVER GIVE UP! We all experience challenges and at times become discouraged - the difference between those who win and those who don't is perseverance. Winners NEVER give up...just like the original owners of Zappos and they ended up winning big! Smiling

Never give up Sheila - the real estate business is an industry where you can not only win but win big!

good luck!




"If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."

If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125

I love it!

Thank you for sharing this story! We are new to this journey to living out our dreams, and know that there will be some speed bumps along the way.... But we will never give up!!!!


The Browley Team
Working Towards Success!!

Just what I needed to hear!

Yep....I needed to read an encouraging word today....and there it was waiting for me. Thanks for that post.

Thank you

Sheila, what an inspiring story. Thank you ~ I needed to see that. Have a great week!


Thanks Sheila for sharing such an inspiring story!


Your attitude determines your altitude!


how true. thanks for the great story. Sylvestor Stallone is another example and his story is told by Tony Robbins on those who don't give up overcome!


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
Fear equals:

Thanks Sheila,

The encouragement is appreciated. Hard work and perserverence still pay off.

thank you

Great story. Thanks



A dose of reality


I certainly agree that perseverance is an important trait to have if you are running your own business; and that includes being a real estate investor. However, one should recognize that not all ideas are going to work simply because you keep pushin' on. I am a glass half full kinda guy and I believe strongly in the power of perseverance, but only if it follows building a workable business plan that applies to your situation taking into account your personal strengths and weaknesses. Let's be honest, not everybody would have had the same skill set as Tony Hseih for Zappos, just as not everybody has the same skill set as Dean for real estate investing. This doesn't mean that you should give up if you don't as many of the techniques are learnable. But you can't teach perseverance, initiative, integrity, the thirst for knowledge, the ability to work with others and the ability to rebound from disappointments.You must have the internal ingredients for success.

In closing, perseverance is a fantastic trait, but you alone must decide if you are going down the right path to begin with. The stark reality is that there are a number of people that real estate investing will never work. Just make sure you're not one of them before you keep committing resources to a dead end.


Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors

Well, Bill.

you know how to clear a room, eh. ; ) Sheila, good stuff. Now, we gotta get our DUNS numbers and start building our credit lines. Faith without works is fantasy. peace, ya'll.


Dana w/ Crossroads Solutions LLC
I am direct to the VP of a $100 million dollar open-ended debt and equity fund which actively writes checks to fund businesses with an EBITDA of at least $1 million a year. We fund also have access to up to $500,000,000 for the purchase of distressed real estate, specially commercial $7,500,000 and up.