Hello again DG Family,
Im stuck. I bought Deans Books 2 yrs ago. I read them. and tried to put them into action. But I had no luck. I tried to stay with it and i could use all the excuses in the world to try and justify whay i havent been successful. but thats neither here nor there. I need help. in any way that i can get it. I recently moved from south carolina to upstate new york for personal reasons. im unemployed, and i have no money. if it werent for my loving family i might not be here. finding a job has proven to be exhausting and unsuccessful. I KNOW that there is money to be made in real estate. The proof is obvious to those who arent naive. but my resources have dwindled. i no longer have a working phone, i have no computer (im at the library) and i have no idea what kind of market im in or where to start. Im desperate. if nothing else i need some motivation. I wanted to join the success academy but i couldnt afford it. i wanted to get the set for life system, but i couldnt afford it. Dean stresses the fact that you dont need money to make money. but im finding that more and more hard to believe everyday. I had a pretty extensive buyers list while in sc. most of them flaked, didnt return calls or emails. or just flat out lied. all the realtors i talked to told me that assigning contracts was a **** practice that would never work. i refuse to be denied. I will make money with real esate. and im not to proud to ask for help. So please any tips on where to start in a new city, how to make theses atratigies work with out a phone, and how to stay motivated would be appreciated. like i said before. if nothing else i need some motivation. im losing my interest and i know that that's when people stop tryin and go back to their regular lives. I WANT to live outside the box. but the box im in seems to have bars on the outside. Im looking for the DG family to help get me back to where i can do something. cause at this point i still want it but i feel as if it might be a lost cause.........
1 Step Forward, 2 Steps Back
Posted on: Tue, 10/05/2010 - 16:48
1 Step Forward, 2 Steps Back
- by Epidemic2115
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I can appreciate where you are coming from. I am originally from upstate New York myself, near Binghamton, and I will be returning there shortly. All though I am no expert, there is two pieces of advice that I have come accross which I always try to keep in mind with my REI aspirations and I am sure will help you now:
1)Lots of people have great ideas or learn of a system that could prove to make them very successful. The problem is these people never DO anything about it. I firmly believe this is why many people full of potential never make it. You can read all the books you want, take all the courses, and be really prepared which is deffinately a good idea! But you need to get your feet wet.
2)I think I read this in one of the DG books and also heard it in one of the videos the other day. Don't take advice from people who are not qualified to give it. Period. Pressure from family and friends can really get to you if you let it. Thats not to say some people dont have practical insight, however, like you know not everyone does think out of the box. Its a good idea to come to sites like this, and try to keep in touch with positve people who have other aspirations for success!
Hope this helps!
You're going to hear everyone else tell you to stick it out, try and make it work, blah blah blah blah. Not saying give it up but at least be able to put food on the table before you start trying to find houses and such on an empty stomach.
Real estate, like roaches and rats and taxes will always be here, so take your time, get your foundation right, then restart your journey
Best to you
I'm sending you a PM. Next time you get to the library, let me know what you think.
Check out my journal:
My free website from Dean:
The Sky's the Limit!
Try to attend some local REI meetings around your area. I'm sure there are some in your area, just search google. There, try to network and meet with as many real estate investors as you can. Take advantage of your time there, you might even try to find a partner. Just try your hardest to not give up, persistence will pay off. Take action !
To your success,
-Gabriel Do Carmo
"You deserve to be successful"
Gabriel Do Carmo
Now that you are down to limited resources, are you able to drive thru your area and find rehabbers working on houses? Speak with them about finding properties for them and their criteria. If you're handy, offer them your services, maybe rental/construction cleanup, painting, laborer, yard work, tree trimming, etc. for cash. If he has nothing, ask him if he knows other investors that could use your services. Investors are always happy to employ the locals without paying the max for professional services. Look for the "for rent" signs, maybe someone is inside preparing the prop for rental.
God Bless you,
You'll be fine,