Hi everyone, I am new to all this and hope I have posted this correctly. This is the first entry into my new journal. I have read all three of deans books more than once and I am in the process of putting togeather my investment team. I live in the little town of Valdez Alaska, we have a population of 3,500 people and a limited number of houses so I am not sure how this will work here in my town. The closest city to me is 305 miles away which is Anchorage. This is where I am putting my team togeather and focusing most of my efforts. I have deans forclosure alert and I am trying to figure out how it works.
So far I have posted ads on craigslist looking for brokers, property managers, and other investers. I tried the phone book but was unable to find what I was looking for it just ended up confusing me. I have been on craigs list and looked up lots of deals and I am also trying to build some contacts off of here, this place is a goldmine and definately should be used by people.
I just got a email from an investor who saw my ad on craiglist and said he would be willing to help me get started and gave me the name of his broker and property management team and said he would help answer my questions so this is my first big break. I am just starting out and it is a bit scary but if I keep at it I know I will get better. I will keep everyone updated on my progress getting started here, I asked the investor what he invested in and if I could maybe bird dog for him so I will wait and see what he says. Right now I am focused on getting my team in place and will go from there. Sorry I got so long winded on here, I will try and keep the next ones shorter. Thanks everyone for your support and knowledge sharing.
To Your Massive Success: Tom Taylor
Warren Buffit: Your money is either working for you or against you. He doesn't buy new cars because they depreciate in value, your purchases should increase in value this is your money working for you. This is his key to building wealth and some good advice.
Congratulations for starting your journal it is a great way to keep yourself accountable and share your insight and knowledge with other DG Members. The DG website is packed with information and inspiration. You may want to consider joining a local real estate investment club to network with other investors if there happens to be one in your area. If not get a few investors together and consider starting a group. This is a great way to learn, build a buyer’s list and maybe even find a partner for a few deals. Try to do a little each day to get you closer to your goals and dreams. Good luck with real estate investing. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
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Joe Jurek CPA