Joined: 2009-12-24
Points: 57

Tom Taylor
Valdez Alaska
About Me:
I am a single father of two beautiful girls. I work for the Trans-Alaskan pipeline. I am always looking for new ways to become financially free, so I can live my dream of traveling the world and scuba diving. I am new to realestate investing but look forward to learning everything I can and putting it to use. I would love to partner up with someone either in alaska or that specializes in coastal properties. I am always open to good investment strategies and making my money work to it's fullest potential.
Scuba diving, traveling, sports, boating, fishing, hiking, camping, snowmachining, fourwheeling and most other outdoor activities. I also love to play all sorts of games and spend quality time with my family.
Looking for people from alaska
I have been trying to locate forclosures in Alaska and haven't had much luck with the forclosure finder, is there any other people on here from Alaska or that might be able to help me find resourses and information that covers alaska.
Sincerely, Tom Taylor