Hi. I thought it would help me with my success to have a journal. I am single mom to a beautiful 16 year old daughter who is going to Germany for rotary foreign exchange program. She is my why for this REI adventure that will lead to my financial success and freedom. The only thing I'm fighting is myself. I am wealthy. I am free. I am a real estate tycoon.
Cathy L.
Happy New Year to all. With a new year in store and many changes upcoming for me this year I dedicate myself to becoming free, free from the bondage of debt, fears, worry, obsession, perfectionism, stupidity, excuses, laziness, negativity, depression, feeling sorry for myself, procrastination, and anything else that will hold me back. I have a renewed hope for what this new year will bring both in my personal life and the world of REI. Later this year I am releasing my daughter to be a foreign exchange student somewhere yet unknown for 11 months. That will be a difficult day. I am entrusting her to strangers for an awesome opportunity. That's my why right now to be debt free so I can be example to her and have the freedom to visit her in 2011 and the money to pay cash for the trip. My focus right now is to continue the plan I have for becoming debt free, find an accountability partner (which has been the hardest for me), and get my buyer's list going. I also have a car to sell to get out of bondage of owing others money instead of having my money work for me. I paid off one credit card with 3 others to go. There is so much out there if all of you can succeed there is no reason for me not to. I believe in myself and that's really what it takes and what I was lacking. It's hard when you have the tape recorder with all the 'bad' talk. I just need to replace and change the recording. Blessings to all of you and to the new year, Here I come 2010!
Where did my time go so here's the list of what I did today.
5:20 am woke up and spent time with the Lord
6:20 get ready for day
7:15 checked email, threw in a load for laundry
7:30 ate some breakfast and started car to warm up
7:45 left home to take dtr to school and go to job
At lunch time called mortgage loan person for pre-qual letter to put in offers on some houses I've had my eye on. I think my credit score is down the tubes though. I do have an idea for angel investor so will have to check on that route for these offers.
3:30 oil change
4:15 picked up daughter from after school activity, went to store for a some groceries and office store for school supplies (didn't have at grocery store what we needed or should I say what she wanted)
5:20 home, Threw in laundry into dryer and threw in another into wash
Made dinner
folded laundry, put other load in dryer,
8:05 kicked daughter off computer so I could have some time to work
Actually I have been convicted to sell my car and get out from the burden of debt it's causing me and buy something much less expensive; it was a foolish purchase in the first place and I knew better so I checked out a website a friend (another real estate investor) used to place ad for her car. Then I went to DG site and I watched Dean's blog tonight. And read some journals which I spent the most time on Chris' and how he is just driven to succeed. I shoud have done the same when I first started but excuses, fears, and procrastination get in my way but no more of that. I am 100% committed to make this work.
P.S. I love you Cathy. Be good to yourself and not so hard. You started and that's all that counts.
I totally agree with you. If others can do it why not uyou?
Belief is all you really need. You obviously KNOW you can and will, and you have decided to do just that(ACTION).
So you got the hard part done. The rest will flow like water in a creek, sometimes faster and sometimes slower but it will flow. Only one thing can stop it and that is you. The whole point is no other can stop you unless you let them.
You have been here longer than I have but welcome to the family anyway! It seems to me that with this great family we have it would be harder and you would have to work on it to fail, then succeed.
Ps. Momma E, Cathy(and I) need your encouragement.
Join my REI group SouthCentralTexas ALL active motivated gogetters welcome Your location is not important.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't force him to accept money.
-One Step Closer
Well up at usual time, 5:20am and with the Lord for about 50 mins. Then get myself ready, throw laundry in wash, and other load in dryer. Eat something. Checked email and did some personal business. Dropped daughter off at school. Well then my day got thrown a bit of a ringer but not too bad; I had to travel to 2 buildings for my job vs. just one as someone was ill today. I usually have a 45 to 50 min commute one way and listen to CD for my auto degree (college in a car) so I just got an extra 1 1/2 hrs in my car of education. Made dinner. And throughout day talked with mortgage loan officer to get pre-qual letter to put in offers. Will have to follow up tomorrow; she needed more info which was at home and not on me. Heated up leftovers for some supper with daughter as we have a short period of time on Tues before she has to leave for a lesson. Then I did dishes and best investment ever, portable DVD player that I use in my kitchen to watch DVD (the EDGE program) #3 while I do the dishes. There's always housework to do. Then I had my investment group tonight. New person arrived and very interesting and knowledgeable through internet only. He has 2 deals going through this week. Very helpful resource as well. I am so committed. Each day I will do a little bit. My plan tomorrow is the following:
-Follow up with mortgage loan officer
-Send my sister email about some contacts she has that might be interested in investing with me (buyer's list)
-rewatch seller financing training
-type up estimate of repair costs on home that I want to make offer on and email to possible partners on this one
-contact seller about possible seller financing deal, set up time to discuss offer and such, and look at property first
-listen to buyer's list video that was just done; I was on the call but want to listen again and write down what I missed
Just keep moving forward
Go Cathy in 2010!
Oh thanks Scott. I may look like I have been here longer but not really. I was just frightened and not involved really. I had a mindset of throwing my money away and I had to change that belief which I am pretty sure I did. I am committed to become debt free right now even without real estate; just with what I have now. By another source you have to take care of what you have now in order to get more in the future. I know that was random. I get sidetracked with my thoughts. I wish you the very best and You CAN DO it too.
Well it's a snowy day here. Better than below freezing temps. I had a conference training call last night that went longer than anticipated so back on track today. Yesterday I did contact mortgage co to get pre-qual letter; they required more info. Sent sister email. Have to follow up with possible investors that she knows.
Other To Do's:
1. listen to buyer's list audio replay from last week
2. take notes and follow up
3. I need to read book and set up website.
4. Decide to keep 3rd phone line for business or cancel and do something else or use my own personal phone for business
5. Take some time to enjoy the evening; it's kind of a special day for me
Happy Birthday to you Cathy! I love you! You are Worth It!
Welcome to the DG family, glad you decided to take a chance and move forward. I know it's scary at first, but like riding a bike it becomes easier the more you do it. Just remember, taking baby steps will get you to your goal if you just don't stop taking them.
Happy Birthday to you dear, you ARE loved, you ARE worth it, YOU make a difference in the world, YOU are destined for greatness!! Use the forum for help, support, advice, whatever you need. That's what we're here for! Let's make 2010 ROCK!!! ;D
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
I just wanted to wish you the very best in REI. Thanks for sharing your story and have a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Would you like a prediction of what will happen in the rest of your life?
It will be the same as mine in one way. Exactly what we make happen! Nobody can do it for us. We have to. We can let those around us influence our decisions which could be good or bad depending on who we surround ourselves with, but it still comes down to what we decide.
Cathy, you have an experience that makes you stronger. You had someone affect you in the wrong way. You eventually overcame that and are stronger for it.
You should know that your posts help me. I look foward to reading the next chapter in the Cathy's 'new beginnings'. I bet I am not the only one.
I read something somewhere that helps me, and maybe it will help you also. You already have that success. I know money isn't everything but imagine your success as money, like a few million dollars, or more. It is already yours. It is already in a bank account somewhere waiting for you. You just have to keep taking those steps foward and you will eventually get to the point where you are ready to go get it. If you stop taking those steps that money(success) will evaporate like the morning dew in a summer's afternoon sunlight.
Now, with that in mind, think about what freedoms that money would give you. What can you and will you do with that money. I like to think about providing the better things in life for my family, having more time with my family and all the other people I will be able to help. Once I get 'there' I will be able to help the less fortunate and also do little things like give my tenants the month of December for free, no payment due. I think about what that could do for some families, and I realize I don't have a choice at all. I have to keep taking those steps.
Dreaming is GOOD. Dream often about what you can and will do WHEN you get 'there'. You will also find reasons why you absolutely must with no choice continue taking those steps.
Happy Birthday! Make this Birthday the best yet.
Join my REI group SouthCentralTexas ALL active motivated gogetters welcome Your location is not important.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't force him to accept money.
-One Step Closer
Thanks to all of you, Elena, Lea, and Scott. I am so glad to be a part of this family, and this wonderful, amazing support. I put in an offer on a property today, and looked at a couple of homes as well. I have to get to the office store to make some signs. And network-make calls. Sometimes, well alot, I struggle with organization at my full time job, home setting, family, and my business in REI. But I love real estate more and more. My own job today I heard a couple of coworkers talking about the first time buyers and how that changed, boy did my ears perk up and when the opportunity came, I handed out a business card and told them what I knew about it. Networking is everywhere. This week I have to make some calls to some hard money lenders just for information and possibly find a couple to work with me.
Best news for family is my daughter found out what country she will be going to next school year........GERMANY! That was her 2nd choice. Now I have to really get on the ball to do some assignments or lease options to get some cash to pay for it.
I liked Dean's New Year Blog about baby steps too. I feel as if I'm getting closer and closer to a deal. Thank you all. I have to go chauffeur now but will be back.
Computer is down at home. will call tech support or my sister. So I'm at the library. Got a recommended speed reading program which I'm looking forward to so I can read Dean's books more quickly as well. It's hard to balance home, work, business, and family. But it's necessary and I do use a planner. Tonight for REI I am reviewing list of hard ball money lenders and call realtor about looking at more properties this week or early next. I have to get to the office supply store and make flyers, yard signs, and such. I did get a letter of pre qualifying so I can make offers which is awesome. I did make an offer still waiting to hear back. OH my own house is flip basically. I have to get siding soon. I am getting new flooring in main rooms, and I need to paint prior to floors being installed. I realize I can't do it all so I am calling someone to paint ceilings and paneling. I need to get out of the debt. I can't wait for my new beginnings. I told my realtor that this year is going to be different. I can't wait to see what I do. You can DO it Cathy. I believe in you.
Let's see. I started watching the Edge DVD #3 and how awesome that is. Why I didn't spend time earlier, who knows? But it's never too late. My computer is in a shop being looked at as it crashed (I think) and the laptop a virus I believe so no computer this weekend. I'm at my parent's house on theirs. I am trying to access Dean's video to get his book half price but I get an error message that the server is not found or something like that. I will have to send an email to see what else I can do about it.
I am excited because I have a plan. When I leave here I am doing a goal's worksheet. Also I have a daily planner and will schedule times for the real estate. I am trying to partner with a mom/daughter on some offers currently. I am excited about working with the realtor I have and have her help me with some of the tips in the Edge program doing a search with "as is" in the criteria. She already sends me the estate and trusts throughout my area. I looked at one but needs quite a bit of work but if I think outside the box and get it at a low cost I could assign it to a handyman and there you go. I guess I should just put in an offer but would have to use a different agent I think because mine is the realtor for the sellers. They just want rid of it.
I love talking real estate everywhere but I don't speak up all the time. I was getting a coffee somewhere and knew someone and sat in a corner nearby to visit and lo and behold there was a man sitting there as well that knew the same person I did. Here his son goes to school with my daughter. Anyway I was going to leave and then I just asked him so 'what do you do for work'. And he informed me he does residential new construction, general contractor basically is what he said. He had a partner that was there with him too. He said they just finished $1.5 million project. He said they really hadn't done flips or anything like that but are interested in large multi plex properties (commercial). I remember the realtor telling me about some apartments in foreclosure a little ways out of town from me but I never did anything with the info. So I told him about it and called my realtor to see if she remembered or had info on them. Anyway at least I know what they are interested in. They both seemed interested in the real estate group I belong to as well. We talked about land and new construction and such because I always see land for sale but never know what to do with it. Actually there's a lot not too far from where I live and thought it would be great for condo's or 4 plex or something. I will have to follow up with them and keep in touch that's for sure.
So that's my plan for now and what's happened with me last week. This is a new week and so looking forward to it. I just have to do some planning and put in the time.
Thanks everyone for the support.
I believe in you Cathy.
For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future. Jer 29:11
Well I got some paper to make flyers.
I will get my computer back tomorrow afternoon so that will be good. I plan on setting up a website for the real estate business.
I scheduled time this week for real estate business and had an epiphany about how I go about my day. I let the day control me instead of me controlling my day and actions. I need to make better choices and not do so much running around which will give me more time.
I did some goal planning for the year and now have to break that up to smaller steps like daily, weekly, and monthly. I just need to focus and really set a vision for myself where I want to be at the end of this year.
I do have an investor's meeting tomorrow night but I almost don't want to go because I feel like a failure because I really haven't done anything yet. But they do help to lift me up and keep my focus.
I'm going to have to hire someone to help me prepare my own home to sell this spring/summer. I want to buy a duplex so I can live on one side and rent the other. This will help me to pay down some debt and increase my investments and save to buy investment properties. I know at first it will be hard for my daughter but she will be leaving late summer for 11 months so I can work my business and by the time she's back her senior year I can provide a nice home for her. I want to have a place where she can have her friends over and have some privacy too.
I am glad to have this group of people around. I read the other journals and have learned alot. Thanks to all of you.
I believe in you Cathy, you can DO It
Computer not fixed but will be ready tomorrow so will research on how to set up a website for real estate to create buyers and seller's list. I have investor's meeting tonight. I have a plan. I wrote out some long term goals and now to break those down to smaller goals. I plan on increasing my buyer's list. I have a real estate lawyer to call from referral of others. I will contact my realtor that's been helpful to see if 1 or 2 days this week we can look at a minimum of 10 houses. If she has more time I will look at more. I did find some homes I am interested in putting in some offers. I have to call a contact about buying her investment home under a seller financing contract which she seemed interested in that.
I figured out how much I can invest in my own home to fix up so I can sell this spring/summer and still make a profit.
On the right track. I keep praying for focus and staying on track. I get caught up with last minute things that always seem to come up. I decided I need to control my day and not let the day control me. I can DO it. I will DO it. One step at a time. It is worth all the work.
I believe in you!
I always feel so bad when I come across someone's journal that I haven't read yet. That being said, yours was SUCH a treat to read tonight! Some of the beginning was so touching it nearly made me cry..
I can see already in this short time you have come SO far and have taken action CONSTANTLY, even with your busy schedule!
I'm so excited for your daughter, going to Germany! My youngest daughter JUST got back from a 10-day trip to Germany last week. She LOVED it! And, because of REI, we were actually ABLE to pay cash for her to go (before we wouldn't even have been able to THINK about sending her)! So keep up the good work, and you WILL have all that you need and more! (He owns the cattle on a thousand hills..
Oh, and I LOVE the encouragement you give yourself at the end of your posts. That is so important.
Wishing you much, MUCH success!
God bless!
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
Thanks, Rina. I just got done reading your second one. I need to go back to the first one. It's so good to see other's journals. I already have learned so much. Mine get a bit boring. Anyway it's more for me to read than anyone I guess.
That's great that your daughter went to Germany. We don't know what part my daughter is going to yet.
My computer is back and running YES!
Rainy and icy today; no fun. But I'm home now so that's good. I had my REI meeting last night. Very good, very good. I love what everyone is doing or what's going on in the area. Haven't heard yet from the offers we put in. I am going to look at some properties on the computer and pick some to go look at with the realtor end of this week or weekend depending on weather and her schedule.
I am going to make some flyers tonight and declutter.
I wish I knew what was best for my own home. I want to sell it and then buy a duplex for my daughter and I and when she's gone for the 11 months I can pay down debt and do REI. But I need to start now taking the action steps I need a deal in 1 month. That's a good goal.
I believe in you
Weather was bad last week so will look at properties with realtor this week. Preparing own home to sell. Will make list today and go over properties with realtor. Didn't get the house I put offer in last week but there will be more opportunities out there. Received Dean's new book, very excited to get started. Just keep moving forward, Cathy. Just take one step forward each and every day. You can do it.
I believe in you,
I know some use the elephant analogy but I don't care to eat elephants but pie I can handle. I read Mrs Chenault (?) journal (not sure if spelling is close at all so sorry Mrs. C (as Scott calls her)) she compared REI to a pie and Scott added to it. But don't remember it all exactly but I loved it. This week is ACTION and not just learning; I have many tools and skills I just need to use them now. Thanks for all the journals; I am enjoying them and learning from them.
Go Cathy!, Go Cathy!, Go Cathy!
This probably won't make sence to some, haha, but Cathy understands. She posted a message to me somewhere else and I am answering it here.
I last posted to your journal on 1/8/10. WOW I can't believe it's already almost Feb! I have logged in and read your journal every time there is a new post. It's in my 'track' list and I check it daily for updated threads.
I talk to myself and tell myself things and thought maybe that was wierd. I like the way you do it also Cathy but your better at it, more positive. I am learning from you and will give myself pep talks like you do. I am luvin how you do that.
I agree with you on the elephant analogy. I would be worried about getting stepped on. I am not really lil at 6'5" 225ish but those guys are way bigger than me and probably wouldn't even notice if they did step on me. The pie one is better, well, as long as it's chocolate. Grin
I do read many different journals, and I also suggest to those that don't have one to start one. Through sharing our ideas, tribulations, etc we all profit. Reading other's journals is very motivating for me. I also get ideas about so many different things. I'll give you one example. CBR joked about something. The meaning was deep and really got me and made me think. I won't explain. You'll know though, Cathy. I believe it was the very beginning of CBR's journal, but it was in Rina's first journal. He posted something like:
6:00am sat on couch waiting for great deals to come to me
6:05am Well that didn't work so I got up and......
Cathy I also believe in you. Keep up the good work. Keep setting the good example for us all. Looking foward to meeting you and many others at the May event.
I was in the Army for 16 years. During that time I spent 5 years in Germany, learned the language and traveled all over Germany and Europe. I might be able to answer some questions....
"Wann Sie Wollen durfen sie mich fragen and konnen wier das diskuiteren."
If you and your daughter don't that you should look it up. Yes, Cathy you should also learn German or at least some of it so when you visit you will be more prepared. She will love the experience. I loved it myself and did not want to leave.
Bis wier uns vieder sprechen,
Join my REI group SouthCentralTexas ALL active motivated gogetters welcome Your location is not important.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't force him to accept money.
-One Step Closer
Thank you Scott. The more people we tell about my daughter going to Germany the more people we find that have lived there, speak it, or know someone who does. To me it's similar to real estate; the more I speak it, research, talk about it the more houses for sale I see, the more people I run into that have some part in it whether realtor, contractor, banker/mortgage lender, someone that's selling or buying.
I remember that about CBR briefly. I thought that was such an epiphany so to speak. You know it's not going to come to us we have to go chasing for it. And I realized you have to be hungry for it (don't mean all the food analogies but we're on pies anyway so why not continue, haha). And I read recently in another journal that CBR responded he was just sick of his same situation day in/day out; you have to have a why and a BIG WHY? I'm in the health field and do I need to say more. So...
I finally have decided this is my path to financial freedom, and peace, and happiness. I know it's not easy. I hear it all the time from the very successful students but you bite the bullet (or pie) should we say and keep going. I know there will be obstacles, I am fighting one every day, there's times I want to give up but that's not an option. To me it's satan that wants us to be trapped, dismal, depressed, in debt, and in bondage, it's Christ that set us free from all that but we have to believe. That's 100% my own belief so I hope no one takes offense because everyone has their own beliefs.
Again thanks so much for the encouragement Scott. I will look up the German and find out what it means and post it here or somewhere else I see you.
Go Scott!, Go Scott!, Go Scott!
I believe in you Cathy; We are all worth it!
It's in the morning which I usually don't get on the computer in the am. But I decided I would post my goals or tasks to do and then at end of day I can check them off.
1) send list of homes to realtor that I want to go look at
2) read Dean's new book or start anyway
3) call real estate lawyer
There's more I'd like to do but sometimes I try to do too much or say I will do all these things but yet it's unrealistic so I will keep to 3 items
Oh I am going to a landlord's meeting tonight
Last night I relistened to Jeff's and Dean's conference call on buyer's lists and I plan on some networking tonight at this meeting
I am pumped today anyway.
You can DO it, CAthy, I believe in you. You are worth it.
Mark 9:24 ..."I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief!"
Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
James 1:2-8 is awesome and deals with perseverance.
Keep it up Cathy
Well got a bit sidetracked from posting. I did complete 2 of 3 tasks; I really have to figure out what's going on with me; why I procrastinate; why I'm making this harder than it supposed to be. Don't get me wrong, I know it's work and another business but what I meant is just submitting to my realtor places I want to go look at. Why I'm having such a hard time with the true ACTION steps. You know what Cathy You can do it. Don't stop. I won't give up, I can't give up, I have too much to do and achieve. I am going to do a seperate post and do the 7 levels step over. I did it last night but not sure about the outcome so will try again here.
Love you girl!
You go for it!
Don't ever, ever, ever stop!
I truly love this concept and saw it on the Edge DVD as well. so thought I would post it here. Then I will feel as though others are asking the why part.
So here goes from Dean's new book:
What is important about this book to me?
It will give me the tools and answers to become a highly successful real estate investor
1. Why is it important for you to become a highly successful real estate investor?
Because I want to be a millionaire and this is a common thread or avenue that most if not all financially successful people (millionaires/billionaires) take or have (is real estate)
2. Why is it important for you to become a millionaire?
Because I want out of debt and live in peace with financial freedom. I'm tired of suffering in the bondage of debt, poverty mindset, and always living paycheck to paycheck (or as Dani would say spending paycheck to paycheck)
3. Why is it important for you to get out of debt and to live in peace with financial freedom?
Because I want to be an example to my daughter and teach her the skills to be financially free and not have to suffer but to break away from this curse of debt and poverty
4. Why is it important for you to be an example to your daughter and teach her the skills to be finanacially free and break away from poverty and debt?
Because I want her to have a better life and not worry about money
5. Why is it important for you that your daughter has a better life and not worry about money?
(fill in with the Jeopardy theme song; I'm a bit stuck here)............
repeat the Jeopardy theme song; still stuck
I don't know; this one is tough; you think you would just write or type what pops into your head but nothing's poppin' or it's stuff I already addressed so I'm trying to dig deeper if you know what I mean. Dean doesn't call it 7 levels deep for nothing.
ANSWER Finally:
I don't want her to have to live the way we've been living; I want to leave a legacy that will last for generations.
Oh no I have two more levels, UGGH!
6. Why is it important to you that you stop living the way you've been living and leave a legacy that will last for generations?
So that I can provide for my family and take care of them
7. Why is it important to you to provide for your family and take care of them?
This is sooo soooo soooooo Hard but very good. I want to quit and come back but I'm so close to the end. Jeopardy theme song playing and repeating many many times here.
Okay I really need a break; but I won't quit; I won't back down, no I won't back down
Well i'm not quitting but I am taking a 15 min break to ponder this last one; I wish I had someone to ask me the question, I don't know if that would make a difference
stay tuned
Love you Cathy
You are taking action it doesn't matter how fast just keep doing something everyday
Love you girl
Still no answer I will have to mull this one overnight I think. I'm off to read Dean's new book. I just finished reading Carol's journal (freeindeed). How motivating; truly I just need to follow everyone's steps in here that are successful and I can't go wrong.
Go for it;
Love you
I like how you write nice words of encouragement to yourself that is empowering. Thanks for sharing your 7 steps I'm looking forward to hearing about your last one (your discovery.)
About what you call your procrasatination (someone wish I could remember his name said)'Do what you like least first.' They may not be his exact words but you know what I mean.
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
Thank you Lea. That tip is very good and I will implement it starting now. I did finally got on Craiglist and did call some we buy homes as and 1 called me back and is willing to help me like with a website and accessing his buyers as well. So daily progress is happening. Thanks Lea again.
I was at a speech competition today with my daughter and her high school team. So didn't get too much done today. Will continue reading the New book. I have to concentrate on the last level of my earlier post; it's hard; I come up with things but appears to be things I already stated; I'm trying to really dig deep. Oh and I have to learn some German as well.
I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief.
YOu are well worth it; Keep on going!
German word: "pronounced" = English translation
Guten : "goo-ten" = good
Morgen: "morgan" = morning
Tag: "tog" = day
Abend: "ab-end" = evening
Guten morgen = good morning
Guten tag = good day
guten abend = good evening
Let me know how I can help.
Join my REI group SouthCentralTexas ALL active motivated gogetters welcome Your location is not important.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't force him to accept money.
-One Step Closer
Thank you so much. I am hoping to meet with a friend today that's coming in town. She was a nanny in Germany and her father is from Germany. Also I am going to probably hire a tutor as well to learn quicker. Actually there's a young man that's my daughter's boyfriend that was chosen as well and he's going to Germany too. Hopefully not in the same part of Germany. His parents and I discussed in gerneral about them tutoring together; cuts cost down a bit and they can practice as well with each other. I am concerned about the whole drinking thing but my daughter has a good head on her shoulders and as far as I know she doesn't even like to drink, smoke, or any of that stuff. But it's so prevalent over there. We'll see and lots of prayer that's for sure. Thanks for your offer of help Scott; I'll be sure to take you up on it.
Again thanks for your support. It's just great to have this site and be like one big family. I love it.
Believe and you can Achieve as Indiano Joe would say.
Take care
Ahh took me a bit of time.
Why is it important to you Cathy that you take care of your family and be able to provide for them?
7. So that my family and I can have complete control of our lives and be able to do, be, and/or go anywhere we want to without any constraints. I want to be able to live life to the fullest and teach others the same thing and to let them all know anything is possible.
Love you Cathy