Senior Member
Joined: 2009-03-31
Points: 1514

Cathy Loose
Quad Cities, IL
About Me:
I'm a single parent of a 16 yr old daughter. Currently I work full time as an occupational therapist for a national contract therapy company in a local long term care facility. I read alot on finance and such and that is how I realized real estate is a common thread throughout those with financial success. This is something that's been on my heart/mind for at least 10 years but I allowed one person's comments to settle in my mind and stop me in my tracks. It was a local realtor on top of it all. So here I am. I can't look back but only move forward and record some new messages.
real estate, reading, and being a mom
It was so nice to meet you at Dean's Gain the EDGE 2010 event. Good luck on all your future deals! Believe and Achieve! - Joe and Stacey