I'm currently reading Dean's book, 30 Days to Real Estate Cash and am on page 19: The Down Market. I've been interested in real estate since I was a little girl because 3 of my grandparents were in investing. And I've spent tons of money on real estate investing classes with big named guru's but I've been too scared to do anything about it! Every time I thought it would be so easy to do it, but chickened out because I was afraid of failing. But now, my job is considering another furlough day and I feel that its now or never. So, I've started this journal to make me accountable. I came across a journal of Carol Stinson and was in awe at how she go to her first deal. At this point... I just want to get that first deal. From there its on.
So far, I've been bird dogging and found 15 homes to contact. I've mailed out one letter thus far and am writing the others. I was reminded by Dean's email with Matt about the 25:1 rule and so I've determined to focus on that.
Tomorrow, I will be making phone calls to see if I can get some definite buyers on my contact lists (I'm praying!!). So, I will just continue to seek out more homes to write to as well as more cash buyers.
My husband is finally 100% behind me (YES)! Not only in word, but in body language as well... Hallelujah!! That helps soooo much because usually my instinct is to go and find a part time job. But, after my calculations with a job that wanted to phone interview me today... I realized I can make in 2 months or less what I could make working that extra job for a year at 36 hours per week! WHAT?! So can you blame me for turning it down and deciding to be committed to this?
I will try and make sure to post in this journal weekly if not daily. I look forward to hearing from other newbies that are doing this too!!
I keep seeing in other journals where people are saying that they're getting lists from their realtors. Are we referring to expired listings or current listings?
Congratulations for taking the step to be COMMITTED To this. If you are not committed then it will be just a hobby with hobby results. You MUST keep on this site ... You MUST keep yourself accountable by adding to your journal and you must keep taking action with what you read in 30 days to cash. Take the steps in order in the book and you will succeed. As for the list.... From the realtor... It is property lists that you request from your " investor friendly" realtor that is listed 1- as is 2- vacant 3- price reduced 4 ugly home or needs TLC
These homes are the ones listed by VERY MOTIVATED SELLERS.
Follow the book to a " T" and read on this site DAILEY !! Good luck and make it happen
Click Here For homepage www.jaysthilaire.com
need to sell ? http://www.jayhousebuyers.com
Need me to FINANCE a home ? http://www.jaysrenttoown.com
CHECK OUT MY JOURNAL http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/20063/...
YES!! I am truly COMMITTED to this! Woot!! And, I DEFINITELY do not want hobby results! I'm making this my full time gig! Yessiree Bob! The last time I began reading 30 days to cash, I got stuck on calling to find an investor friendly realtor. LOL! That's my next thing to do. I will follow the book to a T!! I'm going to do this!!
Ok, today I kind of stepped off the page a little and got a list of title companies near me to see if they work with wholesalers. That was a small test for myself and I PASSED!!!
I called 3 different offices and the first didn't know what I was talking about, nor did he seem interested in finding out. Ok, I just said thank you and have a nice day. The second call I made went great! The woman I spoke to didn't understand the term, "wholesaler", but when I broke it down to her, she was very excited to work with me!! (YES!) And the third woman I spoke to also didn't know what I referred to with the term wholesaler (as I wanted them to understand the type of closings I wanted to do... assignments/double-closings/etc.). But after breaking it down for her, she stated that she hadn't done that kind of transaction before but didn't see why she couldn't! Talk about an ego booster!
Ok, so now that I'm ramped up, I'm ready to call around looking for my "investor-friendly" realtor. BRING IT ON!!
Also on the way home today, I went past the homes that I have listed to take their pictures. I totally forgot about that part! But, I'm happy I did because 3 of the homes had been cleaned up (well... the yards were) since my last drive-by. Do I still send a letter to them when it now looks like someone lives there? I think I will, the worst that can happen is that they'll say no, right? Or not respond at all. And that's cool. But on the other hand, I also found a few more homes on the same streets that I drove before! I don't know how I missed them, but I'm happy I saw them today! I got their info and their pics.... so on to the research!!
I've been sick in bed all day today and all I feel like doing is sleeping... and so I do. However, between the sleeping, during the moments of clarity... I'm watching Dean's videos and taking notes for what I'm going to do first thing Monday. I'm calling Realtors!! And I will not turn back!
I'm also checking out other people's blogs and journals and letting them know that we're in this together! We work towards our goals together and we'll succeed together! I've got a lot of people to prove wrong!
That's the way to take action. I love the part about calling title companies. Don't you just love it when somebody on the outside understands & agrees with you ?? HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER SOON !!!!!
Yeah, it was sooo cool!!! I love that!!! I'm chugging down the Sprite and crackers... so prayerfully health will come quickly.
Ok, so I just updated my profile! Now... about this journal. Am I supposed to have my journal under my blog? Or can I keep it here? Any suggestions?
- Call Remax and KW realty offices to get a realtor.
- Call/ Write cash buyers to see if they want to be added to my notification list.
- Write letters to homeowners on my sellers list. Pray.
- Begin looking for bandit signs (anyone know where to get them from)
- Make business cards
- Get a Google number for my business so I can put them on my cards and bandit signs.
I found a website that will let me map addresses on the map to check for trends without publishing it and its free to do just that.... Yay!!!
Ok, I'm going to bed... it's after 1am!! Omigoodness!! Goodnight!
- I called Remax (3 different offices) and was told by the assistant/receptionist that all of the realtors are at a convention in Ocean City until Thursday (WHAT?! 3 more days to wait!!). I was all pumped! Then the receptionist said that Frank might still be in the office and supposedly he works with investors all the time. So, I was transferred to his assistant who said that she'd text him my name and number for him to call me. He hasn't yet but I'll have my questions ready for when he does or I'll call back on Thursday and ask to speak to someone else. But, I did it!! I swallowed my fear and I CRUSHED IT!! I called the realtor's office!!
- I also called Keller Williams but called too late. I was told by their receptionist that the office closes at 5 and it was 5:15. I'll try again tomorrow. But again... I crushed my fear and did it! Prayerfully tomorrow's call won't feel as scary.
- I researched how to make my own bandit signs and feel pretty good about it, but I curious because I found out they're illegal in MD!!! What do I do about that?
- I made my business email so that I could get a Google number... Yay!! So, at least that's up and going. I'm definitely happy about that.
- Tomorrow, I'll be working on my business cards (making them straight and to the point)!
- Also, when I speak to a realtor tomorrow... prayerfully I'll get some leads from them so that I can start putting in offers.
- I will also see if I can find some email addresses to some buyers that I have access to from the last 6 months. Maybe I can email them or if not, I can at least mail 5 of them. I'm short on monies til my next pay, so I've gotta stretch out my last dollars for another 5 days.
All in all... I'm pretty proud of myself. I'm not giving up and I'm taking this one day at a time while doing something everyday.
Keep going Kim. It's happening!
The sky is not the limit; there are no limits. There is no box.
Kim, It seems like your taking the reight steps towards your success, any positive things that you did and post it inspire others like it has inspired me.
> I encourage you to be resolute and do not lose sight of you goals. Do whatever you are doing lovingly just for the pleasure of doing.
> Do not be afraid to pick up a phone and talk to people. I used to be but not any more, reason being I shifted my attention from "What They Will Say...", "Will I sound stupid..." or "My questions is not intelligent..." to Why you are calling about and what you want to achieve at the end of the call.
From reading your journal I must say you have made great progress by taking action and it is just a matter of time you will start writing about your deals.
Wish Everybody a great success in their Real Estate Business
YES!!! It's happening!! Yay!! I am so grateful to have so many people to ask question and get advice! And I pray that others will see what I went through to get started and believe that they can do it too!
I love your journal especially when you said your partner is 100% in support of your work. Lol I had to break up with my girlfriend because she was so negative about me investing in real estate. She is always like what I'm doing is illegal and I need to get a license. I had no other option than to entirely cut her off completely. Like Dean said We should be solutions to our problems. We shouldnt blame others for our problems.
Miami, FL
My Sellers website: http://www.selltoigwilo.com/
My Buyer Website: http://www.igwiloproperties.com/
My Birddog website: http://www.igwilohousefinder.com/
CHECK OUT MY JOURNAL (Welcome to my World): http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/144538...
Miami Florida
"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek
Follow me on my road to being a BILLIONAIRE http://bit.ly/1q7aOFX
Go LIKE my official facebook page http://on.fb.me/1qQGO6i
Yes, I am so happy that he is now! At first, he thought it was too good to be true but I've been determined to try to teach him as I'm learning so he'll understand the what's and the why's. Lately, he's gotten hooked on HGTV's Income Property and so now he feels he has a good grip on part of what I want to do. And last week, God worked it out that a guy that he knows is an investor and told him about it. So, he (Mark) called me right after and told me about it. He was so excited and said that he finally understands what I want to do and that he's 100% on board!! Hallelujah!! I am soooo happy!! Is that not God's favor or what?!!
I'm so sorry about your girlfriend! Negativity is definitely a turnoff and you want your girlfriend/wife to be to understand your dream. And the fact that she thought you needed a license shows that she didn't understand. So, there are better and bigger fish in the sea. And when its time, she'll come along.
Ok, today is day 2 of trying to get a realtor. I called another KW office because Remax is at a convention. After speaking with the receptionist, she transferred me to the Broker of the office (What?!... is this right?). I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be happy or not. She transferred me into the broker's voicemail who hasn't called me back yet. Maybe he'll call me tomorrow. Frank didn't call me back from yesterday either but he may be at the convention. I'll wait til Thursday, and then will try the other Remax offices again. In the meantime, I'll see what else I can do.
I found two cash buyers phone numbers but have no idea what to say to them when I call them. Any ideas? Do I say, I'm an investor and I see that you've purchased a number of properties in these areas and I know I can bring you some great deals? Great deals with a great ROI? Will they go for that if I call them at home? I'm open to suggestions people!!!
I'm thinking I'll put my first ghost ad on CL tonight. Nervous... but I'M GONNA DO IT!! WOOOOOO! I'm going to run the numbers on my sister's neighbor's house and then use the data from that for my ghost ad. So, it's from a real property. And that will prayerfully bring me some cash buyers baby!!
But I did find a place where I can order some postcards come payday. Oh that's right!!! I'm supposed to be designing my business cards. I'm going to print my first hundred or so on my own. And I may order some from there but I'm thinking on it. I will also run numbers on at least 10 houses tonight so I can get used to running numbers.
Things still to do:
- I will write to at least 5-10 of the cash buyers on my list and then at least 10 of the houses that I've passed in the last two weeks.
- design and print my business cards
- use the rest of this week to call more realtor offices
- run numbers on at least 10 houses tonight
- post a ghost ad on CL
After I get paid:
- make at least 10 bandit signs over the weekend (5 for cash buyers and 5 for sellers)
- order postcards and look into business pricing for stamps
Hey Kim,
I haven't read too many people's story
here on DG, but I did read yours.
It sounds like you've got a great attitude
about all of this and it should only
be a matter of time until....
*You Get Your 1st Deal
[Peace & God Bless]
P.S. If you refuse to give up....and just
remember to KEEP GOING you'll get
there before you know it.
"'Come, follow me,' Jesus said, 'and I will make you fishers of men.'" -Matthew 4:19
Thank you for reading my journal! That is definitely the plan... to do something in the right direction every day! I'm really trying to stay on plan and I plan to be cashing a check in 30 days!! Thanks so much for your support!!
Today I made my business cards and printed out my lead sheets so I won't get caught without them (knowing me I would...LOL). I decided to wait to post my ghost ad til the end of the week so I can get together my elevator speech... or at least won't speak with a lot of "uh...and ummms". But I'm only giving myself til the end of the week. I don't want to put it off too long as I'm known to do. So, it will be posted by Saturday. I did run some numbers though. I still want to run more to have it known, though. And I also will put a voicemail on the new number. I just realized that I didn't create a voicemail message for the new number and want to have one on there for the people that will be calling from the ghost ads.
I also spent some time checking out bandit sign prices and will be ordering them this weekend. I'll keep you all posted!! I'm out (bed is calling me!)
Very inspiring Kim, will be watching for your success story.
Wendy H
Your journal is very inspiring. I have no doubt that you will succeed to any level you put your mind to.
When talking to buyers- Yes, tell them you find great deals and can often pass them on to other investors. Find out their criteria and send them deals. If they are serious buyers, they will be glad to hear from you.
Don't project that you are new at this. You know what you are doing and you can help them by bringing them a great return on their investment
Keep doing what you are doing. Educating yourself, pushing yourself, and holding yourself accountable...I love it!!
John and Julie Wakefield
JCW Properties, LLC
I'm happy for you like they always say Two heads is much better than one you know.
Miami, FL
My Sellers website: http://www.selltoigwilo.com/
My Buyer Website: http://www.igwiloproperties.com/
My Birddog website: http://www.igwilohousefinder.com/
CHECK OUT MY JOURNAL (Welcome to my World): http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/144538...
Miami Florida
"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek
Follow me on my road to being a BILLIONAIRE http://bit.ly/1q7aOFX
Go LIKE my official facebook page http://on.fb.me/1qQGO6i
Thanks Wendy!
I'm trying to make sure I stay focused!
I'm going to call the two cash buyers that I have their numbers. I just pray they won't be mad at me for calling them at home.
I'm still pressing! I want this so bad I can taste it!! And I'm so thankful for your advice!
TC, how'd you get them set up or how did you learn how?
Ok, so I finally was able to speak with a realtor today!! I'm so excited (still scared but you couldn't pay me enough NOT to do this! This has always been my dream and I'm really doing it! My realtor (well I'm honestly still trying to feel her out) seemed to know the area well and she sent me the listings I asked her for, which I will comb through thoroughly. She wants to meet with me on Wednesday to talk more about what I want. That's exciting. I may call another office or two before our meeting on Wednesday.
I also recorded my voicemail message. So, all that's left for me to do at this time is to draft the ghost ad. Truth be told... I'm still nervous about that first phone call from a cash buyer from the ad but I'm ready. I have lead sheets ready with the questions so I don't fumble my words. And the worst that can happen is... nothing. So I'm doing this, regardless.
OH... and Monday, I'm going to the REIA meeting. I haven't been in a loooonnngggg time but I think it will be great to pass out my business cards and get some cash buyers. I'll take my forms with me. Plus, I'll be able to hear what properties other wholesalers have under contract. Lots to do...
You know I realize that I am so happy because I know what I want to do and I'm finally doing it! And I refuse to let anything else get in my way!! I've always been one of those people. .. Jack of all trades but Master of none because everything I ever put my hand to, I did well. I think I became proud of that. However real estate investing is one thing... the only thing in my life... that I had to work for and I think it scared me stiff. But, this is the only thing that's really mattered to me and I think that's why it was easier to give up. It was easier not to try because then I couldn't fail. But not anymore!! I will give it all I've got or die trying!
I keep reciting to myself that All things are possible scripture. I truly believe that!
Good for you! Just keep taking action...you are doing great!
College Station, TX
"Declare that you will prosper despite every difficulty that may come your way. Don't just survive; thrive!"
-Joel Osteen
Remember....They want real estate deals
They will appreciate that you are working to find those deals!!
This is just a small hump you will get over, I promise
John and Julie Wakefield
JCW Properties, LLC
That definitely takes some of the pressure off!! Whew!!
Hey all! I'm so tired, I'm about to fall outta this chair!! But, I have AWESOME news and wanted to share at least that tonight. I will tell about the last few days tomorrow.
). And he even told me that he has white collar friends who have money and want to invest but they're not investors (JACKPOT)!! I also ran into an old investor friend who gave me his card and told me that he's wholesaling and rehabbing right now. So, maybe he'll be a cash buyer for me (have to talk more about it with him) or maybe we can partner on a wholesale. I'm so excited!! Gotta love networking...
Ok, so I went to the Washington REIA meeting tonight (haven't been in at least a year). The first person I speak to is a rehabber in VA and we talk for almost an hour!! Well, he gave me his card and told me what he wanted (wishlist) without me saying a word about it!! Told me he wants 70% below the ARV after everything is paid for (sounds familiar
More to come tomorrow..... I've gotta get some sleep...