Going Hard or Going Home

All About edenvesthomes

edenvesthomes's picture
Kim Terry
Southern MD - Just outside of Virginia and DC
About Me: 

I got Dean's book last year but got scared and put it down til now (August 2013). Due to an extended furlough at work, I initially went looking for a part-time job (which is what I usually do) but felt that I am too tired to work an almost full time job along with a full time job in order to make ends meet.

I took real estate investing courses about 5 years ago but because of fear did nothing. But now, I've decided to GO HARD OR GO HOME!!

Securing me and my husband's financial future.

Topics I've Participated In

Teresa Jo's journal TeresaJo3349 years 43 weeks ago
Jack and Michelle, New to the Game GET SOME!! jackk091099 years 45 weeks ago
My Journey In Becoming A Billionaire tcmiami32210 years 1 day ago
September is off to a great start! 25/1 does it again. michaelmangham6211 years 20 weeks ago
I did it!!! Beakman184011 years 23 weeks ago

Basic Info

Management Assistant - Federal Govt
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit


Just checkin In

I haven't seen any of your post lately. I hope everything is going good. Give up your good work and Please don't give up.

PM me if you need help

Best of luck:)