Hey Everyone,
My name is Alan and I just turned 21 years old. Fulltime student/Part time Worker with a decent amount of cashflow. I have no experience or any real estate background but currently spent over the past two month's to a handful of seminars (richdad real estate($200), armando montelongo(free), NationalAchieversCongress($200), and the millionaire mind intensive(free). This drove me to the conclusion that becoming an investor and owning a business is the exact goal I will achieve.
During my free time I am either spend time on reading books or listening to webinars. This is the very start of my career as an investor and I honestly wouldn't be wanting to do anything else.
Throughout my practical and skeptical research I came to the conclusion that NOTHING is better than THIS WEBSITE!! My action steps are to purchase deans latest software and get my marketing up and going around my town.
I am located in the riverside. Any questions, comments, advice, or help would be appreciated. I will keep this journal as consistently updated as possible with my ideas and action steps.
Thanks for reading!
I found a course online that will get me my license for $300. Do you guys recommend I get on this ASAP?
You do not need a license to invest in real estate. I am also a young investor. I started reading about real estate when I was 21 years old...and I just graduated college 7 days ago and I got my first deal accepted yesterday...It is a for sale by owner....the home is worth 45 thousand dollars and the owner accepted 15 thousand dollars for the home...I have a contractor going to see how much it will cost to repair the house probably 5 thousand dollars since the house does not need much repair...and I will have him sign a purchase agreement then I will assign the contract to landlords...I am going to a real estate investment club on thursday about 20 mins away from my home...that is how to find buyers or you can run a ghost as on the local news paper and craigs list...I found some landlords there that are willing to buy houses...but I am trying to have a massive buyer list before I start marketing the property. I have one buyer already interested in the house( found the buyer through craigslist ad)..he has not seen the house yet.. You do not need a license....first start by calling fsbo or frbo on craigslist or newspapers...to get homeowners talking to you...tell them you have a creative method of finding properties below fmv and ask them if you can run the numbers past them when you find one then save their contact information(fake it until you make it)
congratulations on your first deal! What attracted you to that house and how did you come up with your final offer price on getting the house for about 30-35 cents on the dollar? That's a great find! Currently I am calling local businesses on an affordable bandit sign deal. My web ad's are in the making but I first want to get some signs up in the area to attract motivated sellers and other potential deals. You already made a profit, I am really excited for you!
Thanks!! I found the deal by running this ad on the news paper saying I buy houses...i put my phone number and a website my buddy designed for me that is all ...I had like 29 people call me in one month....I went over my phone minutes....yeah....but next month I will get unlimited minutes....well back to the deal...when they call you, be confident...they love to talk about their house one guy talked about his house for like 1 hour lol.....my ears began to hurt lol I am terrible at spelling so ignore my english....but when they call you...all you are trying to find out is why they want to sell their house...the guy i got the deal from has heart trouble and he owns the house free and clear and needs to sell fast because he cannot live by himself anymore because of his heart problem...I have another seller that has been calling me all day ...i did not wana talk to him anymore cos i am waiting for the comps to come in before i make an offer and lock it up... he has 4 houses he wants to sell fast cos he needs to relocate( his wife is making him relocate to the mountains and he would do anything for her)....oh and before i make offers on houses I always go look at them so i can do the numbers well....the one i got for 15,300....(matt says always add a random 300 dollars there so i did) I am sure it will sell for 35k fast but I am hoping to make like 2-5 thousand dollars by assigning the contract which i will sign by tomorrow at 4pm...cannot wait
To come up with the number...you need comps( real estate agent can get comparative market analayis for you then, compare it with tax record and online websites cos sometimes agents give you comps that are too high ...I go with the best comps that fits the property then multiply by 15 percent, then subtract the repair and my profit and divide that by 50 percent...we negotiate from there) just make sure u know ya max offer...do not go past it...or you will loose money and time
welcome aboard; you do not need to get DG's latest software, and you definitely don't need a re license. All you really need is DG's book Profit from Real Estate Right Now; read it, it's all in there. Then, if you decide to do so, you can sign up for DG's Success Academy... in the meantime, read as many threads here that contain great information.
wishing you success,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
Energy and action are surely working for you. Way to go young investor. All the best.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
I greatly appreciate the information you guys are giving me. After reading what you guys have said to me and throughout the threads I now find myself reading through the new book by dean "30 Days to Real Estate Cash" and am implementing the steps as I write this post. The time to take action is now and with the help of your input I already feel a step closer. I have some goals to accomplish within the next 5 days so I will update you guys asap
Take care and good luck out there investors!
Right now I am speaking with multiple realtors that are willing to help me and are going to send me a list of properties in the area. In particular, I found a guy who is willing to also help me put down offers but he first needs a proof of funds letter forwarded to him. Can someone help me out?
my goals within the next few days are to find a good realtor/agent that can feed me good information and leads. I also am doing my own local market research to narrow my area down. My current job involves to commute all around southern California so its really all about finding where the numbers/profit work out BEST. My email for my new business is up along with this journal and i plan on now recording a new personal blog to help market myself. I am also calling ad's of other investors and signs to see what and how they are doing in the current area.
After today me and my friend called about 10 different agents. About 4 instantly failed, 2 gave honest opinions that didn't push me either way, and the last 4 actually kept a good ongoing conversation about doing business. I told them that I would like a list of houses(as is, vacant, price reduction) they recommend I can strike a deal on asap. Only one has actually sent me a house to look at that they have for $299k and it carrys a 350k FMV. I have yet to take any further action...
In summary: It looks like in my market there is ALOT of buyers and NOT ENOUGH sellers. I also learned about local "trustee sales and fsbo strategy's" I am now in a position to take action in a lot of different directions.
Options: A. Follow DG's 30days book B. A bandit sign attracted me to a local bird dog opportunity and for $199 he will coach and split the dividends for my deals. (www.coachingbypat.com) C. www.thenorrisgroup.com also shows promising information for my area but I have yet to really see the full potential in what that website offers for my position D. None of the above, and I go back to my regular life of school/work
This is turning out to be kind of fun and I really want to make sure I keep working hard. After each day goes by, it feels that much closer to success!
John and I would recommend the Success Academy. All the education, the tools, and personal coaching! How cool it is to be able to pick up the phone and get help? It could be one simple question, or having them walk you through an entire deal. It's a great program for sure!
BEST of luck to you!!
John and Julie Wakefield
JCW Properties, LLC
BEST of luck to you!!
Thanks so much for the input, Ill look further into it. From the research that I have put in I'm assuming that after I get 5 deals done they will refund my down payment. As good as that sounds, I just don't have all the funds to put down on the academy. The opportunity is at my finger tips I just have to weigh out which option gives me the best foot forward into cracking down my first deal! Have an amazing day to Mr. and Mrs. Wakefield!
Harvey Sanford