REI is NOT a hobby UNTIL you make it and don't have to work SO hard at it.
When you 1st start out in this business-YES its a business, you will or should learn the RE market, get your buyers,funding,team and be SO ready to do 'what ever it takes'....but that goes away within the 1st 60-90 days for 98% of beginners and they quit. WHY???
They are NOT in charge of their life or future, they're DREAMERS and wanna be's.
READ the success stories here-they did NOT quit. They learned REI and took ACTION.
YOU do not have to be pretty,handsome,rich,fat,skinny or ugly etc. to make it in life. YOU do have to be in charge of your life and set goals, educate yourself on what you want to do,make a plan to get there and keep making forward progress and b4 you know it.......YOU are there. DO NOT let ANYTHING/ANYONE get in your way .....use DG Family and this site to get you there.
WE have succeeded and will continue because we did NOT quit.
I Love what I do, I AM a problem solver and REInvestor and I HELP people.
Schedule and do it or it won't get done!
Mike Free tools
B4 you get your wheels moving and making some deals/money. If you do the STRESS will overload you and make you think 'This Stuff Doesn't Work'.
Be reasonable about setting goals and making a plan to reach them. Stick to the plan.
One step at a time......
Mike Free tools
I agree with not quitting your job right off the bat. This stuff takes time to get really going, and you'll find that most of the money you make from wholesaling will have to go back into the business at first to cover education, marketing, and other fees/expenses. Although you will have more time to work on the business if you don't have a full time job, your high stress levels from worrying about money won't be worth it.
If you have a job, keep it until you can realistically and comfortably walk away from it. Then you can REALLY get moving!
I wish I could have quit my job by now, but I know it will be about another year until that option is realistic. Cash flow is king! Keep on moving everyone!
Are you new? Check out my NEW and IMPROVED Guide for Beginners!
sound advice DO NOT STOP !!!! DO NOT GIVE UP !!! you MUST be persistant.LISTEN to what mike is saying .
great job mike on all you are accomplishing !!
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Thanks Mike!! I have been at this for about 4-5 months now, and still actively working for my first deal. I am taking control of our future and will NEVER give up on this dream we have. REI is exciting and even though a little rough around the edges and not something that just falls in your lap - it makes it that much more rewarding once we do finally make it in this business!
This site and the people are all so increadibly helpful and we couldn't ask for a better group of people to be able to Network with to help us along our journey.
ONWARD TOWARD SUCCESS for The Browley Team - and everyone else who isn't afraid to keep taking steps forward and not giving up!!
The Browley Team
Working Towards Success!!
Great post Mike! Dead on the money!
It's a choice. Can either make excuses or make money. Can't do both!