In life we face many problems and some are more bearable than others. Each day can have new challenges but we usually find a way to make it through the day. There are some days where some people face a challenge they need to overcome each and every day. How we deal with those challenges may define us as who we are or who we are destined to become.
On a recent visit to the Boston, Massachusetts area, I was mentoring three real estate students. The three days passed quickly with the students very satisfied about the material we covered. It was near the end of the final day when one of the students approached me to speak privately.
Dana, one of the students that I was mentoring, stated that he had come to trust me during our time together. He wanted to share their story on how they came to hear about Dean Graziosi and made the decision to get involved in Dean’s training program.
Several months ago Dana and his wife Marilyn, had met a young woman named Amy, who had been diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor. As this couple came to know Amy better, they made a commitment to each other. This couple was committed to doing whatever they could to make Amy’s life more comfortable and to assist her in any way they possibly could.
Although Amy’s surgeries were successful in removing all traces of the tumor and cancer, they had left her with several debilitating side effects; confined to a wheel chair, unable to care for herself and her two daughters, and needing to relearn to speak. They offered to spend time with her, run errands for her and see that her two daughters got to school activities.
Over the next several months they began to notice, no matter how frustrated Amy became with her slow progress, she always managed a smile and would communicate as best she could that she would NOT let these troubles break her spirit and positive attitude! Although Dana and his wife arrived at Amy’s home with the intent to raise Amy’s spirits, they always left with the feeling, is was THEIR spirits that been uplifted!
On one visit they found Amy very excited and was having some difficulty communicating what it was she wanted. After several minutes they realized she was asking, “Where is my credit card?” Amy explained she had been watching TV the night before and had happened to see one of Dean’s infomercials. It had stirred her thoughts and excited her that success in real estate was possible. Her friends found the credit card, and at Amy’s insistence, ordered Dean’s latest two books. Everyday Amy would ask, “Where are my books?” Finally the books arrived, and hard as Amy tried, due to the shaking in her hands, she could not read them. She called her friends and convinced them to read her the books.
Dana and Marilyn had never heard of Dean and were not convinced the books would be beneficial to Amy. Amy insisted they read from them to her during each visit. After several weeks her friends began to appreciate the way in which Dean and all of the contributors to the book explained how they each had read, learned and successfully applied Dean’s strategies. They began to feel there was really something to be learned from reading these books. Something they needed to learn!!
Although Amy is not yet able to start her own real estate business, her unstoppable spirit and total belief in what she learned from the books,motivated Dana and Marilyn to start their own Real Estate business using Dean’s materials.
At the conclusion of hearing Amy’s story, I was asked, “do you have an extra hour to spare; I know Amy would love to meet you.” Now I ask you, would YOU not have time to meet such a woman? I said, yes and thanked them for sharing Amy’s inspiring story with me.
On the way to Amy’s home, I was briefed on what to expect, as Amy’s conditions were profound.
I was immediately impressed with Amy’s smile. The sounds she made were translated to me, “hello, how are you doing”. Over the next few minutes, I was witness to the severity of her challenges, and yet, how well she proved with her every action and word, this was an incredibly strong and committed woman.
As we were leaving, I was told by Dana, when Amy was well enough they would see she would have a mentor come and give her the same training they had just received. I was moved to offer that if her friends felt comfortable with my abilities, and asked for me I would consider it a privilege to return and share my knowledge with Amy.
Even as I write this story, I am once more moved to tears. We, who have our health, ability to communicate and walk, still find excuses for why we do not move forward in our quest for success. And yet, this amazing woman, who is so severely challenged, has not a moment of doubt that she WILL get well, and she WILL become successful in Real Estate. Dean continues to inspire, touch and change so many lives and the ripple effect is so evident within this one story.
I relay this true story to you, in the hopes you will also be moved by her courage and spirit, to never again allow yourself to become discouraged and overwhelmed by your daily challenges. Rather you should recall that you once read a story about a simple woman who became a giant through her Persist, ‘til you succeed attitude!!!
Great story! Very Inspirational. Best wishes to you, Dana, & Marilyn as you work with Amy... & Best Wishes to you Amy!
John Petersen
Greg - what a wonderful story to share. Amy is a shining example to all of us about persevering through adversity. One of the many challenges that our Success Academy Students express to me is their own fear of taking action. They can read and learn and research and read some more but to actually get out there and take action is a different story. I often tell them that "We can make excuses or we can make money but we can't do both." Amy is a great example of someone who could fall back on very valid excuses but chooses not too. She presses forward with a smile!
"If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125
Thanks John for sharing your comments and encouragement.
Thank your for your comments and insight." Fear" is a very strong emotion. . We must remove the emotion from our decisions, and base each decision upon clear facts. With knowledge and encouragement we can overcome our fears. Decisions made with facts not emotions should be made without "Fear"!
As Dr. Spock, From Star Trek, would say "they are ...logical".
I agree, Tammy! I posted as much on Dean's Facebook. Go Amy!!!
"Persistence Pays, Procrastination Delays!" - smurfy
"I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13
"He will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee" Isaiah 26:3
"Those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
View my journal here:
Just took the time to read this story and I am so glad I did. This just confirms why God hates murmoring and complaining.
Many of us who can, "Won't"! While those that can't "Will"!
No Excuses! Only Results!
Thanks Greg for this Powerful and Encouraging story!
Start Where You Are! Use What You Have! Do What You Can!
Never let failure dominate you. Never let the mistates of your past Lord over you.
Go Confidently in the Direction of Your Dreams. Live the Life You Have Imagined.
- Henry David Thoreau
Website that get's results:
Thanks, Anointed1. Amy's example is reinforcement of just how we are to view life. We are to look past where we are and sight out our path to where we want to be, and who we will become!
Thanks for the inspirational story. It really helps to put my problems into better perspective. I'd like to wish Amy all the best and much success.
Rick Merritt
Trident Realty, LLC
Weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions; Strong is he who forces his actions to control his thoughts. --Og Mandino
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Thanks Rick for your comments. Thanks also for quote from, a GREAT author>.
to write this wonderful story. All your efforts in writing this story are priceless. Everyone's posts are so heartwarming. What a blessing you are Dana and Shirley. Amy is definitely the perfect candidate for helping make her first deal. Keep those smiles coming Amy.
Great blessings to you!!!
Thanks for your comments and support. All of us pass by people each day, not taking the time to make contact, never knowing that we could have spoken and perhaps had a positive impact on each other's life. Speak up, step out and grow!!!