UPDATE! (1-29-2017)
Ok, I'm posting this at the top of my previous bio so it's easier to find rather than scrolling all the way down to the end. Anyway, I am now staring down 59 years old and I just cannot believe it's been 6 and a half years since I first found this website and Dean Graziosi. I had many, many obstacles and simply put REI aside for a long time. I am not a quitter and have accomplished much in my life in spite of some pretty heavy circumstances and tragedies so I have to believe that even though it's been a while since I started studying REI, that I can come back and still make it work. I wonder where everyone is at this time, what stage y'all are in and how everyone's doing. I guess I'll just peruse the site to see what's new, but I am glad to be back and this time it's got to work for me because I still have that deep desire to become a REI. If there's anybody out there that remembers me, please drop me a line and let me know you're alive. Cheers everyone!
I am a 52 (53 now as of 3-30!!!) year old single mom, career student, cancer survivor, on Social Security Disability which is my only income FOR NOW. I am going to make this work! I have to!!
Updates: February 1, 2011. I cannot believe it is 2011!! It just blows me away. I am very happy to have found Dean's infomercial that day in the middle of the night when I could not sleep. I never would have thought that I would ever get involved in Real Estate, but here I am, I am a Real Estate Investor now! That just blows my mind as well. I have learned a lot since August 31, 2010, when I first signed onto this site. This year will be MY year to succeed at this! I can feel it in the air! God is so good
Omg I am staring 55 down in it's face!!!! And I am still Not giving up!! Yes, it's been almost exactly 2.5 years since I first came on this site and found out about all the neat and life-changing gold nuggets that are here (free!!!) on this awesome website, and Dean, who is THE most selfless man I've ever (not met yet) known, and I am seriously just as excited as I was when I first saw that "little Italian guy" (as Carol Stinson so eloquently puts it) on that infomercial at godonlyknows what time it was in the wee hours of the morning before the hairy butt crack of dawn those 2.5 years ago!!! GOD has it been wonderful watching so many people take this knowledge and SOAR with it!!! My turn will come, see, because I have learned to be patient and it WILL happen in GOD's timing for my life and I know I am right where he wants me. So, do stay tuned as I plan on becoming a ROCK STAR (not literally like my son lol) in the near future!!!!!
Helllo Lisa!
Welcome to the DG family. I've only been a member myself for a month or so. About suggestions fo rthis area, I can't really be too specific. I'm still reading, learning, and trying to get everything in position. How did you get involved with DG (i.e., his infomercial, books, Set For Life System)?