Teach your Kids and yourself to be Entrepreneurs.

Teach your Kids and yourself to be Entrepreneurs.

Hello all DG Members,

We've heard alot from Dean and other Great Investors that one of things causing us to all start in our lives after High School to get a J.O.B. was High School. We also know that there was a trend present prior to High School, it was Elementary Schools beginning to conform us to things like a schedule and buzzers. In this Post there are many links that can be a great source of inspiration of how to change our lives by reshaping the way we think.

The First one is by Sir Ken Robinson titled,

"Changing Education Paradigms"


The Second Video by Sir Ken Robinson go along with the first, titled

"Bring on the Learning Revolution"


The third one is by Cameron Herold titled,

"Lets raise kids to be entrepreneurs"


These videos are all from http://www.ted.com/ this website is full of inspiring people featuring a vast amount of topics. Check them out and post links to your favorite videos.



Quad City Real Estate Investors Association


Here is the proof of getting a loan to buy a deal with a 585 Credit Score.


Look me up on Facebook, put in a message when Friend Requesting or be denied. http://www.facebook.com/people/James-Greer/100000908311950


Thank you for bring this to us. Now if it could be a factor in changing some that need it.


I totally agree, this has been bookmarked! Great post!


Matt Behrens
FR Properties LLC
"Our Priority... You and Your Family!"

Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/67147/...

F.E.A.R- False. Evidence. Apprearing. Real.
Talk IS Cheap!

Divergent Thinking

Ken Robinson talked about Divergent Thinking and the differences between people who can get 10-15 ideas and those that are capable of 200 plus. Kindergartens were the ones who could easily come up with 100's of ideas!

Being an Investor becomes so much fun from all of the different ideas that are used to get deals found, negotiation terms, creative financing, and the people you get to meet.

I hope these Videos can help Investors to gain more confidence with thinking out of the box. There are many examples and ways to explain how important everyones attributes are to society, but in a nutshell Ken Robinson explains it best.

This Video may infuriate you when it comes to Greenbacks.


Its not a video to vote for Ron Paul, it is Ron Paul Describing why Gold and Silver is so important to own. I made a post on Facebook about how excited I am when I have INsurance Premiums of $1,500 a month for Life and Home.

My mom commented saying that I would be better off putting $1,500 a month in the Bank.

Time to think a little Different!


Quad City Real Estate Investors Association


Here is the proof of getting a loan to buy a deal with a 585 Credit Score.


Look me up on Facebook, put in a message when Friend Requesting or be denied. http://www.facebook.com/people/James-Greer/100000908311950

My Dad

My dad worked in Corporate America for thirty years. He ended up broke at 55, and I talked to him about owning his own business. He subsequently bought a pharmacy, and a small glass company. In 7 years, he made enough from these companies to take all the family on a spectacular trip to the Middle East, and now he's retired. Not bad for someone who is broke at 55! The key is that he was in control! Don't let anyone dictate your future. Take the bull by the horns and do something!

Now there is the necessary steps of getting the proper education and having a great work ethic. But it is very clear to me that people who own their own business have much more financial success than people who don't.

There may be times when a business fails or an Entrepreneur falls on hard times. But it's these types of people who get up and try again. And over time, the successes will come, because of the experience gained in the failures.

All the while, the corporate people will be stressing about how their retirement will be holding up.

Great Post about your Dad!


The truth is in your post!

It reflects what Cameron Herold does with his kids to teach them to be independent thinkers.

Thats great how your Dad was able to recover and to provide a great time for the Family. I have aspirations of doing something similar for my Family to have a reunion somewhere awesome. My wife's Grandfather had built a business and had a few rental properties as well. When he retired he was able to provide for Food, Hotel, and Transportation to San Diego for his entire immediate family.

You made a point about proper education and the higher chance of financial Success. Many of my family members have experimented with Real Estate in some form or another. My Grandmother found out I was interested in Real Estate and she asked me how to sign a contract. I said "and/or assigns"! She clapped and told me how she had bought a farm and assigned it in the 1960's.

To help spread some knowledge about Financial Education I gave Silver American Eagles for Christmas presents. I got a kick of how many people asked me what it was worth!


Quad City Real Estate Investors Association


Here is the proof of getting a loan to buy a deal with a 585 Credit Score.


Look me up on Facebook, put in a message when Friend Requesting or be denied. http://www.facebook.com/people/James-Greer/100000908311950