Got a crazy email today saying I'm 'ONE OF THEM' *SHOCK* A conspiracy theory! LOL

Got a crazy email today saying I'm 'ONE OF THEM' *SHOCK* A conspiracy theory! LOL

Oh boy, now this is quite a compliment if someone thinks I'M on some sort of secret team Dean has of plants and phonies!!!! Thought I'd share this, because the email itself was pretty comical, although threatening. But, I think it will add some value, if not a little entertainment for us, as to how people view people who are successful. (Although, I'm still struggling to get deals done, I am moving in the right direction with 3 I'm actively working on under contract right now Eye-wink Sticking out tongue. )

Someone decided I must be a pozzy of Dean's and his 'scam' (in ' ' are all the emailer's use of words) and has decided to start a blog about Dean and share my email on her blog as 'one of them', what a scam Dean is and how I'm part of his insider 'team', and how all us investors are 'crooks' and 'stealing' from others.

Oh, and of course how 'stupid we all are' for believing in a 'wanna be actor driving in a car, while reading a book and looking at the camera'. And, of course the baseless email said 'you probably will delete this', so I thought I'd take a different approach and post about this person's email here to see if they have guts enough to speak up here.

No credibility, even said Dean's books weren't on the NY Times best seller list because she 'checked' and couldn't find them. Very indicative of her not so thorough research and false accusations based on nothing but jealous, ignorant opinions.

Now of course, for just getting off my feet, bad publicity about my company probably isn't a good thing, but the info this person has is so baseless, that its actually pretty funny. Its all in how you look at it! Sticking out tongue

Despite be labeled as something I'm not, I'm still



I wish them good thoughts

I wish them good thoughts like how Dean wished that one guest of his that came to his house and said he was spoiled and lucky.

Bob and weave! Bob and Weave!


Together, we can be successful!

one of them

Sounds like this is a person who can't make anything good come of their own life, so out of jealousy they lash out.
I spent over 3yrs buying courses and trying to do learn real estate. And never got anywhere, except for after all their webinars, it was, "buy this" or fail.
Had Deans first book for over one year. But in Feb this year, I did sign up for Success Academy and found excellent training and help.
Finding these blogs and site and a few months ago, finally found out I could access all these posts, my life has started to take an upward hope.
I have put so much of all this help from others to use, and it works.
Anyone just from Deans books could change their lives financially, let alone the emotinal and spiritual encouragement we get from each other.
That person sounds bitter at life and hopes by being mean and nasty they will get some approval in their life.
Their is enough "junk" in our lives already, too bad they don't spend their time checking out truth and becoming something good and positive in their own life.
I am putting my first "flip" under contract today and very nervous. I meet with the realtor this morning, and the 2 brothers are not speaking, just want this house gone, apparently belonged to their parents.
Has equity and I can't afford to do a loan, house needs some tlc but basically a good house. Not a rehab, worst thing, a roof on the garage, but will find out more this morning. Good neighborhood, and price is very good.
Though I knew how this always worked, thanks to Dean and all the help, I can go in with confidence, knowing if I need help, I can call the coaches right away.
Have a blessed day! Greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world!

Very Comical

Hahaha I had a good laugh at this one. Those are the types of emails you just have to ignore and move on, orrrr create a thread about it to entertain thousands of people.

Haha thanks for making my day! Sticking out tongue



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if they made a blog

If they made a blog they are probably trying to make some money off of doing this. Since they know how big dean is and what you are doing people will put out blogs saying that its a scam to have an affiliate page that will pay them when someone signs up for something that was linked from their site.

Its unfortunate but you know how they were talking about how good news is no news and bad news make a big hit. Well I think thats what they are trying to create to drive traffic to their blog.

Don't sweat it we all know dean is legit and we know how wonderful and awesome you are too. We support you all the way!


When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.

Insane Blogger

Wow it sounds like this person is struggling and was under the impression that they could buy Deans books and programs and poof they should be making money.

Too Bad...

they don't put that much effort into actually making something themselves.

Continued success to you and thanks for sharing this - it should help remind all of us that when you do ANYTHING to try to succeed there are many waiting to try to tear you down.



"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

What A Crook

First of all I notice most of these people are people who think a 9 to 5 Job is a real Job & theres no possible way no one can make money besides going to work.

Hell I'm still trying to do Deals & still struggling & living Check to Check each moth not easy .

Buying A Book & Course isn't going to make you any money , Buying A Book & Course & doing the studies in them & taking your time & been patient is what gets you in the door .

So tired of Ignorent people like this person .