Why is it when I type "Dean Graziosi" into Google (or any other search engine), the second link is usually titled "Dean Graziosi Scam"... You people need to stop. Dean and his team of successful business owners are not related to any scam. These people have poured their hearts and precious time into building a system which will net ambitious people like me millions of dollars. This is not a get rich quick, or something for nothing type of deal. You have to apply the knowledge and do the work... take action! Stop complaining and writing fictitious material about this system. Why you are wasting your time blogging or writing a website bad mouthing Dean you could be out there making money in real estate. This is a good system, use it what it was built for. Make money and have the lifestyle you always wanted. I'll see you at the top.
Dean Graziosi Scam
Posted on: Sat, 08/28/2010 - 17:04
Yeah I think its ridiculous that there are so many who think he is a scam, but as Dean says to ignore the naysayers. People fear the unknown, and if you watch his shows, it says at the bottom that the average person who buys books and such from Dean don't really apply themselves. Its because they don't take action. (I know you know this just saying). So far I've been able to attract about 5 investors who I can work with. How did I do it? just by putting up an ad on here. His techniques work if you apply them.
Together, we can be successful!
People usually say real estate investment programs are a scam because the damn infomercials make it look so easy. The information is correct but you have to work a little to get ahead. When the people find out they have to get off their butts and work a little (not just go to the mailbox to check for their welfare or unemployment checks), they are disheartened and feel like they've been scammed. Too bad they just aren't open enough to see the big picture.
Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors
Most of the time people who say, "scam," don't even know what one is in the the legal sense, and anything that doesn't work for them is a scam. It's a matter of perception, and perception is the strongest form of reality.
Rick Allison, Realtor
Amarillo, Texas USA
Find comps, private lenders and cash buyers nationwide: www.TheRealEstate.PRO
Foreclosure and pre-foreclosure search engine: http://tinyurl.com/b6w7h6o
The People Helping People Movement: www.greatEPXsite.NET
Well said'
OMG!!! Not Dean!!!! I second every comment, and I will add this. I have tried everything and nothing has worked for me until I found Dean. I have watched Dean's informercial over and over again, and even though I am one of his students, I still watch them to see if he has bought out anything new. Dean Is GENUINE!!! Yes He is the real thing!!! MY GOD BLESS DEAN and his team for taking their precious time to help all of us succeed!!!!
"Miracles R Achieved When Believed"
'And the Lord Thy God Will Bring Thee into the Land Thy Fathers Possessed, and Thou Shall Possess it; and He Will do Thee Good, and Multiply Thee Above Thy Fathers," (Deuteronomy 30:5, King James Version)
'I can do ALL things through Christ which strengthens me!' (Philippians 4:13, King James Version)
I notice most of these people who are blogging & posting about Scam & so such are most likely people who have never bought A Dean Graziosi Book & think that Real Estate is stil done the old fashion way & don't believe that anyone can make money doing the Technics in Deans Book .
just like A Family member told me I was crazy & been Scammed & I can't Do Real Estate Without Money & A Degree & Licenses ............LOL .
I'm like Dumass You don't need A Damn Degree Or Licensens Unless your going to be A Real estate Agent .
A Real Estate Investor doesn't need A damn license or degree .
Unfortunately (for them) ... some people subscribe to the closed-minded mentality of:
"My mind's made up, so don't confuse me with the facts!"
I have experienced this recently, and all you can really do (after initially trying to enlighten them of the truth) is decide to walk away and ignore them.
Spending energy contradicting toxic people is typically pointless ... unless it is someone who we really "care" about and are invested in their attitude change -- because we understand it will contribute to their welfare. Otherwise, who cares what they do?
Fact: The truth does not "stop" being the truth just because some choose to ignore it.
Such people apply this closed-minded mentality to their whole lives, and it is not necessarily specific to Dean. None of us really has to spend time "defending" Dean with our words -- because our paychecks will ultimately do so. He is legitimate. We know it.
What we ** don't ** know is what these people are doing with their own day-to-day lives. We don't know that they don't work hard somewhere (as opposed to fetching welfare or unemployment checks) ... And we don't know how many times they've been conned by others (causing them to lose their trust that the next one isn't a scam too.) For all we know, they have tried "this" and failed -- which is not Dean's fault -- but they feel it is. People have (and also lack) different skills and talents. Everyone is not cut out to do everything well, regardless of the amount of information or cheer leading they receive.
People get bitter for different reasons. Once that happens, it's usually downhill from there.
Our job is just to "take action and succeed" ultimately making Dean proud ... and to not get bitter because someone else thinks (or blogs) it's not possible.
That's my two (okay fine, more like two thousand) cents.
Wishing prosperity to us all !!!
~ Sherri
Like the video of Dean describing the misguided visitor to his house, I wish those who think Dean is a scam and a fake, good thoughts. They're sabotaging themselves in the long run. Dean is far from a fake and a scam. Heck I wouldn't be where I am today getting my feet wet in Real Estate.
People are bitter like this because they have a lot of negativity in their lives and feel that they must be negative themselves.
Also as far as failure, as Dean says and I truly believe that failure is part of success. Its a stepping stone to success. For instance, I just graduated College with a degree in Character Animation. 10 Years ago, I didn't know squat about how to draw or paint. I tried it on my own and I failed countless times but I kept at it everyday. Today I get not only compliments but I get clients begging me to do a drawing or painting for them and they will willingly pay for it too.
The same goes for Real Estate, I was miserable for a long time, but I took action by reading Dean's books and joining this website. My way of thinking has changed and I'm amazed at how far I've gone with this.
I am grateful to Dean, and the rest of the DG family. Dean a scam? FAR FROM IT!!
Together, we can be successful!