* * * UPDATE * * * see end of thread for Updated Dates in February 2012 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Hey DGers,
My wife karen and i are planning a cruise in feb 2011 with the profits from real estate and would like input and or interest from dgers that may be interested in joining us!!!! if you are interested we can talk about the details and share ideas.i would like to get ahold of dean and staff to see if we can make something happen!! just a thought. fun,sun,blue ocean great friends, talk real estate,maybe a seminar by dean or students on one of the days and or a short learning skit each day !!!
if dean and staff couldnt make it all week then maybe fly into one of the ports of call for dinner and or seminar/ or take his family on vacation with us !!!!! AND STAFF!!!! "ask him chip!!!!!!"
if you have any ideas lets hear them and if we can make this happen karen and i would love to work out the details !!!!!!
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I wasn't able to attend the edge event but I know it was amazing. Any time the dg fam can get together in any way is sure to be amazing as well.. A cruise I'm definetly in!! It would be a great bonding experience , no ideas as of yet but if I have any I'll let you know.
God Bless,
Gorgeous Frazier
It sure sounds like a cool idea. It would be really nice. Hey, by then you might own a ship yourself! Will give you a call this week buddy.
This train, Dreams will not be thwarted
This train, Faith will be rewarded
Big wheel roll through fields where sunlight streams
Meet me in the Land Of Hope And Dreams
Bruce Springsteen
...Great idea about the cruise. Please update us on any and all details. ALL ABOARD! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe and Stacey
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
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Joe Jurek CPA
gorgeous: let me know of any ideas or input that u can think of!! that bwould be great
jeremy : def would be cool !! are u in ?? dont own a ship yet but with all the great dg people and motivation that may be there we could def ROCK IT !!
will call you tomorrow to see how deal is coming k?
joe: maybe you could twist deans ear on maybe being a part of it or joining .i know you have some great ideas joe !! how about a book signing on the ship?? i will talk to the captain lol and line it up ???? will keep you posted and any ideas from you will be welcomed.
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Where would you pull out of?? NY,FL
) j/k
Sounds like a good thing, (needs a lot of organizing, Megan
Great idea Jay, let me know if it moves along.
It would be beyond amazing if we could all do something like that!! It would have to be out of either ny or Florida you can do it one of two ways rent a boat but use everyones money to pay for it.. Or get tickets to a huge boat and I'm sure they have conference rooms you can use.. We can make it the Dg annual cruise lol.. But you have to consider how long the cruise becuase some dg"ers have children and a j.o.b "s lol we def should see how many people would respond and want to go and then we can go from there if you need help planning i'd be more than happy to help
A DG cruise, not much real estate on those cruise ships! LOL
Keep us posted, would love to go on another cruise.
... Verses: 35 "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; They will run and not grow weary, They will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31 ...
You might find the island Rina and I are getting in 5 Years.
chris:no not alot of real estate on the ship but we can look at a property when we dock in a port so we can deduct the business expense .....who knows maybe we find a motivated seller ???? OR i believe it could qualify as an education trip if we organize a seminar on board or learning class/info teaching/with dean or students ???? just thinking out loud hopefully we can get more input and ideas.karen and i are not afraid to organize something if we have enough interest.
sorry i did not get a chance to meet you at the edge maybe on the cruise or sooner !!!!
bc:i believe this one leaves florida but they do depart from ny also. ps: did u recieve the pics from edge?
randy: what island r u interested in ??? you and rina will need a ship to get there right? i may have one by then !! or if you are interested in buying one for yourself let me know what u r looking for and how much u have to spend and i will start adv on craigslist to match u up wit one !!! lol for an assignment fee of course !!
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Sounds fabuloso! Keep us posted with the details.
Peace and Blessings,
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us. Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.”
- Nelson Mandela
sorry i havent posted sooner !! if you are interested in a dg cruise let me hear a desired date in feb 2010 and maybe we can get a consesus. if not i will post the dates of ours and any and all dgers are welcome to join or we can book another one for all to join .i am easy to get along with and we dont mind setting a goal to cruise two weeks in a row.we will just have to go out and get a deal done to pay for it !!!!! come on lets hear your thoughts and or dates u would like !!
jay and karen
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these r the dates we are going but if we can get enough to agree on i week sooner on the same ship it may be alot less expensive as the ship may be booking up .IF you are interested in these dates lets hear about it as soon as possible or ....lets book 1 week earlier and i will assemble all the details.please tell me if you r interested and lets get this rolling .when we agree and set the date we will then begin to organize what we can do on the ship such as a seminar or class or just real estate networking and fun !!!
think of fun ,friends,blue ocean,VACATION !!!!!!!MY MIND IS THERE NOWWWWW !!
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sorry the link above will not work and if anyone knows how to delete please let me know
anyway here r the dates and times and ports if anyone wants to go 1 week before we will book it.the prices change from day to so when we get some interest we can get it going !!! COME ON LETS CRUISE !!!
Carnival Cruise Line
2/23/2011 Carnival Miracle
Ft Lauderdale Florida
Wed Ft. Lauderdale Fl Depart at 4:00 pm
Thu Fun Day at Sea
Fri Grand Turk 7:00 am - 3:00pm
Sat Catalina Island
Dominican Rep 9:00 am - 5:00pm
Sun Aruba 12:00 pm - 10:00pm
Mon Curacao 8:00 am - 4:00pm
Tue Fun Day at Sea
Wed Fun Day at Sea
Thu Ft.Lauderdale, Fl 8:00 am
go to carnival.com to check out rates
we booked with First Choice Travel (val) 518-483-8653
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Ok Jay...I'm in...anytime works - before or after your own trip. Let me know if you get enough interest to make it happen! And thanks for offering to organize
my story:
OK LAURA GREAT !!! WE HAVE ONE DGER READY TO GO NOW LETS get more and more to make this an AWESOME time in the sun!! just think in feb we can be sipping on a cold drink talking rei with an amazing group of dg investors!! watching the blue ocean and seeing many ports of call. if you have ANY THOUGHT of going and dont want to post yet pm me and i will give u details of what is involved and costs . the earlier you book the less expensive it is as the ship fills up closer to the sail date. i can tell you it is a fabulous vacation and the most relaxing time u can imagine.
the price of the cruise includes all the food u can eat,awesome shows,great people,ice tea,fruit punch ,lemonade...shopping on the ship,game shows to participate in if u want.,learn how to dance seminars,comedy shows,singing,talent shows,health seminars,dance club,piano bar,casino,MANY things to do !!!!
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If the DG'ers are interested, I also run a travel agency. If we can agree on a date, destination, I can look into this and get some prices.
Sounds wonderful!!! Will pming you for the info soon!!!! I'm excited!!!!
Dont leave me hanging here haha....so far I think I'm the only one....and you know the old saying 'threes a crowd'.....picture the cold, snowy winter and instead you are sitting in the warm sun, talking REI, seeing the sights, and getting a write-off at the same time
my story:
i want in!!!!!! onthelynx95 send me the info.. Thanks!
You'll never be left out!!! Get your bathing suit!!! Let's go!! Hehehe
HEY BRUCE,CHECK ON THESE DATES THAT I HAVE POSTED AND LET ME KNOW WHAT U CAN DO.ALSO IF U WANT TO WORK UP A PRICE FOR THE SAME SHIP 1 WEEK BEFORE WITH THE PORTS OF CALL and 1 week after with them ports and let me know.i have a travel agent i work with all the time but if u get all the info i am sure some dgers will give u some bussiness. if it works out to be 1 week before or after the dates i have booked now then maybe i will also book with you!!!
let us know
COME ON DGERS DONT PASS THIS OPPORTUNITY UP TO NETWORK WITH SOME LIKE MINDED PEOPLE!! AND HAVE FUN IN THE SUN. dg.com shirts ????????? group pictures????? let the ideas flow!!!!!!!!!
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I am sooo interested in this. I would also like some information. Please let me know as soon as possible. Sounds like it will be a blast!!
Expand my knowledge about REI and read 2 more books.
Never Give up and Succeed!
keeping this cruise dream ALIVE !!!.....anyone else interested in this COOOOOL OCEAN BLUE CRUISE???? man is it hot today WOULDNT YOU LIKE TO BE ON A CRUISE SHIP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BLUE OCEAN ?? come on dgers lets get together and network over the carribbean........hey kevin bruce may get us prices and i am in the process of gathering more info but we need a bunch more to come along and enjoy this trip with us!! if u want in lets hear from you !!!!!
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hey dgers we have a few ready to go on this cruise but would love to have MANY more go !!!! make this a business trip !!!we can look at a property or two in ports...who knows we might just own a vacation spot on an island!!
these are some prices that karen gathered TODAY from our travel agent.they r subject to change as feb gets closer and the ship fills up but if u have ANY questions about ANYTHING to do with this or any cruise email my wife at the below email address [email protected] and she will gladly fill you in on anything to do with a cruise!!!she loves cruising as much as i love realestate !!!........
Carnival Miracle 8 day Southern Caribbean
Feb 15, 2011 out of Fort Lauderdale Florida
Tues Feb 15 Ft Lauderdale 4pm
Wed Feb 16 Fun day at sea
Thur Feb 17 Fun day at sea
Fri Feb 18 St Maarten 8 - 5
Sat Feb 19 St Lucia 9 - 5
Sun Feb 20 St Kitts 9 - 4
Mon Feb 21 Fun Day at sea
Tues Feb 22 Fun Day at sea
Wed Feb 23 Fort Lauderdale 8:00 am
Rooms are per person but you have to have double occupancy for this rate
Interior $604.30
Oceanview $754.30
Balcony $904.30
Suite $1424.30
*these prices include Goverment fees and taxes
** extra cost is Prepaid gratuited $80.00 per person ( not included in price)
*** Oil price exceeds $70.00 per barrel Carnival has the right to re-install fuel supplement at $9.00 per day per person
***transfer from airport to ship is around $40.00 per person from Carnival
***taxi from airport to ship is around $25.00 (ofcourse this depends on which airport you fly into)
You can buy soda cards but icetea, fruitpunch, water, coffee, tea are free
these prices are today prices subject to change at anytime
any questions email me at [email protected]
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just keeping this post active !! if anyone is just thinking of going please pm me and let me know.i will give you any info u need.this is just an example of what we can do.there are shorter cruise such as 4-5-7 day cruises !! if anyone has any ideas or suggestion lets hear them !!
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So glad you have initiated it! I know I've been absent off this site for a month or so...(had some things come up with baby stuff, but all is well)...but I'm still hot on the real estate trail once this baby is born (due in 7 days! yay!)
I was just thinking again a couple days ago about a DG cruise and how great it would be. Our REI group in Nashville participates in one on occasion and I always thought it would be a great networking event, a true opportunity, and an absolute blast!
And YOU KNOW HOW I LOVE CRUISES TOO!! So up my alley!!!! Would be so much fun with you and Karen, and a bunch of DG'ers.
So my enthusiasm is HIGH! But I have to tell you...I will most likely be counted out for this one. Our baby will be just over 6 months old, and because I'm a true cruise lover, my husband and I found a cruise that has a new nursery and accepts 6 month olds. We would be leaving in February too. While we haven't booked it yet (and I would SOOOO replace it with this DG cruise!), but this cruise just has programs for 2+ year-olds like most cruises. (And I know the DG cruise isn't about babies....Understandable!) With our baby being just 6 months, I don't think I'd be ready for a 9 day trip without him or her quite yet! (especially just after or before our planned one)
Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for getting the ball rolling on this. And I hope many hop on board. AHHHHH!!! I already hate that I'm missing it. I will definitely catch you guys next time.
Count me in in the future....I will wave the enthusiasm flag with you!!! This could become an annual event that could be HUGE!
Thanks Jay! Hope you guys are doing great!!
Current Journal on Dean's site: The Second Chapter: http://tinyurl.com/p986al3
First Journal on Dean's Site: From the Beginning: http://bit.ly/ocv10
hello and its great to hear from you !! hope everything is ok with you and 7 days?? wow i bet u and the family r excited !!!!!!! karen and i have it booked in feb but still trying to get dgers on board for that week also OR 1 WEEK BEFORE OR 1 WEEK AFTER so we can go a week early with the rest of dg ers or stay on the same ship for a back to back !!! i we can get many to go as you said it will be a BLAST !! and a great opportunity to network!!.I know you said u love to cruise as does karen !!!BUT....you r going anyway in feb so u will enjoy your vacation after the baby comes!! glad your back !!
post the dates u r going and what ship and maybe we can look into going on that one with you !!! unless it is a family time /dont want to crash your already planned trip.let me know and if not i am sure you will go on the next one !! would be awesome to have a yearly cruise get together!!
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Hey Jay, great talking to ya last night. I am working on my wife. I told her maybe we can ask two friends of ours to go so this way she would be comfortable having someone she knows on the boat. So she was luke warm to the idea
I like the 8 day cruise, Just have to find out what the plane fare will be for round trip. I am hoping to have my income taxes back by then but wont count on it. lol. Like I said, I will let you know by the end of next week.
Oh, is there an airport near you? I think If I honestly come to visit I would fly there.
keep up the hard work.
Sounds great, Maybe it can start on the east coast and end up on the west coast? Or visa versa. Then we only have to fly one way.
have not got alot of interest in dg cruise!! a few have inquired but no one has said for sure so i am just shouting out to others that may want to go to get in touch with me !!if not i will still keep this post alive as karen and i have one booked for sure and would love for other dgers to join us!!
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