Totally Free Fax and Voicemail Box!

Totally Free Fax and Voicemail Box!

Hello everyone. Because there are so many of you here that pass on such great info, I thought I'd try to contribute with something I found free.Because I'm new it isn't anything ground breaking or earth shattering. You can forward any phone number to this site to get free voicemail and incoming faxes. All you do is direct your calls to the number they give you on the site. Then you can set up the quality and whether you want to to receive both types or just 1 type) directly to your inbox. The site is I searched and could not find that anyone but me had mentioned it. If this is old info, or in one of the books and it slipped by me, please let me know and I will delete this post.

Hope this helps someone out there! Happy Real Estate investing! Smiling


Thank You for

the info. I signed up for it. I will try and see how it works.


Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.

Prov. 16:3

"I am talented. I am creative. I am greatley favor by God. I am equipped. I am
well able. I will see my dreams come to pass."

Joel Austin

Totally Free Fax and Voicemail Box!

Does the number they give you put any charges on the callers end to their phone bill.



where are you in OK? i raised my kids in Tulsa and hope to be able to invest there soon. i have 2 daughters that still live there and i want to invest where my kids are as well as here in IN.


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
Fear equals:


thanks for the info. i will check into it and see what happens.


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
Fear equals:

more info.

I am Joyce C. I don't understand about voicemail and incoming faxes. Can I get this info. on a land line? What sort of info. is in these messages?

I've been using it since the

I've been using it since the end of February. It doesn't cost the caller or you anything. You simply put the number you want your callers to call into the site, and it directs the phone number there. When a caller leaves you a message, you will get it in your email inbox. If someone needs to fax you something, they fax it to the number you give them, and it comes in your designated inbox.

Say your phone number is 555-555-1234
You got to, and set up a voicemail box for free. You record your voicemail message. You tell k7 the number your customers are going to call, 555-555-1234, and your email address, and it sets it up so your messages will go directly to your inbox. If a customer wants to send you a fax, they can also do so by calling your 555-555-1234 number by transmitting before your voicemail message ends. You can't send faxes, but you will have the ability to receive faxes. What I did is got my own 888# and I forward it there because its easier for me to call someone back when I can try to keep the kids engaged while I'm on the phone. My customers (currently I've been looking for a tenant to fill a vacancy) call my 888# and get charged nothing. Hope that helps explain what it is a little better.


This service for this company is in Seattle and you get a Seattle based number (area code 206). Whether the caller gets charged for the call depends on their service and where they are calling from. I hope that answers your question.


I checked out the site and did not see anywhere on there where it says you can use your own phone number. What I saw was they give you a random number. You said you gave your number to the site and they are directing people to your number. Please let me know if I am understanding you correctly? Thanks for sharing with us.

I have people call my 888#,

I have people call my 888#, not the 206#, but having people call the 206# would work fine as well. However, if someone calls or faxes directly to the 206 #, they'd get charged out of state calls if they didn't have a plan with their phone company that allowed for free out of state calls. If you have call forwarding on your own phone, you can set it up to forward the calls all the time, or just when the line is busy or there is no answer.

The company I bought my 888# lets me direct the 888# to any phone number I want. So, the forwarding for the number is through your own phone company (I'm sorry, I thought I put it in k7, but you actually don't need to), or if you have your own 800#, you can send it there. I'm going to start forwarding my home number there when I'm away as well. I'm going to be getting my first fax next week, but so far, all the voicemails I've gotten have worked great, and it is very convenient.

PS: I got my toll free # at, and my first bill was $4.97 utilizing the k7 voicmail system. Smiling Since my rental is out of state, it was well worth it to have the toll free #! I only had about 25 calls all month though, so once I start getting more calls, I'll upgrade to the $50/mon package for unlimited time and calls.