To get licensed or not...

To get licensed or not...

Hi everybody... I'm new here and looking to hopefully get and give some great advice about property investing.

A question I've been pondering for a while is should I get licensed as a real estate agent if I want to flip property and use the strategies Dean teaches.

Some people say no because it opens you up to more risk as a licensed agent and some say yes as you get easier access to information and save on fees.

Would love to hear what your opinion is.



you could

it wouldn't matter for fees etc, as an agent you can make offers for yourself at least here in san diego you can, & you get comps right away etc. it does cost you to get your license, around $500 depending on the state, then your mls fees.

if you are getting it to be a better investor then i dont see really too much downside. if you just want to be an agent well that is not bad either however you can use yiour license to help you invest so i say go for it.



Go faster do more! GFDM!

Don't bother

If your planning on investing yourself don't bother getting licensed as an realtor. You can go add a good realtor to your team to help you find your deals. Dean teaches you how to find an investor friendly agent. Get his book 30 days to quick cash that he offers on this site for free.


Reynold Orozco

there are pros and cons

to both, but you do have more restrictions when you are licsenced. It is a personal choice really. Reynolds is right that your realtor can do these things for you. My realtor has them on automation.

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