I have to say I've had a lot of stresses in my life lately. The biggest of which is a failure to launch full blast. My construction business has been in a state and for now that feeds us more than real estate, but that's slowly changing. I say all that to say this. I signed up for the tony robbins upw event and when I got the email from denise at tonys office, my mind locked on 1 sentence. "Thursdays fire walk".
" do they think I'm walking on fire with my sissy feet"? It seems all my other stresses went away lol. all I could think about was this frigging firewalk and dear God don't let me freak out. I knew when I got there I had to do it though. I knew if I didn't I'd always regret not taking action. It hit me all of a sudden that wasn't that my why for going?
Oh well it guess it's too late to turn back to my old life now, so I guess I'll just have to "keep moving forward", Rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
somehow I am not afraid of it, but I wonder if I would suddenly be afraid when the time came. I would definitely do it!
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Did it a few years ago. It was really awesome.
I draw from it occasionally, when I get feeling down. I just say to myself
"I walked on fire, and didn't get hurt. So, how can this situation I'm in now possibly hurt me?"
It works every time.
If anyone ever gets the chance to do the fire walk, I would highly recommend doing it.
I was stressing about it til I got there. later that night when we were going to the firewalks I got stressed again but I knew if I didn't go through with it I'd regret it always and that's the reason I went there. Fact of the matter is I wish I could've walked it every night.
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
well hello fellow firewalker
What an awesome experience. Something I can always say I not only did, but rocked it. They recommended to not look down but I wanted to face the fire, to stare it down and watch MY feet walking across it claiming the victory.
I'd do it again in a heartbeat but as you know that wasn't the lesson, just the tool.
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob